Bezos Gets A Big Dose Of Kharma

Bezos is already very politically active. He supports Far Left policies, and candidates. He also owns the Far Left Washington Post.

Why these guys that become wealthy like Bezos, Gates, and most of the others become very, very Liberal/Progressive shows they will use capitalism to get what they want, then once they have it, don't want anybody else to get there. HYPOCRITES.
Cronie Capitalism.

Crony capitalism is a term describing an economy in which success in business depends on close relationships between business people and government officials. It may be exhibited by favoritism in the distribution of legal permits, government grants, special tax breaks, or other forms of state interventionism.
Crony capitalism - Wikipedia
Trump Casinos Got Tax Break Under Christie

Trump Casinos’ Tax Debt Was $30 Million. Then Christie Took Office.
Mmmmm. I love the stench of hypocrisy in the afternoon.

Smells like...victory.
I noticed you didnt answer my 3 questions as typical of a liberal acting like a squirrel..

They're all off to see the Wizard. You know, for a brain. Threads about Bezos's divorce and they can only talk about the President. It really irks them that Trump is the legitimate President of the United States and a rich, successful businessman with a way hotter wife than Bezos's ex-wife, and current girlfriend.
Trump is rich AND the President of the most powerful country in the world. Bezos is rich but will never be President.

Before I comment, again, this thread is being allowed to stay in Politics when it's about a very wealthy online retail giant who is getting a divorce.
If I posted this, it would have been removed by the mods to a distant forum rarely visited. But no, this site isn't bi-assed. No, not at fucking all.

So, my comment is actually a question: Why couldn't one of the most successful businessman in history become POTUS?
He's the all-American dream come true.
He started Amazon in his garage, selling books online.
He really DOES know the art of the deal, unlike Trump who uses coercion and temper tantrums.
Why couldn't one of the most successful businessman in history become POTUS?
He did and he is still married to a gorgeous 1/2 lady who is a real woman, not a tranny in disguise.

Trump is far from being the most successful businessmen in history.
Those guys don't file bankruptcy even ONCE much less six times.
They don't resort to being a clown for a reality TV show after they've squandered their father's money.
Sorry, you're fucking out of it.
How much money do you have again? How much property do you have again? You wife looks like what?

Here's the truth about your dream girl:

Exposing everything except her backside and just love that dildo she's about to swallow.

Poor you.

Oh, and another reality check:
New report reveals scale of Trump's debt and it's breathtaking
Donald Trump's businesses owe $1.8bn to more than 150 different institutions

Mitt is right. Trump is a fraud.


You are a perfect example of a frenzied and rabid (as in having rabies) TDS drooling victim.
Why do you crazed Libs insist on bringing up OUR President when the thread is about Bezos? Jealous?
Litards are all jealous of those that have more money than they do, if the uber wealthy is a liberal, then they are adored, if the uber rich is a republican, then they hate him. They are good little robots and say what their liberal elites tell them to say.. It is for their pitiful amount of FREE stuff that they do what they are told...Just like a peon..
Wow. You are like a carbon copy of my material. You can't even come up with an original thought. What a shame.

And I doubt Bezos is jealous of Fat Donnie's measly imaginary billion dollars.

But Fat Donnie has made it very obvious how jealous of Bezos he is.

And others.
Sociopaths are that way.
They are empty shells who constantly focus their attention on externals and others.
They have poor perceptions of themselves, ergo the stupid hairdo and orange face makeup.

Oh you are just jealous because your rich lib doesnt have hair. Must of done some pretty bad drugs to not be able to grow hair..

My "rich lib"?
Who the fuck are you talking about?
When you get tired of pulling things out of your ass, try facts.
do you know who this guy is?
How can any woman put up with a massively obese septuagenarian in orange clown makeup who cheats on her with porn stars?

Oh, yeah. Maybe a billion.

Why do you crazed Libs insist on bringing up OUR President when the thread is about Bezos? Jealous?
Litards are all jealous of those that have more money than they do, if the uber wealthy is a liberal, then they are adored, if the uber rich is a republican, then they hate him. They are good little robots and say what their liberal elites tell them to say.. It is for their pitiful amount of FREE stuff that they do what they are told...Just like a peon..

They are ripe and begging for Big Gov't to direct every aspect of their lives.
I believe it is called being 'instititionalized'.
poor poor billy, after 8 years of Obama's great recovery, you would think that there wouldn't be any income inequality. Why did it get so large under the 1/2 white fagot?
Learn how to spell, pinhead. Or sick to short words, less then 5 letters.

Try not to look like a moron. :finger3:
I noticed you didnt answer my 3 questions as typical of a liberal acting like a squirrel..

They're all off to see the Wizard. You know, for a brain. Threads about Bezos's divorce and they can only talk about the President. It really irks them that Trump is the legitimate President of the United States and a rich, successful businessman with a way hotter wife than Bezos's ex-wife, and current girlfriend.
Um...retard? Did you see who is the first person named in the opening post yet? :lol:

Trump's a rich successful businessman, eh?

Crony capitalism, eh?

Remember when Trump said avoiding taxes means he's smart?

Looking at Bezos' net worth, I guess that makes him 40 times smarter than Trump.

And he did it without his daddy constantly bailing him out.
How can any woman put up with a massively obese septuagenarian in orange clown makeup who cheats on her with porn stars?

Oh, yeah. Maybe a billion.

Why do you crazed Libs insist on bringing up OUR President when the thread is about Bezos? Jealous?

Because... the OP brought up Trump? :dunno:
There's the rub....Bezos can't stop bringing up Trump.
The Man Child loves the attention.

He's a narcissist.
What does it say about the character of those that take some creepy joy in a marriage ending? Nothing good I am afraid.
So you would want Jeffies wife to stay with her man, even after he fucked another woman? How would you feel if your fagot partner slept with another man got infected by Aides then came back to you? Divorce him or stay?

You clearly didn’t get my point, but that’s not very surprising as you are a man of very little character.
Jeebus. Bezos owns a newspaper and he learned nothing from the Weiner Roast?
After close to a year of trying to break up Donald Trump and his wife, Jeff Bezos is getting what he deserves. A bad divorce.

Trump must be laughing his ass off over this:


By Danny Cevallos
Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos announced this week that he and his wife MacKenzie are seeking a divorce. The two were married in 1993 and have four children. Bezos founded the company in 1994, just after his marriage.

Bezos is considered to be the world's richest man, with an estimated worth of $147 billion. He also reportedly did not have a prenuptial agreement with MacKenzie. That means, following his divorce, his wife could become one of the world’s richest women.

There are two main approaches to dividing up marital property in the United States: “equitable division” and “community property.”

Most states utilize the common law, “equitable distribution” approach, where the default position is that each spouse holds their property during the marriage separately.

In New York, for example, when both spouses equally contribute to a long marriage, the courts attempt to divide property equally. However, equitable distribution does not necessarily mean equal distribution. Equitable distribution views marriage as an economic partnership to which both parties contribute as spouse, parent, wage earner or homemaker.

The distribution of assets depends not just on the financial contribution of each spouse, but also on a wide range of unpaid services to the partnership, such as homemaking, raising children and providing the emotional support to sustain the other spouse at work.

Washington, where Bezos and his estranged wife reside, is one of a handful of states that utilize the “community property” approach. Each spouse has an interest in the community property, and there is no separate spousal property. All property acquired after the date of the marriage is presumptively community property, regardless of how it is treated during the marriage. A spouse who wants to overcome this presumption has the burden of showing by clear and convincing proof that a specific piece of property falls within an exception to the rule.

Washington courts may not consider any allegations of marital misconduct when distributing property. That means that a spouse’s “immoral or physically abusive conduct within the marital relationship” will not generally affect the distribution by the court.

The real challenge in the Bezos case may not be for the couple; it may be for the court, which is required to somehow value the marital property. A Washington trial court that inherits the Bezos case has to value the assets of a couple whose net worth reportedly exceeds that of Iceland, Tunisia, Jamaica and Estonia combined, all while an understaffed court manages the rest of its overflowing docket.

The ultimate objective of the court is not mathematical precision, but fairness. Especially in a marriage of 25 years or more,.......


The Bezos divorce, explained
What makes you think he was trying to break up tRump?
How can any woman put up with a massively obese septuagenarian in orange clown makeup who cheats on her with porn stars?

Oh, yeah. Maybe a billion.

Why do you crazed Libs insist on bringing up OUR President when the thread is about Bezos? Jealous?
Litards are all jealous of those that have more money than they do, if the uber wealthy is a liberal, then they are adored, if the uber rich is a republican, then they hate him. They are good little robots and say what their liberal elites tell them to say.. It is for their pitiful amount of FREE stuff that they do what they are told...Just like a peon..

They are ripe and begging for Big Gov't to direct every aspect of their lives.
I believe it is called being 'instititionalized'.
poor poor billy, after 8 years of Obama's great recovery, you would think that there wouldn't be any income inequality. Why did it get so large under the 1/2 white fagot?
Learn how to spell, pinhead. Or sick to short words, less then 5 letters.

Try not to look like a moron. :finger3:
Learn how to spell, pinhead. Or sick to short words, less then 5 letters.
From your quote, and you call me a pinhead? Bwaaahhhaaaaaa, you are too fucking funny....
Even the richest man in the world can't escape scrutiny, nor personal failure. I love it. He's a progressive D Bag.

Money can NOT buy you class, nor character.
Last edited:
What does it say about the character of those that take some creepy joy in a marriage ending? Nothing good I am afraid.
So you would want Jeffies wife to stay with her man, even after he fucked another woman? How would you feel if your fagot partner slept with another man got infected by Aides then came back to you? Divorce him or stay?

You clearly didn’t get my point, but that’s not very surprising as you are a man of very little character.
I got it quite clear, the man cheated on is wife, liberals love to do that all the time, then you are saying we are relishing the idea that he is going to be divorced. Yeah, maybe so, since all you guys did during the 2016 elections is call US deplorables...
Trump makes a p*ssy comment over twenty years ago, and that gets played in the media 24/7, and he still was ELECTED President. Bezos has an affair, and blatantly disrespects a woman he was married to for 25 years, and that's OK. Hypocrisy is the Left's middle name.
Trump is rich AND the President of the most powerful country in the world. Bezos is rich but will never be President.

Before I comment, again, this thread is being allowed to stay in Politics when it's about a very wealthy online retail giant who is getting a divorce.
If I posted this, it would have been removed by the mods to a distant forum rarely visited. But no, this site isn't bi-assed. No, not at fucking all.

So, my comment is actually a question: Why couldn't one of the most successful businessman in history become POTUS?
He's the all-American dream come true.
He started Amazon in his garage, selling books online.
He really DOES know the art of the deal, unlike Trump who uses coercion and temper tantrums.
Why couldn't one of the most successful businessman in history become POTUS?
He did and he is still married to a gorgeous 1/2 lady who is a real woman, not a tranny in disguise.
1/2 lady who is not a tranny?

The meth is real in this guy.
Trump is rich AND the President of the most powerful country in the world. Bezos is rich but will never be President.

Before I comment, again, this thread is being allowed to stay in Politics when it's about a very wealthy online retail giant who is getting a divorce.
If I posted this, it would have been removed by the mods to a distant forum rarely visited. But no, this site isn't bi-assed. No, not at fucking all.

So, my comment is actually a question: Why couldn't one of the most successful businessman in history become POTUS?
He's the all-American dream come true.
He started Amazon in his garage, selling books online.
He really DOES know the art of the deal, unlike Trump who uses coercion and temper tantrums.
Why couldn't one of the most successful businessman in history become POTUS?
He did and he is still married to a gorgeous 1/2 lady who is a real woman, not a tranny in disguise.
1/2 lady who is not a tranny?

The meth is real in this guy.
Not that hard to see at all, unless you have your head up your ass.

Trump is rich AND the President of the most powerful country in the world. Bezos is rich but will never be President.

Before I comment, again, this thread is being allowed to stay in Politics when it's about a very wealthy online retail giant who is getting a divorce.
If I posted this, it would have been removed by the mods to a distant forum rarely visited. But no, this site isn't bi-assed. No, not at fucking all.

So, my comment is actually a question: Why couldn't one of the most successful businessman in history become POTUS?
He's the all-American dream come true.
He started Amazon in his garage, selling books online.
He really DOES know the art of the deal, unlike Trump who uses coercion and temper tantrums.
Why couldn't one of the most successful businessman in history become POTUS?
He did and he is still married to a gorgeous 1/2 lady who is a real woman, not a tranny in disguise.
1/2 lady who is not a tranny?

The meth is real in this guy.
Not that hard to see at all, unless you have your head up your ass.

one over two means half

you called melania a half lady, ya fuggin crack addict

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