Georgia Congressman Rich McCormick is divorcing the mother of his 7 children to shack up with Texan Congresswoman Beth Van Duyne

Congress has become the love boat. No wonder most Americans are disatisfied with it. We send them to congress to represent us and then they would rather screw around instead.
Shouldn't he have taken that marriage to full term?

I mean he's committing adultery and shacking up with a fellow lawmaker.

It just seems extra wrong.

I don't know if any of that is true, since it is behind a paywall.

But, I will say as a general observation, that before they decided to have seven kids, they should have been sure the marriage was permanent.
I will say as a general observation, that before they decided to have seven kids, they should have been sure the marriage was permanent.
The guy is a self absorbed asshole. The kids are the ones that will suffer because their dad couldn't keep his johnson in his pants.

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