78% of Americans Now Think of Fast Food Meals as a ‘Luxury’

And people here, some leftoids try and claim the economy is good.

They lie like a Biden. Why?

When asked whether they agreed with the statement, “fast food has gotten more expensive, and I now view it as a luxury,” more than three-quarters of respondents said yes. Additionally, just under two-thirds of survey respondents (65%) said they had been "shocked" by a recent high bill at a fast food restaurant, and that percentage jumped to 72% among parents who had children under the age of 18.
“The results make clear, regardless of the context, that most Americans now see fast food as a luxury,” North Carolina-based LendingTree found. “That’s a new phenomenon. Yes, there have always been groups of Americans who might have viewed fast food that way because of their financial struggles. However, for the vast majority of Americans to feel that way seems like a significant cultural shift, and a troubling sign.”

Its known as the MAGA diet

It is like we are so deeply afraid of having to feel the pangs of a little hunger for just an hour, until dinner is on the table.

Being Catholic, I can guarantee that fasting a little sharpens my appetite for the REAL FOOD.

I'm pretty sure a very large percentage of people in the US have never really been hungry.
Biden announces new design for the $1 Bill

Why would anyone over the age of ten want to eat that crap anyway? Cooking for yourself at home is cheaper, healthier, and one gozillion times better tasting. People need to stop being so lazy.
All fast food is not unhealthy, and people should not be cooking when they do not know how, or do not have time.

there is Salata, this salad kitchen always starts fresh

there is Salad and Go
Mozzarella, Basil Pesto, Pico de Gallo, Croutons, Romaine, Mixed Greens, Chicken or Tofu Paired with Balsamic Vinaigrette (210 Cal) & Basil Pesto
its getting to the point bar food is cheaper,,

I am going this weekend to a bar in sugarcreek where you can get either a big tenderloin sammich or chickenfried steak with all the fixens for under 20 bucks with a beer,,

a meal at wendys is 16-18 bucks,,
just got back from dinner,,

an open faced beef sammich and chicken fried chicken with all the fixens and two beers came out to 36 bucks minus tip,,

my wife told me when we were there that when she goes to sonic for burgers and shakes it comes out to about 45 bucks,,

other than the time it takes to wait for hot good food theres no debate about which is the better choice,,
Why would anyone over the age of ten want to eat that crap anyway? Cooking for yourself at home is cheaper, healthier, and one gozillion times better tasting. People need to stop being so lazy.
You wouldn't believe the number of people I know who can't cook.
Your fake graph fabricating skills aren't.
You'll need a lot of improving.

It is copied directly from the fucking poll in the OP.

But of course you did not even bother to open said poll, just as they knew you would not.

Doing so take independent thought, which leaves you out.

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