Home for Veterans Loses 72, Paramus, NJ.


Always Faithful
Sep 28, 2018
A state-run home for veterans in Paramus, New Jersey has seen a total of 72 residents die. 189 have tested positive of the 211 residents there.
Seems like a pretty high percentage, even for a facility filled with medically fragile old-timers.

The death and medical records of the deceased should be looked at, as well as the water, sewage and HVAC systems in the building, which perhaps hold a secret to the cause of their deaths. More than 1/3 dead, that's far greater than anyone else has seen with the Wuhan Flu. Were the causes of death coded correctly, is there something else going on here? Was this foul play directed at one of the residents, where the perp used the coronavirus panic as a way of diverting attention?
Seems like a pretty high percentage, even for a facility filled with medically fragile old-timers.

The death and medical records of the deceased should be looked at, as well as the water, sewage and HVAC systems in the building, which perhaps hold a secret to the cause of their deaths. More than 1/3 dead, that's far greater than anyone else has seen with the Wuhan Flu. Were the causes of death coded correctly, is there something else going on here? Was this foul play directed at one of the residents, where the perp used the coronavirus panic as a way of diverting attention?
The perps may be the Congressmen who defunded the Veterans Administration Hospitals in the past ten years. Even so, the speakers in the link claimed that the hospital was a state-run hospital for New Jersey vets. If that information has accuracy, I'd say it doesn't pay New Jersey residents to become armed forces members. So I'm not sure where this nightmare of a pandemic took root. I just can't figure it from the information given.
With all the clients killed off or ailing, they'll be closing their doors soon. Our vets deserve better than they got at that New Jersey Holocaust-for -the-Elderly-site. :crybaby:

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