Homo Activist threatens to use Nazi tactic of curb-stomping to silence Jewish reporter

Your evidence is Schindler's List? You know that's a movie from the 90s, right?

But I'll concede the point that I'm not entirely sure the roots of "curb stomping", although I've never heard anything like that from any of my immediate family members who survived the Holocaust.

Er..no, my evidence was the urban dictionary. Who used Schindler's list footage to illustrate.

Urban Dictionary? That's a good source, right?
It is amazing the amount of space I rent in your head, KG.

Although I do get a little feeling of accomplishment in making you "mad".
No, I said you almost make me mad until I am faced with your incorruptible stupidity. The point being, you're so stupid I can't get mad at you.

And yet, you follow me around the boards yipping at my heels like a fucking puppy.

Yes that explains why you show up in every thread I'm already posting in. That's obviously me following you around.

Whatever makes you feel better about yourself.

And by that I mean whatever makes you feel the most persecuted and victimized, since that seems to be how you get your rocks off.

Being right makes me feel better about myself.

And showing you for the fool you are.

You must feel really bad about yourself the entire time you are posting here.

Tell us more about why you so proudly wave your Nazi flag
Curb-stomping is not a "Nazi" tactic, it's a street gang thing, born right here in America.

Wrong, my family knew a German Jew (he was in a concentration camp, had the tattoo to prove it). He told us about the Nazi's curb stomping Jews. It's why the Gestapo preferred heavier boots.

The GESTAPO DIDN'T wear boots. They wore shoes like every other secret policeman.
Curb-stomping is not a "Nazi" tactic, it's a street gang thing, born right here in America.

Wrong, my family knew a German Jew (he was in a concentration camp, had the tattoo to prove it). He told us about the Nazi's curb stomping Jews. It's why the Gestapo preferred heavier boots.

The GESTAPO DIDN'T wear boots. They wore shoes like every other secret policeman.

LOL Uh the Gestapo wore boots.
By the way- I realized I haven't actually condemned the threats of violence by everyone.

I don't care whether the activist is gay, or a Christo-Nazi- or whether the threatened party is gay or a Christo-Nazi- threats of violence are never acceptable.
Curb-stomping is not a "Nazi" tactic, it's a street gang thing, born right here in America.

Wrong, my family knew a German Jew (he was in a concentration camp, had the tattoo to prove it). He told us about the Nazi's curb stomping Jews. It's why the Gestapo preferred heavier boots.

The GESTAPO DIDN'T wear boots. They wore shoes like every other secret policeman.

The Gestapo weren't necessarily "under cover" - one of it's most powerful scare tactics was the Gestapo uniform - all black leather, with the death's head on the hat - and the uniform did include boots - but they were patent-leather dress boots cut up to the knee, not heavy, curb-stomping boots.
Curb-stomping is not a "Nazi" tactic, it's a street gang thing, born right here in America.

Wrong, my family knew a German Jew (he was in a concentration camp, had the tattoo to prove it). He told us about the Nazi's curb stomping Jews. It's why the Gestapo preferred heavier boots.

The GESTAPO DIDN'T wear boots. They wore shoes like every other secret policeman.

LOL Uh the Gestapo wore boots.

You are both right

Gestapo - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Before their 1939 amalgamation into the RSHA, the Gestapo and Kripo were plainclothes police agencies and had no uniforms. Although individual Gestapo officers could and did join the Allgemeine-SS or other Party organizations, those uniforms would not have been worn on duty.

From June 1936, a concerted effort was made to recruit policemen of the SiPo into the SS, and SS members into the Kripo and especially the Gestapo, but with limited success; by 1939 only a small percentage of Gestapo agents were SS members. With the formation of RSHA in September 1939, Gestapo officers who also held SS rank began to wear the wartime grey SS uniform when on duty in the Hauptamt or regional headquarters (Abschnitte). Hollywood notwithstanding, after 1939 the black SS uniform was only worn by Allgemeine-SS reservists; it was abolished in 1942.[75] Outside the central offices, Gestapo agents working out of the Stapostellen and Stapoleitstellen continued to wear civilian suits in keeping with the secretive nature of their work.

There were strict protocols protecting the identity of Gestapo field personnel. When asked for identification, an operative was only required to present his warrant disc. This identified the operative as Gestapo without revealing personal identity and agents, except when ordered to do so by an authorized official, were not required to show picture identification, something all non-Gestapo people were expected to do.

Beginning in 1940, the grey SS uniform was worn by Gestapo in occupied countries, even those who were not actually SS members, because agents in civilian clothes had been shot by members of the Wehrmacht thinking that they were partisans.

Unlike the rest of the SS, the right-side collar patch of the RSHA was plain black without insignia, as was the uniform cuffband. Gestapo agents in uniform did not wear SS shoulderboards, but rather police-pattern shoulderboards piped or underlaid in "poison green" (giftgrün). A diamond-shaped black patch with "SD" in white was worn on the lower left sleeve even by SiPo men who were not actually in the SD. Sometimes this Raute was piped in white; there is some debate over whether this may or may not have indicated Gestapo personnel.
Curb-stomping is not a "Nazi" tactic, it's a street gang thing, born right here in America.

Wrong, my family knew a German Jew (he was in a concentration camp, had the tattoo to prove it). He told us about the Nazi's curb stomping Jews. It's why the Gestapo preferred heavier boots.

The GESTAPO DIDN'T wear boots. They wore shoes like every other secret policeman.

The Gestapo weren't necessarily "under cover" - one of it's most powerful scare tactics was the Gestapo uniform - all black leather, with the death's head on the hat - and the uniform did include boots - but they were patent-leather dress boots cut up to the knee, not heavy, curb-stomping boots.

Many Gestapo were SS. They wore boots
Curb-stomping is not a "Nazi" tactic, it's a street gang thing, born right here in America.

Wrong, my family knew a German Jew (he was in a concentration camp, had the tattoo to prove it). He told us about the Nazi's curb stomping Jews. It's why the Gestapo preferred heavier boots.

The GESTAPO DIDN'T wear boots. They wore shoes like every other secret policeman.

The Gestapo weren't necessarily "under cover" - one of it's most powerful scare tactics was the Gestapo uniform - all black leather, with the death's head on the hat - and the uniform did include boots - but they were patent-leather dress boots cut up to the knee, not heavy, curb-stomping boots.

Many Gestapo were SS. They wore boots

I'm agreeing with you.

Did you read my post?

Now on the spot an photo exhibition is deposited, devoted to history of the place and war-crimes by SS and Gestapo. Also there is going construction of memorial center.
Curb-stomping is not a "Nazi" tactic, it's a street gang thing, born right here in America.

Wrong, my family knew a German Jew (he was in a concentration camp, had the tattoo to prove it). He told us about the Nazi's curb stomping Jews. It's why the Gestapo preferred heavier boots.

The GESTAPO DIDN'T wear boots. They wore shoes like every other secret policeman.

The Gestapo weren't necessarily "under cover" - one of it's most powerful scare tactics was the Gestapo uniform - all black leather, with the death's head on the hat - and the uniform did include boots - but they were patent-leather dress boots cut up to the knee, not heavy, curb-stomping boots.

Many Gestapo were SS. They wore boots

I'm agreeing with you.

Did you read my post?

I know you were, sorry quoted wrong
Curb-stomping is not a "Nazi" tactic, it's a street gang thing, born right here in America.

Wrong, my family knew a German Jew (he was in a concentration camp, had the tattoo to prove it). He told us about the Nazi's curb stomping Jews. It's why the Gestapo preferred heavier boots.

The GESTAPO DIDN'T wear boots. They wore shoes like every other secret policeman.

LOL Uh the Gestapo wore boots.

No, they didn't. The Geheim Stats Polizei (state secret police) were undercover police so no, they didn't wear boots. Their powers were very wide and thus when you see someone selling a supposed "secret assassination gun" attributed to them you should laugh and walk away.

All the Kripo had to do was flash this disc (this one is almost certainly a fake BTW) and he had the power of life and death right then and there.

Curb-stomping is not a "Nazi" tactic, it's a street gang thing, born right here in America.

Wrong, my family knew a German Jew (he was in a concentration camp, had the tattoo to prove it). He told us about the Nazi's curb stomping Jews. It's why the Gestapo preferred heavier boots.

The GESTAPO DIDN'T wear boots. They wore shoes like every other secret policeman.

The Gestapo weren't necessarily "under cover" - one of it's most powerful scare tactics was the Gestapo uniform - all black leather, with the death's head on the hat - and the uniform did include boots - but they were patent-leather dress boots cut up to the knee, not heavy, curb-stomping boots.

Not GESTAPO. Those were the Allgemeine SS. The SS had a secret police force headed up by Reinhard Heydrich called the Sicherheistdienst or SD for short. THEY wore the jack boots. The GESTAPO didn't.
Curb-stomping is not a "Nazi" tactic, it's a street gang thing, born right here in America.

Wrong, my family knew a German Jew (he was in a concentration camp, had the tattoo to prove it). He told us about the Nazi's curb stomping Jews. It's why the Gestapo preferred heavier boots.

The GESTAPO DIDN'T wear boots. They wore shoes like every other secret policeman.

LOL Uh the Gestapo wore boots.

No, they didn't. The Geheim Stats Polizei (state secret police) were undercover police so no, they didn't wear boots. Their powers were very wide and thus when you see someone selling a supposed "secret assassination gun" attributed to them you should laugh and walk away.

All the Kripo had to do was flash this disc (this one is almost certainly a fake BTW) and he had the power of life and death right then and there.

View attachment 44789

The Gestapo has plains clothes and uniformed police.


German citizens are stopped and searched by plain-clothes and uniformed police in March 1933 under the pretext they might be concealing weapons. Below: Gestapo Headquarters in Berlin, located at No. 8 Prinz-Albrecht-Strasse - a frightful address from 1933 onward.
Curb-stomping is not a "Nazi" tactic, it's a street gang thing, born right here in America.

Wrong, my family knew a German Jew (he was in a concentration camp, had the tattoo to prove it). He told us about the Nazi's curb stomping Jews. It's why the Gestapo preferred heavier boots.

The GESTAPO DIDN'T wear boots. They wore shoes like every other secret policeman.

The Gestapo weren't necessarily "under cover" - one of it's most powerful scare tactics was the Gestapo uniform - all black leather, with the death's head on the hat - and the uniform did include boots - but they were patent-leather dress boots cut up to the knee, not heavy, curb-stomping boots.

Not GESTAPO. Those were the Allgemeine SS. The SS had a secret police force headed up by Reinhard Heydrich called the Sicherheistdienst or SD for short. THEY wore the jack boots. The GESTAPO didn't.

I'm not going to argue with you, many Gestapo were also SS. It's easily Googled
This image shows the one item of clothing that could be considered a "uniform" for the GESTAPO and that is the leather greatcoat. Theirs was of a particular cut and had a built in holster for their pistol.

The image is not real (obviously, it is quite difficult to find real images of GESTAPO at work) but is an accurate representation of what one would look like on the job.

Curb-stomping is not a "Nazi" tactic, it's a street gang thing, born right here in America.

Wrong, my family knew a German Jew (he was in a concentration camp, had the tattoo to prove it). He told us about the Nazi's curb stomping Jews. It's why the Gestapo preferred heavier boots.

The GESTAPO DIDN'T wear boots. They wore shoes like every other secret policeman.

LOL Uh the Gestapo wore boots.

No, they didn't. The Geheim Stats Polizei (state secret police) were undercover police so no, they didn't wear boots. Their powers were very wide and thus when you see someone selling a supposed "secret assassination gun" attributed to them you should laugh and walk away.

All the Kripo had to do was flash this disc (this one is almost certainly a fake BTW) and he had the power of life and death right then and there.

View attachment 44789

The Gestapo has plains clothes and uniformed police.


German citizens are stopped and searched by plain-clothes and uniformed police in March 1933 under the pretext they might be concealing weapons. Below: Gestapo Headquarters in Berlin, located at No. 8 Prinz-Albrecht-Strasse - a frightful address from 1933 onward.

Nope. Those are standard polizei. These are specifically schutzpolizei (also called Schupo) the most common police in Germany. They were the uniformed cops in every town and city. There were also train police, water police, fire protection police, etc etc. etc. That is the problem I see with the USA now, we are forming too many police outfits.
Curb-stomping is not a "Nazi" tactic, it's a street gang thing, born right here in America.

Wrong, my family knew a German Jew (he was in a concentration camp, had the tattoo to prove it). He told us about the Nazi's curb stomping Jews. It's why the Gestapo preferred heavier boots.

The GESTAPO DIDN'T wear boots. They wore shoes like every other secret policeman.

The Gestapo weren't necessarily "under cover" - one of it's most powerful scare tactics was the Gestapo uniform - all black leather, with the death's head on the hat - and the uniform did include boots - but they were patent-leather dress boots cut up to the knee, not heavy, curb-stomping boots.

Not GESTAPO. Those were the Allgemeine SS. The SS had a secret police force headed up by Reinhard Heydrich called the Sicherheistdienst or SD for short. THEY wore the jack boots. The GESTAPO didn't.

You may be right, I have a hard time making the distinctions between the various apparatuses of the Nazi party.

It's a somewhat technical point.
Curb-stomping is not a "Nazi" tactic, it's a street gang thing, born right here in America.

Wrong, my family knew a German Jew (he was in a concentration camp, had the tattoo to prove it). He told us about the Nazi's curb stomping Jews. It's why the Gestapo preferred heavier boots.

The GESTAPO DIDN'T wear boots. They wore shoes like every other secret policeman.

The Gestapo weren't necessarily "under cover" - one of it's most powerful scare tactics was the Gestapo uniform - all black leather, with the death's head on the hat - and the uniform did include boots - but they were patent-leather dress boots cut up to the knee, not heavy, curb-stomping boots.

Not GESTAPO. Those were the Allgemeine SS. The SS had a secret police force headed up by Reinhard Heydrich called the Sicherheistdienst or SD for short. THEY wore the jack boots. The GESTAPO didn't.

You may be right, I have a hard time making the distinctions between the various apparatuses of the Nazi party.

It's a somewhat technical point.

Actually the term Gestapo wasn't even made up by the Germans, a British postal worker shortened Gehieme Staats Polizei by using the Ge Sta Po as an abbreviation
Curb-stomping is not a "Nazi" tactic, it's a street gang thing, born right here in America.

Wrong, my family knew a German Jew (he was in a concentration camp, had the tattoo to prove it). He told us about the Nazi's curb stomping Jews. It's why the Gestapo preferred heavier boots.

The GESTAPO DIDN'T wear boots. They wore shoes like every other secret policeman.

The Gestapo weren't necessarily "under cover" - one of it's most powerful scare tactics was the Gestapo uniform - all black leather, with the death's head on the hat - and the uniform did include boots - but they were patent-leather dress boots cut up to the knee, not heavy, curb-stomping boots.

Not GESTAPO. Those were the Allgemeine SS. The SS had a secret police force headed up by Reinhard Heydrich called the Sicherheistdienst or SD for short. THEY wore the jack boots. The GESTAPO didn't.

I'm not going to argue with you, many Gestapo were also SS. It's easily Googled

Google all you wish. The GESTAPO and SS were two entirely different branches of government. They WERE headed up by Himmler though as he was appointed the head of ALL police forces in Germany. The GESTAPO and the SD (which WAS SS) were considered sister organizations but the GESTAPO was the enforcement arm of the Reich Main Security Office (RSHA).
Wrong, my family knew a German Jew (he was in a concentration camp, had the tattoo to prove it). He told us about the Nazi's curb stomping Jews. It's why the Gestapo preferred heavier boots.

The GESTAPO DIDN'T wear boots. They wore shoes like every other secret policeman.

The Gestapo weren't necessarily "under cover" - one of it's most powerful scare tactics was the Gestapo uniform - all black leather, with the death's head on the hat - and the uniform did include boots - but they were patent-leather dress boots cut up to the knee, not heavy, curb-stomping boots.

Not GESTAPO. Those were the Allgemeine SS. The SS had a secret police force headed up by Reinhard Heydrich called the Sicherheistdienst or SD for short. THEY wore the jack boots. The GESTAPO didn't.

You may be right, I have a hard time making the distinctions between the various apparatuses of the Nazi party.

It's a somewhat technical point.

Actually the term Gestapo wasn't even made up by the Germans, a British postal worker shortened Gehieme Staats Polizei by using the Ge Sta Po as an abbreviation

I had heard that.

To an extent, I think the distinctions between the various secret police apparatuses are irrelevant.

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