Home values continue to drop, hurt sellers


Gold Member
Dec 19, 2011
Home values continue to drop, hurt sellers | Deseret News

One of the biggest hurdles to selling a home is the price, according to Business Insider. It's still a buyer's market, and people selling their home are frequently disappointed.

People selling their homes need to lower their expectations and be willing to accept less than what they're asking, Robert Simon, a professor of urban studies at the Levine College of Urban Affairs at Cleveland State University, told Business Insider. "When you get the offer, don't be greedy. Take the first reasonable offer. Set a threshold within 5 to 8 percent of your asking price. Make a decision and go with it."

And Obama keeps saying to go forward ,forward with what ? His bullshit spend and borrow mentality ...In the Obama world you make 5 dollars and spend 10 dollars.
Rising Home Prices: Coming to a Market Near You - Forbes

Trulia’s Chief Economist dives into the latest findings from the Trulia Price Monitor and the Trulia Rent Monitor. In April, quarter-over-quarter price increases were found in 92 of the 100 largest metros. Meanwhile, rents rose 5.6% nationally year over year.

One month ago, we introduced the Trulia Price Monitor and Trulia Rent Monitor as the earliest leading indicators of how asking prices and rents are trending nationally and locally. So what happened to prices and rents in April?

April’s Price Rise Makes a Three-Month Streak
Nationally, housing prices have bottomed and are on the rise. Asking prices on for-sale homes were 1.9% higher in April than one quarter ago. A 0.5% month-over-month rise in April, on top of month-over-month price increases in March and February, makes for three months in a row of rising asking prices, after adjusting for typical seasonal trends. In fact, prices have been stable or rising for the past eight months, except for a dip in December 2011. This marks a new milestone: asking prices were 0.2% higher in April than a year ago. Before April, prices were still falling year-over-year.
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Bloomberg article says the housing market has reached it's bottom, but then says that Fannie and Freddie should explore "bulk sales" of repossessed houses.

Why would they need to do that if the houses were selling? What am I missing here?

Ranieri Says Housing Market in U.S. Is Reaching Bottom - Bloomberg

Banks still have them on their books...they desperately need to unload them before they rot and are totally worthless. At the same time - imagine what it will do to home prices in some states if otherwise great houses sell for rock bottom in these already depressed markets (in those areas)
"The essence of the Liberal outlook lies not in what opinions are held, but in how they are held: instead of being held dogmatically, they are held tentatively, and with a consciousness that new evidence may at any moment lead to their abandonment." -Bertrand Russell

This of course is purely idiotic since there is no new evidence about political issues. It is merely an excuse for being stupid, liberal , and not having an opinion you are willing to stand behind.

"Nine tenths of the activities of modern government are harmful. Therefore the worse they are performed the better." -Bertrand Russell

"Most human beings, though in varying degrees, desire to control not only their own lives but also the lives of others".( Bertrand Russell on the essence of big government liberalism)

"The State is a collection of officials, different for different purposes, drawing comfortable incomes so long as the status quo is preserved. The only alteration they are likely to desire in the status quo is an increase of bureaucracy and of the power of the State"-Bertrand Russell on th enature of big liberal government
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The housing market may be near the bottom, but that doesn't mean that we will see a rebound. It just simply means houses are finally priced near their actual value again...
People, and I am one of those, are basically trapped in their homes.

EVen if the prices aren't declining in your area, the number of ready willing and able buyers is down in comparison to the number of homes available.

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