Does me feeling nervous being there with my young kids make me a "racist" by the operational definition of the users here?

Not one bit. Only a complete fool would walk into a high crime area where the race that commits the majority of the crime lives (while only being 13% of the population) and not be concerned. You're using stats and facts to support your actions, not skin color. Don't be a fool and get your ass kicked and robbed, or much worse, just to prove you aren't a racist.
And being white, YOU WILL BE TARGETED.

^^^ Fact.

Who stands more a chance of ending up in the hospital, a strange black person walking through an all white neighborhood, or a white walking through an all black neighborhood? We, all know the answer so lets not pretend this is even a real question.
Yep. That's why smart whites stay the hell out of black neighborhoods.
Does me feeling nervous being there with my young kids make me a "racist" by the operational definition of the users here?

Not one bit. Only a complete fool would walk into a high crime area where the race that commits the majority of the crime lives (while only being 13% of the population) and not be concerned. You're using stats and facts to support your actions, not skin color. Don't be a fool and get your ass kicked and robbed, or much worse, just to prove you aren't a racist.
And being white, YOU WILL BE TARGETED.

^^^ Fact.

Who stands more a chance of ending up in the hospital, a strange black person walking through an all white neighborhood, or a white walking through an all black neighborhood? We, all know the answer so lets not pretend this is even a real question.
Yep. That's why smart whites stay the hell out of black neighborhoods.
Open a window. Smells like chicken shit.
Shes Iranian isnt she? Somehow the media has made her an honorary African

All I know is that she was Queen Antifa's Puppet Master. She had her hand up that meat puppet faggot's ass for well over 8 years, that's why he almost never spoke in public without a teleprompter, and when he did he was a stuttering clusterfuck unless he was parroting insipid marxist agitprop about white people clinging to guns and religion.

I don't care what her "race" is. She is a commie usurper and should be drawn and quartered by the descendants of Ukrainian Kulak victims of Stalin and fed to hogs.

That should then be butchered and fed to GITMO Inmates.

Here is the rule I use. If the events were turned around would I feel the same. Take the McMichaels debacle. If three Black Men has chased and hemmed in a white man would I think it was a crime? Yes.

If you were in a predominantly White neighborhood with crime. Say South Boston in the seventies. Would you feel similarly uneasy? Sure.
We have several areas in MA that are "iffy". Mattapan, Roxbury, Dorchester, Lawrence, etc. I do not feel remotely nervous (lived in Roxbury for two years) there but I would with my young kids. These neighborhoods are mostly African American and crime is an issue.

Does me feeling nervous being there with my young kids make me a "racist" by the operational definition of the users here?

Honest question. I am just trying to gauge a baseline of what racism means to users here so that it may be discussed accordingly.

Thank you

The Rev. Jessie Jackson many years ago admitted that if he was walking down the street at night and turned around to see a young gentleman of his ethnicity, he would be more concerned than he would be if the young gentleman was Caucasian. The Rev. Mr. Jackson is NOT a racist, and NEITHER are you!

There are very few racists today. I do not care what the dictionary says. A "racist" to me is someone who automatically dislikes someone because of his/her skin color or shape of eyes.

But if one fears a particular ethnicity for some specific reason (maybe a large proportion of its youth is violent), that does not a racist make. It is just self-preservation -- in my opinion.

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