Georgia Congressman Rich McCormick is divorcing the mother of his 7 children to shack up with Texan Congresswoman Beth Van Duyne

Less and less want a family. That's the trend.

Your call.

I am not even going to say you are missing out.

I wanted one, have one, and it is fantastic.

But, if you don't want one...and have observation is that it's a dreadful life.
Your call.

I am not even going to say you are missing out.

I wanted one, have one, and it is fantastic.

But, if you don't want one...and have observation is that it's a dreadful life.
I'm retired. Have 3 kids of my own. Have had a great life.
Your call.

I am not even going to say you are missing out.

I wanted one, have one, and it is fantastic.

But, if you don't want one...and have observation is that it's a dreadful life.
Only way to go....
Shouldn't he have taken that marriage to full term?

I mean he's committing adultery and shacking up with a fellow lawmaker.

It just seems extra wrong.

I will take Progressives seriously when they tell me they’d have a problem if he was he showering with his daughter
Shouldn't he have taken that marriage to full term?

I mean he's committing adultery and shacking up with a fellow lawmaker.

It just seems extra wrong.
Switch your Username to God and have done with it ,.
Which mountain top do you live on ?
To the left, it's falling in love with a woman that's awful. If he came home in a dress. If he fell madly in love with a senate boy intern and wanted a divorce to be his authentic self. It would be a different story.
Hahaha! Spot on!!!
Shouldn't he have taken that marriage to full term?

I mean he's committing adultery and shacking up with a fellow lawmaker.

It just seems extra wrong.

It actually just seems as though you are calling out conservatives on their own rules. This is a common tactic of the Left…. Hold everyone accountable to their own rules yet the Left is the last ones to embrace Personal Accountability.
Divorce is high due to the selfish interests of spouses. A good marriage requires dedication to the other partner.
It actually just seems as though you are calling out conservatives on their own rules. This is a common tactic of the Left…. Hold everyone accountable to their own rules yet the Left is the last ones to embrace Personal Accountability.
That is true for both the left AND the right.
I've dated many women and am good at noticing the red flags. The woman I am engaged to checks all the boxes for an ideal partner.
I've dated many women and am good at noticing the red flags. The woman I am engaged to checks all the boxes for an ideal partner.
I get it. My daughter, who's first husband ran out on her leaving her with two little kids, is older now and wants to find a partner but once a spouse does this, the trust factor is difficult.
I get it. My daughter, who's first husband ran out on her leaving her with two little kids, is older now and wants to find a partner but once a spouse does this, the trust factor is difficult.
A marriage is built on trust and once that is destroyed the marriage is over.

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