Hope & Change Update: 200,000 small businesses disappeared between 2008 and 2010

All proceeding according to plan comrade......
With Papa Obama's very Un-american speech on business

you may be right
There isn't any hope or charge when it comes to Obama. Tell me outside of going far left on social issues what's the difference? Both men put red tape on everything from getting at our energy resources to rebuilding this nation. Where is all this money going to?

Bush had deficits around 400-600 billion/year, but under Obama it's 1.5+ trillion. Yet, he cut our science programs and wants to fuck over the American people! Where's the money going Obama?

How has Obama been better for our economy? How has Obama been better for science? How has Obama been better at anything.
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Just imagine if Papa Obama gets a second term

how worse things will be....
Hope & Change Update: 200,000 small businesses disappeared between 2008 and 2010


Just imagine if Papa Obama gets a second term

how worse things will be....

The only good thing about Obama is he isn't getting us into war with Iran. :eusa_boohoo: We need to outright get out of the middle east and throw those resources behind building the techolocial advances to stay ahead of China. :eusa_shhh:

I would support Obama closing the bases in the middle east and shifting the money into giving our troops the best armor, ships and planes money can buy.

What Obama needs to do is look at china and see why they're growing. They're building things and expanding their economy by investing in their nation. I don't disagree with putting the money into our country here at home as that's the most important thing you could do if you want economic development. Infrastructure to move stuff on is very important with growing an economy and is one thing I do agree with the other side on. On the other hand they put RED tape on everything and nothing gets done.

They red tape the building of everything. Pencil pushing bastards.:mad: They talk good, but then paint it all red. Making it run over budget with bull shit.
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we must speak on anything but the economy

We must stay focused on the real issues

How Romney spends his money
not how Papa Obama spends taxpayer's money

I thought businesses were 100% responsible for their success or failure.

Did that change?

The government makes the environment for people to build their businesses within. Under Obama the environment is kind of hostile with us having one of the highest corporate taxes on earth, but at least we have a free market unlike much of the world. Freedom to build a business is very important, but businesses are built and sustained on making a profit.

A business that can't make a profit here will send people over sea's. :eusa_shhh:
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we must speak on anything but the economy

We must stay focused on the real issues

How Romney spends his money
not how Papa Obama spends taxpayer's money

I thought businesses were 100% responsible for their success or failure.

Did that change?

Papa Obama and the Left want credit for the success
but no credit for the failures

funny how that works

we must speak on anything but the economy

We must stay focused on the real issues

How Romney spends his money
not how Papa Obama spends taxpayer's money

I thought businesses were 100% responsible for their success or failure.

Did that change?

Papa Obama and the Left want credit for the success
but no credit for the failures

funny how that works

Well which is it? Are businesses responsible for their own failures or is big ole mean government responsible?
According to the Left and Papa Obama
they are not

After all

"they didn't build that..."

we must speak on anything but the economy

We must stay focused on the real issues

How Romney spends his money
not how Papa Obama spends taxpayer's money

Two things.

1. Your link is a quote, not a url.

2. Obama took office in 2009, not 2008. I see the moonbats are still trying to retroactively blame Obama for the recession. You crack me up!

we must speak on anything but the economy

We must stay focused on the real issues

How Romney spends his money
not how Papa Obama spends taxpayer's money

Two things.

1. Your link is a quote, not a url.

2. Obama took office in 2009, not 2008. I see the moonbats are still trying to retroactively blame Obama for the recession. You crack me up!

You do have a point on the last 6 months of Bushs term. Now, I wouldn't be proud of Obama for having 3.5 years of 8+ percent unemployment. Honestly, this didn't go over 8 percent until about 3 months into Obama's term; followed by 9 percent for nearly 2 years.

Obama may not of started it, but he sure made it worse. Look at a graph of unemployment to see that this is true.

we must speak on anything but the economy

We must stay focused on the real issues

How Romney spends his money
not how Papa Obama spends taxpayer's money

Two things.

1. Your link is a quote, not a url.

2. Obama took office in 2009, not 2008. I see the moonbats are still trying to retroactively blame Obama for the recession. You crack me up!

You do have a point on the last 6 months of Bushs term. Now, I wouldn't be proud of Obama for having 3.5 years of 8+ percent unemployment. Honestly, this didn't go over 8 percent until about 3 months into Obama's term; followed by 9 percent for nearly 2 years.

Obama may not of started it, but he sure made it worse. Look at a graph of unemployment to see that this is true.

Reagan started his first term with 7's unemployment
Reagan ended his first term with 7's unemployment.
Obama started his first term with 8's unemployment
Obama will likely end his first term with 8's unemployment.

Looks to me like Obama did just as well in his first term as Reagan did in his. Not to mention unemployment peaked much higher in Reagans first term than in Obama's. The Republican party is awfully proud of Reagan, aren't they? Double standards, perhaps?
Reagan started his first term with 7's unemployment
Reagan ended his first term with 7's unemployment.
Obama started his first term with 8's unemployment
Obama will likely end his first term with 8's unemployment.

Looks to me like Obama did just as well in his first term as Reagan did in his. Not to mention unemployment peaked much higher in Reagans first term than in Obama's. The Republican party is awfully proud of Reagan, aren't they? Double standards, perhaps?

Reagan entered office with a 7.5 percent Unemployment figure, which continued to rise for the next two years, peaking at 10.8 percent. In July of his third year (which is where Obama is now), Unemployment was back to 7.5 percent.

When Reagan was sworn in for his second term, Unemployment was 7.3 percent.

Link: data.bls.gov/timeseries/LNS14000000
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we must speak on anything but the economy

We must stay focused on the real issues

How Romney spends his money
not how Papa Obama spends taxpayer's money

Two things.

1. Your link is a quote, not a url.

2. Obama took office in 2009, not 2008. I see the moonbats are still trying to retroactively blame Obama for the recession. You crack me up!

1) the link is fixed for you
we must speak on anything but the economy

2) Granted Papa Obama took office in 2009, but as our great leader
says as it concerns business, " they didn't build it"

But if it makes you happy, we could adjust it to what 150,000 or 140,000
Boy that does look better. I think we should run with that,,,,,

3) Yes the Bush thing
Sad thing we can't get as much use out of this

The Hill 7/23

It found that 66 percent believe paltry job growth and slow economic recovery is the result of bad policy.
34 percent say Obama is the most to blame
23 percent who say Congress is the culprit.

18 percent cite former President George W. Bush.
All that time and ads by Papa Obama to blame
everybody else- but it is not working

The largest group still blames Papa Obama
Perhaps if we explained that he only lost 140,000 businesses
people will understand - what a "good" job he is doing

No wonder his campaign ran a deficit the other month
When does blame Bush stop?
Some point Papa Obama has to man up and take responsibly

Like I said
we must speak on important things
like how Romney spends the money he earns!

Anything but Papa Obama's economy
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Reagan started his first term with 7's unemployment
Reagan ended his first term with 7's unemployment.
Obama started his first term with 8's unemployment
Obama will likely end his first term with 8's unemployment.

Looks to me like Obama did just as well in his first term as Reagan did in his. Not to mention unemployment peaked much higher in Reagans first term than in Obama's. The Republican party is awfully proud of Reagan, aren't they? Double standards, perhaps?

Reagan entered office with a 7.5 percent Unemployment figure, which continued to rise for the next two years, peaking at 10.8 percent. In July of his third year (which is where Obama is now), Unemployment was back to 7.5 percent.

When Reagan was sworn in for his second term, Unemployment was 7.3 percent.

Link: data.bls.gov/timeseries/LNS14000000

Reagan had better GDP growth

and did not promote anti-business very un-american ideas

Plus, people trusted him more to do the right thing

To paraphrase Lloyd Bentsen

" Papa Obama, I knew Reagan
and Papa Obama, you are no Reagan "
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Reagan started his first term with 7's unemployment
Reagan ended his first term with 7's unemployment.
Obama started his first term with 8's unemployment
Obama will likely end his first term with 8's unemployment.

Looks to me like Obama did just as well in his first term as Reagan did in his. Not to mention unemployment peaked much higher in Reagans first term than in Obama's. The Republican party is awfully proud of Reagan, aren't they? Double standards, perhaps?

Reagan entered office with a 7.5 percent Unemployment figure, which continued to rise for the next two years, peaking at 10.8 percent. In July of his third year (which is where Obama is now), Unemployment was back to 7.5 percent.

When Reagan was sworn in for his second term, Unemployment was 7.3 percent.

Link: data.bls.gov/timeseries/LNS14000000

So he only netted 0.2% - pretty much a push considering unemployment varies by a few points month to month just from noise.

Obama is about to accomplish pretty much the exact same thing, unless unemployment drastically changes within the next half year.

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