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Holy Land Skunks: Something Rotten in Israel

Along with a nuclear weapons free Middle East?
'Think Centcom will go along with that?
No doubt Georgie Boy would like to see Israel give up its nukes. By virtue of the enormous Arab population (even without nukes), they could run over riny Israel and wipe it out. This is what Georgie Boy is hoping for. Has Israel ever used its nukes, Georgie Boy? All they have been is for is a deterrent to stop your friends from acting up. Plus Skunk spray.
It seems these people thrive on being despised.

The hatred Israelis foster in Palestinians and fraternal Arabs is the kind of poison that motivates suicidal terrorism.

I wouldn't want to be hated that passionately.
In the nothing lasts forever catagory:

"When it comes to Israel, President Obama, and most of the Congress as well, can’t tell the difference between fair and foul. That is because they live in a peculiar professional world whose parameters, in reference to Israel and Palestine, are defined by a Zionist lobby with Orwellian powers..."

"That this should go on 'forever,' as the president claims, is just hyperbole. Consider the fact that a recent CIA report calls into question the Zionist state’s ability to last for more than another twenty years.

"No, the bad smell coming from Israel denotes internal socio-political rot, as well as rotten tactics toward non-Jewish inhabitants.

"Sooner or later everyone possessing a humane conscience, to say nothing of a functioning honest nose, will refuse to have anything to do with this 'apartheid-like' state."

Something is Rotten in the State of Israel » Counterpunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

Within the next twenty years (months?) the US and global economy is likely to CRASH loudly enough to focus American attention spans the same way 911 did, except this time the consequences will resonate for decades if not generations.

When that happens, the Pentagon and the CIA won't be able to borrow enough money to fund invasions and occupations in faraway places like Iraq or Palestine. That's when the "chosen people" will have to choose between Jewish State or Democratic State, and I suspect they'll get it wrong if they still have control of dozens of nuclear weapons.
No doubt Georgie Boy would like to see Israel give up its nukes. By virtue of the enormous Arab population (even without nukes), they could run over riny Israel and wipe it out. This is what Georgie Boy is hoping for. Has Israel ever used its nukes, Georgie Boy? All they have been is for is a deterrent to stop your friends from acting up. Plus Skunk spray.
It seems these people thrive on being despised.

The hatred Israelis foster in Palestinians and fraternal Arabs is the kind of poison that motivates suicidal terrorism.

I wouldn't want to be hated that passionately.
Being despised by the irrational, radical bigots is a reward.
Sure. Until one of them straps on a bomb vest and kills your kids.

One thing worth going well out of your way to avoid is pissing off someone who is ready to die just to hurt you. The Western mind has trouble comprehending the full menace of such a threat.
Wheee, Larry Davidson teaches at what used to be known as 'West Chester State'.....now they claim it's a university. Just another loony ultra-leftist college prof who is invested in being 'anti-establishment' while he's on the Government payroll (and generous pension plan)........ Someone who calls Bradley Manning a 'Global Hero'.
Bradley Manning is a hero while Obama, by comparison, is merely another corporate tool perpetuating the murder, maiming, and displacement of the poor worldwide for the benefit of the 1%:

"President Obama had an interview with Israel’s Channel 2 TV station on 15 March 2013, just before he left to visit that country. In the interview he stated that he admires Israel’s 'core values.'

"The Israeli journalist Gideon Levy, who has an honest nose for these things, editorially asked Obama which values he was talking about?

"The dehumanization of the Palestinians?

"The attitude toward African migrants?

"The arrogance, racism and nationalism?

"Is this what he admires? Don’t separate buses for Palestinians remind him of something? Doesn’t two communities living on the same land, one with full rights and the other with no rights, ring a bell . . . ?

"To admire 'core values' while knowing we’re talking about one of the most racist countries there is, with a separation wall and apartheid-like policies, means betraying the core values of the American civil rights movement that made the Obama miracle possible."

Something is Rotten in the State of Israel » Counterpunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

"Lawrence Davidson is professor of history at West Chester University where he has taught since 1986. He received his BA from Rutgers University, an MA from Georgetown University and his Ph.D. from the University of Alberta in Canada.

"He is the author of America's Palestine: Popular and Official Perceptions from Balfour to Israeli Statehood (University Press of Florida, 2001), Islamic Fundamentalism (Greenwood Press, 2003), Foreign Policy, Inc.: Privatizing American National Interest (University of Kentucky Press, 2009), co-author with Arthur Goldschmidt of the Concise History of the Middle East, 9th and 10th editions (Westview Press, 2009 and 2012) and, most recently, Cultural Genocide (Rutgers University Press, 2012).

"He has also written numerous articles on US perceptions of and policies toward the Middle East.

"Over the last twenty years Professor Davidson has taken on the role of public intellectual and has sought to heighten public awareness of the nature and consequences of US policies in the Middle East."

Department of History - West Chester University

What's your biggest problem with US academics who reveal Israel's racist, arrogant, and nationalistic character?
Does anyone really think that Georgie Boy cares what is happening in the Muslim world? If the Israel or America is not to blame for anything, he just closes his eyes. However, he does love those Leftist Jews. We have to say that about him. Georgie Boy, it actually sounds like you are aptly describing the Muslim world when you say "racist, arrogant, and nationalistic character." Yessiree, those living in the Muslim world (if they are non Muslims or not Muslims of the favored sects) are certainly treated so fairly and nicely. If only Georgie Boy could live in Israel for a while and then try out some Muslim countries, he would actually see what is going on.
Along with a nuclear weapons free Middle East?
'Think Centcom will go along with that?
No doubt Georgie Boy would like to see Israel give up its nukes. By virtue of the enormous Arab population (even without nukes), they could run over riny Israel and wipe it out. This is what Georgie Boy is hoping for. Has Israel ever used its nukes, Georgie Boy? All they have been is for is a deterrent to stop your friends from acting up. Plus Skunk spray.
Surely, you jest:

"This is an ironclad pledge which says that the United States will provide whatever support is necessary for Israel to maintain military superiority over any state or coalition of states, as well as non-state actors,' Panetta told the top pro-Israel lobby in Washington, AIPAC.

"He touted President Barack Obama’s record of security assistance to Israel, saying the administration has 'dramatically' increased military aid since Obama entered the White House in 2009.

“This year, the president’s budget requests $3.1 billion in security assistance to Israel, compared to $2.5 billion in 2009,” said Panetta, according to a prepared text of the speech delivered to the American Israel Public Affairs Committee.

"Panetta cited advanced missile and rocket defenses and plans to deliver the new F-35 fighter jet to Israel, which he said would provide the country with 'unquestioned' air superiority."

US will ensure Israel?s ?military superiority?: Panetta | World | DAWN.COM

Maybe you and your homeboys at AIPAC should saddle up and help "tiny Israel" survive the savage Muslim horde?
Georgie Boy seems to forget that he is the one who is actually a Homeboy. I wonder if he feels a Jewish landlord treated him wrong because he really doesn't seem to care what else goes on in the Middle East when it doesn't involve the Jews. Regardless of what Israel has been promised, Georgie Boy, do you really think this pledge would stop the Arabs from trying to destroy Israel? By the way, Georgie Boy, glad to see you using Dawn.com. That on-line news source certainly does give a lot of information of what is happening in the Muslim world with regard to Southeast Asia. In fact, if it wasn't for sources like Dawn.com, many people would have no idea just what is actually going on there.
Here's another:

"Professor Noam Chomsky, delivering the 2013 Edward W Said Lecture: Violence and Dignity – Reflections on the Middle East at Friends House in London on 18 March 2013."

Noam Chomsky: Violence and dignity ? reflections on the Middle East | Israeli Occupation Archive
Pearls of wisdom from an old fart who is only suited for sitting around, picking his nose and scratching his ass.
More pearls from the smartest Jew alive:

"Take a look at the year-end issue of Foreign Affairs, the main establishment journal. Its big front-page cover asks, in bold face, 'Is America Over?'

"It’s a standard complaint of those who believe they should have everything.

"If you believe you should have everything and anything gets away from you, it’s a tragedy, the world is collapsing.

"So is America over?

"A long time ago we 'lost' China, we’ve lost Southeast Asia, we’ve lost South America. Maybe we’ll lose the Middle East and North African countries.

"Is America over? It’s a kind of paranoia, but it’s the paranoia of the superrich and the superpowerful. If you don’t have everything, it’s a disaster."

Noam Chomsky: Why it?s ?legal? when the US does it | Israeli Occupation Archive
Here's another:

"Professor Noam Chomsky, delivering the 2013 Edward W Said Lecture: Violence and Dignity – Reflections on the Middle East at Friends House in London on 18 March 2013."

Noam Chomsky: Violence and dignity ? reflections on the Middle East | Israeli Occupation Archive
Pearls of wisdom from an old fart who is only suited for sitting around, picking his nose and scratching his ass.
More pearls from the smartest Jew alive:

"Take a look at the year-end issue of Foreign Affairs, the main establishment journal. Its big front-page cover asks, in bold face, 'Is America Over?'

"It’s a standard complaint of those who believe they should have everything.

"If you believe you should have everything and anything gets away from you, it’s a tragedy, the world is collapsing.

"So is America over?

"A long time ago we 'lost' China, we’ve lost Southeast Asia, we’ve lost South America. Maybe we’ll lose the Middle East and North African countries.

"Is America over? It’s a kind of paranoia, but it’s the paranoia of the superrich and the superpowerful. If you don’t have everything, it’s a disaster."

Noam Chomsky: Why it?s ?legal? when the US does it | Israeli Occupation Archive
It's very nice that you found a Jew that you like, Georgie Boy because what he says fits in perfectly with the way you think of America. However, there are those of us who think he should just stick to Linguistics since we think that is where his expertise lies. Maybe you and he can save Africa by going to fight the Islamists there. It would actually give you something to do. By the way, Georgie Boy, nothing is stopping either you or him from going to the swearing-in ceremonies of the new American citizens and tell them they made a mistake by coming here -- even though there are millions of people around the world who greatly desire to come here. Why not trade places with one of them?
"The New York Times describes the 'defining policy quandary of the Arab Spring: how to square contradictory American impulses that include support for democratic change, a desire for stability, and wariness of Islamists who have become a potent political force.” The Times identifies three U.S. goals. What do you make of them?

Two of them are accurate. The United States is in favor of stability. But you have to remember what stability means.

"Stability means conformity to U.S. orders.

"So, for example, one of the charges against Iran, the big foreign policy threat, is that it is destabilizing Iraq and Afghanistan. How? By trying to expand its influence into neighboring countries.

"On the other hand, we 'stabilize' countries when we invade them and destroy them."

History's Smartest Jew
"It is said that the devil has about him the smell of fire and brimstone (sulphur). Evil deeds are often described as 'most foul...'” "The Israeli army has recently dedicated itself to demonstrating this association. "Back on 6 March 2013 the Middle East Monitor reported that 'Israeli forces have sprayed Palestinian homes in the village of Nabi Saleh with Skunk as a punishment for organizing weekly protests against the Apartheid Wall built on occupied land.[/i]
So, arab occupiers smelled like devil. Don't they always, anyway?
Something old, something new: Something Slow, something Jew?

"30 March 2013 — Palestinians are today commemorating with action Land Day, a day in 1976 when Israeli military forces shot and killed six young Palestinian citizens of Israel. These brave youth were among thousands protesting the Israeli government’s expropriation of Palestinian land.

"Many of the same policies of land theft and slow ethnic cleansing of the indigenous Palestinians are still being intensively pursued by the Israeli government, particularly in Jerusalem, the Jordan Valley and the Naqab (Negev).

"Large demonstrations to commemorate Land Day are today taking place across all of historical Palestine and among Palestinian refugee communities in exile."

Demonstrations across Palestine and international BDS actions mark Palestinian Land Day | BDSmovement.net

Got an alibi for 30 March '76, drivel?
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Something Old:

"There is no need to point out that after a hundred years of frantic archaeological searching by devout Christians and Zionist zealots, not a shred of concrete evidence for the conquest of Canaan has been found (nor that the Kingdoms of Saul, David or Salomon ever existed)."

?Pour Out Your Wrath!? » Counterpunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

Old lies so the slaves don't feel guilty about stealing land and water in Palestine.
Something Old: "There is no need to point out that after a hundred years of frantic archaeological searching by devout Christians and Zionist zealots, not a shred of concrete evidence for the conquest of Canaan has been found (nor that the Kingdoms of Saul, David or Salomon ever existed)." Counterpunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names Old lies so the slaves don't feel guilty about stealing land and water in Palestine.
Cool, so, palistanian claims of being eons-old is drivel. We'll buy that, of course. Wish counterponchos were always as useful.
Something Old: "There is no need to point out that after a hundred years of frantic archaeological searching by devout Christians and Zionist zealots, not a shred of concrete evidence for the conquest of Canaan has been found (nor that the Kingdoms of Saul, David or Salomon ever existed)." Counterpunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names Old lies so the slaves don't feel guilty about stealing land and water in Palestine.
Cool, so, palistanian claims of being eons-old is drivel. We'll buy that, of course. Wish counterponchos were always as useful.
Moses lied for your sins.
Something Old: "There is no need to point out that after a hundred years of frantic archaeological searching by devout Christians and Zionist zealots, not a shred of concrete evidence for the conquest of Canaan has been found (nor that the Kingdoms of Saul, David or Salomon ever existed)." Counterpunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names Old lies so the slaves don't feel guilty about stealing land and water in Palestine.
Cool, so, palistanian claims of being eons-old is drivel. We'll buy that, of course. Wish counterponchos were always as useful.
Moses lied for your sins.
To counterponchos?

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