Holy Shit: Trump At 65% In New York. Cruz 12%..............Kasich 1%

So the RINO Trump is doing well in NY, a state notorious for its liberal/moderate Republicans?

New York is Trump's hometown. He will take NY in the general election.
Conservative Media have their "Bowels in an Uproar" about El Trumpo LOL

Fox News Slams Trump's 'Sick Obsession' With Megyn Kelly

Fox News slammed Republican frontrunner Donald Trump Friday night for his "sick obsession" with host Megyn Kelly after the real estate mog...

Wall Street Journal Escalates Feud With Trump: ‘The Truth Hurts’

The Wall Street Journal editorial board declined Donald Trump’s demand for an apology after it cast doubt on his chances of winning the Re..
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While I believe Kaich would be a good solid President I don't think he is what the country needs now.
It needs a Trump to go out a kick some ass!
I don't mean in the ME. I mean concerning the disastrous trade deals the country's dim-witt politicians have signed.
In anyone's wildest dreams imagine sending Kerry the traitor to 'negotiate with leaders who laughed at him in his face as he and others signed away America's financial future.
Even the bitch Hillary says she fucked up supporting those trade deals.
Now she is going to 'change' things?
Ya fucking right.
Trump is going to build the WALL and Mexico is going to pay for it.
Every fucking 100 pounds of hard drugs seized at the Mexican/US border on it's way to a small town near you and Trump reduces the foreign ad the Mexico by a million dollars. That million is spent on the WALL.
We'd see how fast the 100% corrupt mexican government puts an end to that bullshit.
Honest to GOD if I were the US President once a month I would have all drugs seized at the border put into a cargo plane. Have the plane drop the drugs over the Mexican President's compound with a note attached: "I believe this belongs to you".
Trump kicking ass will mean he starts a 'War In The Crumbling Infrastructure'. Engineers from every state makes lists of the most critical parts of their state's infrastructure.
In every state a 'Infrasture Lottery' uses the money to rebuild the bridges and roads. That means hiring people to WORK! at decent paying jobs. Those states that need more financial help get it from fucking California. Those asshole LIBs have lots of money.
All the country will get with a Hillary presidency is another four years of Obama's disastrous policies with a touch of the famous Clinton corruption thrown in. Better chain down the fucking Whitehouse furniture and lock up the sterling silver dinner services.

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