Holy S**t It's HOT!!!!!

I thought the humidity was bad in the DFW area, until I moved to Wisconsin. We don't get the high temperatures here but when it gets up to 90 degrees and 80% humidity, it reminds me of the summers when I was a brick and block mason, sweating my ass off in the Texas heat.

Luckily it's only 70 degrees and 80% humidity today, but we're still under an air quality alert from those damned Canadians and their fires.
We get the same here in Mizzouri but it is hotter, hell, I used to lay ladreo and blocka with mescula in the Texass, Okiehoma, Arkansass and Mizzoui sun..It helped to keep me thin and sexy...
Hot and windy has been the weather here. Today my little rooftop wind gauge measured 45 and 50mph gusts with 30mph sustained winds. When this gets to you folks in Texas it won't be pretty.
It's 75F here in the CA mountains. Nice breeze, fish starting to jump in my pond. Don't worry though pretty soon it will hit 100F.
Over 100 degrees every day this week, starting last week!
Up to 103 degrees in my area! Humidity at 50%, so it feels like 140 degrees!
And this is with the wind blowing!!

Supposed to get back below 100 degrees next week.
Welcome to Summertime which on June 21st was the longest day of the year. Luckily each day the sunshine is a little shorter until....December 22nd when it will be the shortest day of the year and much colder. Isnt it funny how when it is hot, the Marxists say "Globull Warming" but then when it gets cold outside they say "Weather".
That was what I was thinking.

I thought more humidity means it feels hotter?


90 degrees with 80% humidity feels like 113 degrees, or as I like to call it, Tuesday...

Over 100 degrees every day this week, starting last week!
Up to 103 degrees in my area! Humidity at 50%, so it feels like 140 degrees!
And this is with the wind blowing!!

Supposed to get back below 100 degrees next week.
Only 105 in Ft Worth today. That's extra blanket weather. When it gets to 115 for a week I'll turn on a fan.
Only 105 in Ft Worth today. That's extra blanket weather. When it gets to 115 for a week I'll turn on a fan.
I heard a story one time about an outlaw who got himself gunned down in the street in Yuma Arizona in those days. Couple days later the bartender saw him walking down the street, said to him, "I saw you shot dead, I figured you'd be in hell by now"
The dead outlaw replied" yeah, but they let me come back to get my blankets so I won't freeze at night"
I heard a story one time about an outlaw who got himself gunned down in the street in Yuma Arizona in those days. Couple days later the bartender saw him walking down the street, said to him, "I saw you shot dead, I figured you'd be in hell by now"
The dead outlaw replied" yeah, but they let me come back to get my blankets so I won't freeze at night"
My old man lives by Yuma.
Only 105 in Ft Worth today. That's extra blanket weather. When it gets to 115 for a week I'll turn on a fan.

Now THAT is a 150% Texan speaking there!!! LOL

Like a friend I had in East Texas.........during the summer, he'd crank the ac as cold as it would get, so he wouldnt have to take the comforter off his bed! Lazy fuck.
Over 100 degrees every day this week, starting last week!
Up to 103 degrees in my area! Humidity at 50%, so it feels like 140 degrees!
And this is with the wind blowing!!

Supposed to get back below 100 degrees next week.

It was 109 degrees in phoenix at about 3 pm lol

What is odd is it was semi-tolerable but you know you cannot stay in that enviroment for too long before you drop dead.
Your body temp is 97 degrees
At 109 degrees you are vastly collecting too much heat . Works the same as an engine.
Only so much extra heat you can absorb until you drop dead

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