HOLY CRAP -- Steve Bannon Is A Bigger Scumbag Than Any Of Us Realized

Styfe is a treasonous piece of shit.

No matter how bad anyone in the Trump regime is, NONE OF THEM are as vile, reprehensible, bigoted or plain fuckin stupid as styfe or any other bed wetter who supported hitlary.

It delights me that these sniveling parasites are so miserable. Trump is a centrist, whether bed wetters like it or not. He is everything turds like Fakey insisted the GOP select. Well the moonbats have their centrist, and they're still whiny, petulant little piss pots.

I really hope they continue to be loud mouthed asshole malcontents and that Trump just ignores them and repeals all the damage their meat puppet faggot enacted. You can't compromise with a parasite. You starve it and kill it.

Prosefully, stated.
I'm just gonna link to the article so you can see this for yourself. Unbelievable. No wonder Trump has a fondness for him.

In the article:

Among the allegations and revelations:

  1. Bannon failed to pay or underpaid child and spousal support at a time when he was making $500,000 a year and was, according to documents he shared, worth much more.
  2. Letters filed with the court by two school administrators allege that Bannon threatened them.
  3. Bannon rarely saw his daughters and at one point did not see them for a full two years. During that time they had no idea where he lived.
  4. In sworn declarations submitted to the court, Piccard says that Bannon was abusive towards his daughters.

The Bannon Files: Divorce Records Reveal Marital Discord and Questionable Parenting

When you all you infantile douche bags going to stop your incessant whining?

If this election proved anything it's that the voters are now ignoring leftwing smears against Republicans.

Reporting facts is "whining" in your warped, demented conservative world?

They aren't facts. They are allegations made by en ex-wife. Those are about as credible as Castro's description of life in Cuba.

I've noticed a common theme with you degenerate fucks -- whenever an ex-wife makes negative comments about a man that you endorse, they're all of a sudden "not facts."

And you guys wonder why you're hated the world over.

The common thing I've noticed about you leftwing douche bags is that you're more than eager to dig up the sleaziest accusations from the least credible sources so you can smear the people who have defeated you. Then you imagine we are all supposed to bow down and treat your despicable attacks as if they were God's truth.
Why do conservatives support so many men who are abusive to their children, rape their wives, sexually assault women, and don't pay child support?

Conservative "family values."

When has any conservative done that?
I'm just gonna link to the article so you can see this for yourself. Unbelievable. No wonder Trump has a fondness for him.

In the article:

Among the allegations and revelations:

  1. Bannon failed to pay or underpaid child and spousal support at a time when he was making $500,000 a year and was, according to documents he shared, worth much more.
  2. Letters filed with the court by two school administrators allege that Bannon threatened them.
  3. Bannon rarely saw his daughters and at one point did not see them for a full two years. During that time they had no idea where he lived.
  4. In sworn declarations submitted to the court, Piccard says that Bannon was abusive towards his daughters.

The Bannon Files: Divorce Records Reveal Marital Discord and Questionable Parenting

When you all you infantile douche bags going to stop your incessant whining?

If this election proved anything it's that the voters are now ignoring leftwing smears against Republicans.

Reporting facts is "whining" in your warped, demented conservative world?

They aren't facts. They are allegations made by en ex-wife. Those are about as credible as Castro's description of life in Cuba.

I've noticed a common theme with you degenerate fucks -- whenever an ex-wife makes negative comments about a man that you endorse, they're all of a sudden "not facts."

And you guys wonder why you're hated the world over.

The common thing I've noticed about you leftwing douche bags is that you're more than eager to dig up the sleaziest accusations from the least credible sources so you can smear the people who have defeated you. Then you imagine we are all supposed to bow down and treat your despicable attacks as if they were God's truth.

Court documents aren't credible? :cuckoo:

"Conservatard logic."
I'm just gonna link to the article so you can see this for yourself. Unbelievable. No wonder Trump has a fondness for him.

In the article:

Among the allegations and revelations:

  1. Bannon failed to pay or underpaid child and spousal support at a time when he was making $500,000 a year and was, according to documents he shared, worth much more.
  2. Letters filed with the court by two school administrators allege that Bannon threatened them.
  3. Bannon rarely saw his daughters and at one point did not see them for a full two years. During that time they had no idea where he lived.
  4. In sworn declarations submitted to the court, Piccard says that Bannon was abusive towards his daughters.

The Bannon Files: Divorce Records Reveal Marital Discord and Questionable Parenting


her side of the divorce.
I'm just gonna link to the article so you can see this for yourself. Unbelievable. No wonder Trump has a fondness for him.

In the article:

Among the allegations and revelations:

  1. Bannon failed to pay or underpaid child and spousal support at a time when he was making $500,000 a year and was, according to documents he shared, worth much more.
  2. Letters filed with the court by two school administrators allege that Bannon threatened them.
  3. Bannon rarely saw his daughters and at one point did not see them for a full two years. During that time they had no idea where he lived.
  4. In sworn declarations submitted to the court, Piccard says that Bannon was abusive towards his daughters.

The Bannon Files: Divorce Records Reveal Marital Discord and Questionable Parenting
he is a drunken statue bower

How does he get the statue drunk?
Why do conservatives support so many men who are abusive to their children, rape their wives, sexually assault women, and don't pay child support?

Conservative "family values."

When has any conservative done that?

Bannon was abusive to his twin daughters, as you can read in the court documents.

Trump raped his first wife, as you can read in her sworn testimony.

Trump admitted to sexually assaulting women, as you can hear on the Access Hollywood hot mic.

Bannon didn't pay child support, as you can read in the court documents.

So, as you can see, reading is something you may want to consider indulging in at some point in your life.
Wait until they find out that Steve Mnuchin recently was working for George Soros!

All of a sudden, they'll LOVE George Soros.
Seriously...just read through that article and read the court documents. This is your fault, conservative scum.
what is our fault, that you're a gullible moron?

Electing Trump, and therefore Bannon as chief strategist. THAT'S your fault, you drooling inbred conservative fuckwit.

I have no problem with Bannon. The fact that you hate him so viciously only convinces me that he's the right man for the job.

That's because you're a petty, emotionally stunted conservative. You think like an 8 year old girl. "Well if YOU don't like him than I know he's the right man for the job so there you big mean poopie head!!!!!"
It's what I know about douche bags like you that tells me what I need to know about Bannon. Your hate is produced by Bannon's effectiveness at beating turds like you into the ground.
When you all you infantile douche bags going to stop your incessant whining?

If this election proved anything it's that the voters are now ignoring leftwing smears against Republicans.

Reporting facts is "whining" in your warped, demented conservative world?

They aren't facts. They are allegations made by en ex-wife. Those are about as credible as Castro's description of life in Cuba.

I've noticed a common theme with you degenerate fucks -- whenever an ex-wife makes negative comments about a man that you endorse, they're all of a sudden "not facts."

And you guys wonder why you're hated the world over.

The common thing I've noticed about you leftwing douche bags is that you're more than eager to dig up the sleaziest accusations from the least credible sources so you can smear the people who have defeated you. Then you imagine we are all supposed to bow down and treat your despicable attacks as if they were God's truth.

Court documents aren't credible? :cuckoo:

"Conservatard logic."

The plaintiffs accusations are not automatically credible. If they were, then why have trials?
Maybe I'll read through all the court documents later, but even just looking at the first document, the emails between the two regarding Archer school, I was immediately struck by the wording and the progress of these emails. I am willing to bet cash that mom acted entirely without discussing the matter with the father first; this is actually a violation of a parents 'legal rights' - as in the parents are until something different is ordered by the court, not supposed to make major decisions/changes regarding various things the kids would be involved in without discussing it fully. (school, church, etc.) Here it is clear in the first email that mom presented it, dad said it needed to be talked about, then the next mail we see is her basically saying "did you pay for it?" That raised a huge red flag for me due to similarities to the custody battle my husband had. She was trying to force him to pay for something he didn't agree with as a power play. The wording of the emails is very similar as well, that overly polite trite smirk in the words.

In any event, divorces are often really nasty and people tend to use their kids to punish or gain an advantage in the proceedings. Emotions go out of control and a lot of shit is thrown at the wall just to see what sticks. Trying to make any judgements off a few highlighted snippets from one side of the courtroom is never advised...
I'm just gonna link to the article so you can see this for yourself. Unbelievable. No wonder Trump has a fondness for him.

In the article:

Among the allegations and revelations:

  1. Bannon failed to pay or underpaid child and spousal support at a time when he was making $500,000 a year and was, according to documents he shared, worth much more.
  2. Letters filed with the court by two school administrators allege that Bannon threatened them.
  3. Bannon rarely saw his daughters and at one point did not see them for a full two years. During that time they had no idea where he lived.
  4. In sworn declarations submitted to the court, Piccard says that Bannon was abusive towards his daughters.

The Bannon Files: Divorce Records Reveal Marital Discord and Questionable Parenting

When you all you infantile douche bags going to stop your incessant whining?

If this election proved anything it's that the voters are now ignoring leftwing smears against Republicans.
Whining about it, are you?
Why do conservatives support so many men who are abusive to their children, rape their wives, sexually assault women, and don't pay child support?

Conservative "family values."

When has any conservative done that?

Bannon was abusive to his twin daughters, as you can read in the court documents.

Trump raped his first wife, as you can read in her sworn testimony.

Trump admitted to sexually assaulting women, as you can hear on the Access Hollywood hot mic.

Bannon didn't pay child support, as you can read in the court documents.

So, as you can see, reading is something you may want to consider indulging in at some point in your life.
So I guess you'll never vote for Bill Clinton for President.

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