Holy Sh*t: 73 Year Old Ann Margret Makes Comeback Looking More Stunning At Ever

Nobody has the right to look as good as Ann Margeret does, for as long as she has.

When they were handing-out Good Looks in Heaven, I think Ann went back for seconds - and thirds.
Although some of the next and next-next-gen types are mankillers, as well...
Nobody has the right to look as good as Ann Margeret does, for as long as she has.

When they were handing-out Good Looks in Heaven, I think Ann went back for seconds - and thirds.

I will not be surprised if men are lining up at her door.
Just an older lady in her natural state.
All good by me.
Under a 'microscope' by the look of it.
Take the camera back a bit, have a good makeup artist and hairdresser do their work, and she'd look just fine.

Good makeup, blonde hair...she'd look her best.

I'm not her biggest fan.
...but of late she's been kind to Australia and New Zealand.

Here she is, live in NZ, in 2010; nothing like the photo posted;

Close Up: Hillary Clinton in New Zealand .

Given the viciousness with which some people attack Mrs. Clinton for her appearance, which is pretty normal for most American women her age, I wonder what you all think of your wives and mothers, or grandmothers, aunts, etc.. Do you attack and ridicule them for looking their age? Suggest they are worthless, ugly hags?

When you are worth $100 MILLION, and PLEAD POVERTY, the bitch should be able to look like she was 45 again! Perhaps get rid of the YELLOW TEETH, but there is NOTHING a surgeon can fix when she has an evil heart!

What would the Right do without Photoshop?
The thing is, when you attack a woman for her looks when it is her politics you don't like, it is as if you are attacking all women for their looks instead their character; it is as if what is most important about a woman is her looks rather than her character.

You don't like Clinton's politics, fine. Attack those. Her looks have nothing whatsoever to do with her value as a human being or her value as a politician. Abe Lincoln was an extremely ugly man, but no one harps on that. It was and is his value as a politician and president that people think of. With male politicians, we don't focus on their looks. It should be the same for female politicians. Men in particular need to stop talking about T & A, wrinkles, etc., regarding female politicians and just focus on their policies and political behavior.

Are you really this stupid? Do you remember the Nixon JFK debate on TV (you probably weren't even thought of back then!) Nixon refused to wear TV makeup and had 5 o'clock shadow, while JFK had makeup and looked so much younger. THAT DEBATE, even though most agree, if you heard it on radio, Nixon won easily, BUT all the MSM could talk about was how BAD Nixon looked.... and it's acknowledged to have been one of the most significant turning points of that presidential race!

So try and use whatever small IQ you have left to realize that LOOKS HELP A CANDIDATE... just look at the PRECIEVED good looks of the mulatto in the White house, and remember Joe "the world's DUMBEST politician" Biden's description of Obama...."I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy, " Biden said. "I mean, that's a storybook, man."

Is this a WAR ON WOMEN, or do you "girls" want to be treated EQUALLY? Now, please fade away before you look even more like the fool you are!

Oh my goodness, aren't you abusive. So telling.

I'll respond once and only once to someone of your caliber, one who apparently doesn't understand the value of character.

The example you cite is not an example of people consciously abusing Nixon for his looks. It is an example of people unconsciously acting on the physical impression of someone; as well, it was not his looks that were the issue, not his physical characteristics, as much as his facial expressions and the expressions in his eyes. No one was saying he looked old or wrinkled or ugly. They were going by demeanor, not his 'beauty.'

Also, I find it fascinating that supposedly mature adults cite the idea of others did it so I can do it too as a reason for their behavior. Isn't that what we teach our children not to do, or should be teaching them not to do? If your child, for instance, says Johnny smokes pot so I should be able to do so also, don't you say, that's not a reason, that's not an excuse. He is behaving badly and if you want to behave well, don't copy what Johnny does.

So, if people did not like Nixon because of his appearance in some way, is that really an excuse for a mature, apparently intelligent and mature, adult to do the same? Can't you, as you would like your child to do, rise above the bad behavior of others?

In addition, the abuse heaped upon Mrs. Clinton, regarding her appearance, has to do with her being female: which clearly indicates misogyny or chauvinism and indicates to others who do like and value women, that the opposition does not like women and feels free to abuse them based on their looks. That, of course, is one reason why a large majority of women in the US do not vote the GOP ticket, because people like you feel so free to put down women in general: as you have done in the above post.

And I’m done with you. I don’t engage in dialogue with posters who are abusive as you are. Your abuse, btw, indicates you have little of value to say, so you just revert to being base.
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The thing is, when you attack a woman for her looks when it is her politics you don't like, it is as if you are attacking all women for their looks instead their character; it is as if what is most important about a woman is her looks rather than her character.

You don't like Clinton's politics, fine. Attack those. Her looks have nothing whatsoever to do with her value as a human being or her value as a politician. Abe Lincoln was an extremely ugly man, but no one harps on that. It was and is his value as a politician and president that people think of. With male politicians, we don't focus on their looks. It should be the same for female politicians. Men in particular need to stop talking about T & A, wrinkles, etc., regarding female politicians and just focus on their policies and political behavior.

Are you really this stupid? Do you remember the Nixon JFK debate on TV (you probably weren't even thought of back then!) Nixon refused to wear TV makeup and had 5 o'clock shadow, while JFK had makeup and looked so much younger. THAT DEBATE, even though most agree, if you heard it on radio, Nixon won easily, BUT all the MSM could talk about was how BAD Nixon looked.... and it's acknowledged to have been one of the most significant turning points of that presidential race!

So try and use whatever small IQ you have left to realize that LOOKS HELP A CANDIDATE... just look at the PRECIEVED good looks of the mulatto in the White house, and remember Joe "the world's DUMBEST politician" Biden's description of Obama...."I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy, " Biden said. "I mean, that's a storybook, man."

Is this a WAR ON WOMEN, or do you "girls" want to be treated EQUALLY? Now, please fade away before you look even more like the fool you are!

Oh my goodness, aren't you abusive.:(

I'll respond once and only once to someone of your caliber, one who apparently doesn't understand the value of character.

The example you cite is not an example of people consciously abusing Nixon for his looks. It is an example of people unconsciously acting on the physical impression of someone; as well, it was not his looks that were the issue, not his physical characteristics, as much as his facial expressions and the expressions in his eyes. No one was saying he looked old or wrinkled or ugly. They were going by demeanor, not his 'beauty.'

Also, I find it fascinating that supposedly mature adults cite the idea of others did it so I can do it too as a reason for their behavior. Isn't that what we teach our children not to do, or should be teaching them not to do. If your child, for instance, says Johnny smokes pot so I should be able to so also, don't you say, that's not a reason, that's not an excuse. He is behaving badly and if you want to behave well, don't copy what Johnny does.

So, if people did not like Nixon because of his appearance in some way, is that really an excuse for a mature, apparently intelligent and mature, adult to do the same? Can't you, as you would like your child to do, rise above the bad behavior of others?

And I’m done with you. I don’t engage in dialogue with posters who are abusive as you are. Your abuse, btw, indicates you have little of value to say, so you just revert to being base.

Oh my, I hurt her feelings, yet she wants EQUALITY, and I treat her no different than any other subversive idiot! You're NOT posting on the CLEAN DEBATE forum!
The thing is, when you attack a woman for her looks when it is her politics you don't like, it is as if you are attacking all women for their looks instead their character; it is as if what is most important about a woman is her looks rather than her character.

You don't like Clinton's politics, fine. Attack those. Her looks have nothing whatsoever to do with her value as a human being or her value as a politician. Abe Lincoln was an extremely ugly man, but no one harps on that. It was and is his value as a politician and president that people think of. With male politicians, we don't focus on their looks. It should be the same for female politicians. Men in particular need to stop talking about T & A, wrinkles, etc., regarding female politicians and just focus on their policies and political behavior.

Are you really this stupid? Do you remember the Nixon JFK debate on TV (you probably weren't even thought of back then!) Nixon refused to wear TV makeup and had 5 o'clock shadow, while JFK had makeup and looked so much younger. THAT DEBATE, even though most agree, if you heard it on radio, Nixon won easily, BUT all the MSM could talk about was how BAD Nixon looked.... and it's acknowledged to have been one of the most significant turning points of that presidential race!

So try and use whatever small IQ you have left to realize that LOOKS HELP A CANDIDATE... just look at the PRECIEVED good looks of the mulatto in the White house, and remember Joe "the world's DUMBEST politician" Biden's description of obuma...."I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy," Biden said. "I mean, that's a storybook, man."

Is this a WAR ON WOMEN, or do you "girls" want to be treated EQUALLY? Now, please fade away before you look even more like the fool you are!

I've got an idea. Why don't you run Sarah Palin. She's pretty. Anyhoot, I'd like to see her debate Hillary. LOL!

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The thing is, when you attack a woman for her looks when it is her politics you don't like, it is as if you are attacking all women for their looks instead their character; it is as if what is most important about a woman is her looks rather than her character.

You don't like Clinton's politics, fine. Attack those. Her looks have nothing whatsoever to do with her value as a human being or her value as a politician. Abe Lincoln was an extremely ugly man, but no one harps on that. It was and is his value as a politician and president that people think of. With male politicians, we don't focus on their looks. It should be the same for female politicians. Men in particular need to stop talking about T & A, wrinkles, etc., regarding female politicians and just focus on their policies and political behavior.

Are you really this stupid? Do you remember the Nixon JFK debate on TV (you probably weren't even thought of back then!) Nixon refused to wear TV makeup and had 5 o'clock shadow, while JFK had makeup and looked so much younger. THAT DEBATE, even though most agree, if you heard it on radio, Nixon won easily, BUT all the MSM could talk about was how BAD Nixon looked.... and it's acknowledged to have been one of the most significant turning points of that presidential race!

So try and use whatever small IQ you have left to realize that LOOKS HELP A CANDIDATE... just look at the PRECIEVED good looks of the mulatto in the White house, and remember Joe "the world's DUMBEST politician" Biden's description of obuma...."I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy," Biden said. "I mean, that's a storybook, man."

Is this a WAR ON WOMEN, or do you "girls" want to be treated EQUALLY? Now, please fade away before you look even more like the fool you are!

I've got an idea. Why don't you run Sarah Palin. She's pretty. Anyhoot, I'd like to see her debate Hillary. LOL!

Its quite incomprehensible, but it does seem much of the rightwingers' adoration of Palin is because of her looks, which, of course, have absolutely no value as a world leader. But, I do believe they would vote for a more attractive female candidate rather than a more qualified one. Kinda scary.
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Are you really this stupid? Do you remember the Nixon JFK debate on TV (you probably weren't even thought of back then!) Nixon refused to wear TV makeup and had 5 o'clock shadow, while JFK had makeup and looked so much younger. THAT DEBATE, even though most agree, if you heard it on radio, Nixon won easily, BUT all the MSM could talk about was how BAD Nixon looked.... and it's acknowledged to have been one of the most significant turning points of that presidential race!

So try and use whatever small IQ you have left to realize that LOOKS HELP A CANDIDATE... just look at the PRECIEVED good looks of the mulatto in the White house, and remember Joe "the world's DUMBEST politician" Biden's description of obuma...."I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy," Biden said. "I mean, that's a storybook, man."

Is this a WAR ON WOMEN, or do you "girls" want to be treated EQUALLY? Now, please fade away before you look even more like the fool you are!

I've got an idea. Why don't you run Sarah Palin. She's pretty. Anyhoot, I'd like to see her debate Hillary. LOL!

Its quite incomprehensible, but it does seem much of the rightwingers' adoration of Palin is because of her looks, which, of course, have absolutely no value as a world leader. But, I do believe they would vote for a more attractive female candidate rather than a more qualified one. Kinda scary.

It can't be because of her brains. I'd give my left arm if Sarah would only run! Hell, I'd pay big money to see her debate Hillary on pay-per-view. We could use that money to pay on our national debt. LOL!


Check out the Sarah Palin Channel
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The thing is, when you attack a woman for her looks when it is her politics you don't like, it is as if you are attacking all women for their looks instead their character; it is as if what is most important about a woman is her looks rather than her character.

You don't like Clinton's politics, fine. Attack those. Her looks have nothing whatsoever to do with her value as a human being or her value as a politician. Abe Lincoln was an extremely ugly man, but no one harps on that. It was and is his value as a politician and president that people think of. With male politicians, we don't focus on their looks. It should be the same for female politicians. Men in particular need to stop talking about T & A, wrinkles, etc., regarding female politicians and just focus on their policies and political behavior.

Are you really this stupid? Do you remember the Nixon JFK debate on TV (you probably weren't even thought of back then!) Nixon refused to wear TV makeup and had 5 o'clock shadow, while JFK had makeup and looked so much younger. THAT DEBATE, even though most agree, if you heard it on radio, Nixon won easily, BUT all the MSM could talk about was how BAD Nixon looked.... and it's acknowledged to have been one of the most significant turning points of that presidential race!

So try and use whatever small IQ you have left to realize that LOOKS HELP A CANDIDATE... just look at the PRECIEVED good looks of the mulatto in the White house, and remember Joe "the world's DUMBEST politician" Biden's description of obuma...."I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy," Biden said. "I mean, that's a storybook, man."

Is this a WAR ON WOMEN, or do you "girls" want to be treated EQUALLY? Now, please fade away before you look even more like the fool you are!

I've got an idea. Why don't you run Sarah Palin. She's pretty. Anyhoot, I'd like to see her debate Hillary. LOL!

Yes, I think that would be an excellent idea! Sarah's smarter, DEFINITELY BETTER LOOKING, and doesn't lie!:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::eusa_clap:

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The thing is, when you attack a woman for her looks when it is her politics you don't like, it is as if you are attacking all women for their looks instead their character; it is as if what is most important about a woman is her looks rather than her character.

You don't like Clinton's politics, fine. Attack those. Her looks have nothing whatsoever to do with her value as a human being or her value as a politician. Abe Lincoln was an extremely ugly man, but no one harps on that. It was and is his value as a politician and president that people think of. With male politicians, we don't focus on their looks. It should be the same for female politicians. Men in particular need to stop talking about T & A, wrinkles, etc., regarding female politicians and just focus on their policies and political behavior.

Are you really this stupid? Do you remember the Nixon JFK debate on TV (you probably weren't even thought of back then!) Nixon refused to wear TV makeup and had 5 o'clock shadow, while JFK had makeup and looked so much younger. THAT DEBATE, even though most agree, if you heard it on radio, Nixon won easily, BUT all the MSM could talk about was how BAD Nixon looked.... and it's acknowledged to have been one of the most significant turning points of that presidential race!

So try and use whatever small IQ you have left to realize that LOOKS HELP A CANDIDATE... just look at the PRECIEVED good looks of the mulatto in the White house, and remember Joe "the world's DUMBEST politician" Biden's description of obuma...."I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy," Biden said. "I mean, that's a storybook, man."

Is this a WAR ON WOMEN, or do you "girls" want to be treated EQUALLY? Now, please fade away before you look even more like the fool you are!

I've got an idea. Why don't you run Sarah Palin. She's pretty. Anyhoot, I'd like to see her debate Hillary. LOL!

More rewriting of history from the Right. Poor dumb Sarah.
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Are you really this stupid? Do you remember the Nixon JFK debate on TV (you probably weren't even thought of back then!) Nixon refused to wear TV makeup and had 5 o'clock shadow, while JFK had makeup and looked so much younger. THAT DEBATE, even though most agree, if you heard it on radio, Nixon won easily, BUT all the MSM could talk about was how BAD Nixon looked.... and it's acknowledged to have been one of the most significant turning points of that presidential race!

So try and use whatever small IQ you have left to realize that LOOKS HELP A CANDIDATE... just look at the PRECIEVED good looks of the mulatto in the White house, and remember Joe "the world's DUMBEST politician" Biden's description of obuma...."I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy," Biden said. "I mean, that's a storybook, man."

Is this a WAR ON WOMEN, or do you "girls" want to be treated EQUALLY? Now, please fade away before you look even more like the fool you are!

I've got an idea. Why don't you run Sarah Palin. She's pretty. Anyhoot, I'd like to see her debate Hillary. LOL!

More rewriting of history from the Right. Poor dumb Sarah.

But, NOT A WORD about the Hildebeasty and her LIES, and has a HISTORY of LYING back to the late 1960's!

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I am sure there are many women 73 and older that look just fine...without medical help.

You are confusing vanity needs with necessary needs. I laugh at those who do it for vanity and wind up looking awful. They deserve ridicule.

Oh Gawd......what is the obsession with the feminist bulldogs at having to absolutely make a contribution in these type threads.

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I've got an idea. Why don't you run Sarah Palin. She's pretty. Anyhoot, I'd like to see her debate Hillary. LOL!

More rewriting of history from the Right. Poor dumb Sarah.

But, NOT A WORD about the Hildebeasty and her LIES, and has a HISTORY of LYING back to the late 1960's!


Washington Post book review.

"The lack of evidence makes this theory hard to swallow. Zeifman's most reliable source -- his diary -- contains few revelations and seems little more than a chronicle of his suspicions and speculations. The book's jacket cover, which promises readers "truths even more startling than those brought out in Oliver Stone's movies 'Nixon' and 'JFK', " does not help matters. Perhaps the book's publicists forgot that "Nixon" and "JFK" were, after all, only Hollywood movies."
More rewriting of history from the Right. Poor dumb Sarah.

But, NOT A WORD about the Hildebeasty and her LIES, and has a HISTORY of LYING back to the late 1960's!


Washington Post book review.

"The lack of evidence makes this theory hard to swallow. Zeifman's most reliable source -- his diary -- contains few revelations and seems little more than a chronicle of his suspicions and speculations. The book's jacket cover, which promises readers "truths even more startling than those brought out in Oliver Stone's movies 'Nixon' and 'JFK', " does not help matters. Perhaps the book's publicists forgot that "Nixon" and "JFK" were, after all, only Hollywood movies."



(1)"Where is the Godamn flag? I want the Godamn fucking flag up every morning at fucking sunrise."
From the book "Inside the White House" by Ronald Kessler, p. 244;
Hillary to staff at the Arkansas Governor's mansion on Labor Day 1991.

(2)“Fuck off! It's enough I have to see you shit-kickers every day!
I'm not going to talk to you, too!! Just do your Godamn job and keep your mouth shut."
From the book "America Evita" by Christopher Anderson, p.90; Hillary to her State Trooper bodyguards after one of them greeted her with "Good Morning."

(3)"If you want to remain on this detail, get your fucking ass over here and grab those bags!"
From the book "The First Partner" p. 259; Hillary to a Secret Service Agent who was reluctant to carry her luggage because he wanted to keep his hands free in case of an incident.

(4)"Stay the fuck back, stay the fuck back away from me! Don't come within ten yards of me, or else! Just fucking do as I say, Okay!!?"
From the book "Unlimited Access" by Clinton’s FBI Agent-in-Charge, Gary Aldridge, p. 139; Hillary is screaming at her Secret Service detail.
5)"Where's the miserable cock sucker?" (otherwise known as “Bill Clinton”)
From the book "The Truth about Hillary" by Edward Klein, p.5; Hillary shouting at a Secret Service officer.

(6)"You fucking idiot" From the book "Crossfire" ~pg. 84;
Hillary to a State Trooper who was driving her to an event.

(7)"Put this on the ground! I left my sunglasses in the limo. I need those fucking sunglasses! We need to go back! |
From the book " Dereliction of Duty" p. 71-72; Hillary to Marine One helicopter pilot to turn back while en route to Air Force One.

(80"Come on Bill, put your dick up! You can't fuck her here!!"
From the book "Inside the White House" by Ronald Kessler, p. 243; Hillary to Gov. Bill Clinton when she spots him talking with an attractive female.
* * * * *

This ill-tempered, violent, loud-mouth, hateful and abusive woman wants to be your next President, and have total control as Commander and Chief of our Military, the very Military for which she and ObumA has shown incredible disdain throughout their public life. Haven't we had enough of this kind of leadership in our great country it's time we vote for the one who can represent OUR UNITED STATES in the manner that it deserves ???

Remember her most vile comment about Benghazi: “what difference at this point does it make?”
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