Hosea 14:9

deorro 1

Senior Member
Aug 22, 2019
Hosea 14:9 "Who is wise, and he shall understand these things? prudent, and he shall know them? for the ways of the LORD are right, and the just shall walk in them: but the transgressors shall fall therein."

Hebrews 10:38 "Now the just shall live by faith: but if any man draw back, my soul shall have no pleasure in him."

but if any man shall 'transgress' therein, (Hosea 14:9); if any man [shall] draw back [therein], they shall fall and 'my' (Hebrews 10:38) shall have no pleasure [not take delight/be 'happy'/be 'miserable'] in him.


Love... Love IS Good and Love IS God.

Hosea, Hebrews, The Old Testament, The New Testament.... In the beginning.. unto the Omega....

And so.. There IS God..
And still.. There Is The LORD..
Even more so.. There Is The Christ Messiah.. Who Is Also Lord.
And if not enough.. There IS The Holy Spirit; The Spirit of Truth..

And so ... there is God to whom and by whom many fear and quake upon having knowledge that He works terrible deeds; fearful deeds...

And still ... there is The LORD to Whom not many seek after; to Whom not many entreat; to Whom not many look to/acknowledge.

Even more so ... There is The Christ Messiah.. Who Is Also Lord Who says the same thing... Both God and The LORD.. Both God and The LORD.. Both God and The LORD.....

And if not enough ... There IS The Holy Spirit; The Spirit of Truth Who says, remember that which The Christ Messiah has said. Both God and The LORD.. Both God and The LORD.. *both God and The LORD...

So while the days are made and so while the sun is placed in the sky on a daily basis for both the evil and for the good and even when the rains are sent upon the just and on the unjust, They do this so that....

Matthew 5:45 "That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust."

so that 'I' may be the children of 'my' Father which is in Heaven... The Heavenly Father... The LORD...
And here is a zinger...

By which Name, by Whom, through Whom am I supposed to go unto The Father?

And to Whom does The Father send?

(J)ohn 14:6
(J)ohn 6:44

And even IF there were to be a True Version of The Holy Scriptures where the names (J)esus nor (J)ehovah is used; seeing that since Salvation is of the (J)ews Their Names would NOT contain a letter which the Hebrew alphabet does NOT, the letters (J) and (I), as in (I)saac and as in (J)ew and (J)erusalem; (in fact it's more Yitshaq), such "Truer" Truths would still need to be preached/taught/spoken of/ in the weekly gathering Churches, right? Of course.. So this Truth would be 'dependent' upon The local Congregational and Larger Denominational Churches if the attendees/saints/congregation/members were to receive these "Truer" Truths... and these decisions are made by ??? easily or with difficulty or with needing to cut through alot of 'red tape' ??? And so the waiting, the patience needed, the urging, the moving away, the gathering into proper places of gatherings, etc occurs on individual levels.

(J)ames 3:1 "My brethren, be not many masters, knowing that we shall receive the greater condemnation. "

So even though this 'warning' was not heeded; seeing that there are SO MANY pastor-teachers/ expounders of the weekly Word; often given on their gathering serviced 'Church' day, the lack of correcting to bring the Truer Truths to the 'flock' begins to have light shed upon it as to 'WHY' the flock is being neglected of this basic Christ Truth... and because of this, the second part of the verse of (J)ames 3:1 begins to become a reality and a Truer 'warning'.

Here is an example...

From the Free Dictionary...

(redirected from Yitshaq)
Also found in: Thesaurus, Medical, Encyclopedia.
Related to Yitshaq: Yitshak
In the Bible, the son of Abraham who was offered as a sacrifice to God. The sacrifice was prevented at the last moment by divine intervention.

Okay... Isaac... (redirected from Yitshaq)... also found in: Thesarus, Medical, Encyclopedia, etc....
Related to Yitshaq: Yitshak

So if in the English letters Yitshaq and/or Yitshak was/is already written, why and how was I.saac needed?

So if the Hebrew language does not have the letter 'J', from where does the Nation of (J)ews come from?

And why would this be anything important?

Because of current day 'Anti-Semitic' violences.. and these towards the so-called *(J)ews from where not many are aware of where they come from..

Oh.. not to forget to mention... not only as in (J)acob or (I)saac or (J)ew or (J)erusalem or (J)esus or (J)ehovah but also as in (I)srael.

It was in the year 1947(8)? when the Free State of (I)srael became into 'existence'.
Prior to 1947(8)?, the land was known as the British Mandate of Palestine; not to be mixed with The Mandate of Heaven.

The Mandate of Heaven does not require a legitimate ruler to be of noble birth but how well that person can rule, depending on the just and able performance of the rulers and their heirs. Dynasties such as the Han and Ming dynasties were founded by men of common origins, but they were seen as having succeeded because they had gained the Mandate of Heaven. The concept is in some ways similar to the European concept of the divine right of kings; however, unlike the European concept, it does not confer an unconditional right to rule. Intrinsic to the concept of the Mandate of Heaven was the right of rebellion against an unjust ruler. The Mandate of Heaven was often invoked by philosophers and scholars in China as a way to curtail the abuse of power by the ruler, in a system that had few other checks. Chinese historians interpreted a successful revolt as evidence that Heaven had withdrawn its mandate from the ruler. Throughout Chinese history, times of poverty and natural disasters were often taken as signs that heaven considered the incumbent ruler unjust and thus in need of replacement.

Mandate of Heaven - Wikipedia
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Please keep mindful that The United States is only 1 Country in which Christ Messiah and The LORD, along with Holy God, IS reverenced and loved and Praised upon which land They also likewise make Their sun to shine and Their day to be 'made'.... And these individual persons also have a right to have knowledge of Whom they are praising and giving love and thanks to; most logically and sensibly speaking.. And keeping in mind that the U.S of America is only 1 Country, although with 48 contiguous States, with so many different 'denominations' and versions of The Holy Bible on its streets to which this evidence is not somekind of 'mandate' of Heaven revealing some kind of disaffinity towards The U.S of America's 'ruling' system..

The witchcraft, the forniciations, the abuses of substances, the lack of parental disciplining, the abundance of disobedience towards the elders from the youths, the disobeying of authorities (local as well as in home), etc... is only 1 aspect of what makes The United States 'different' than the other Countries and theirs, with their own same lacks and abundances within and to the same measures, different than the other Countries respectively... (I)srael, 1947(8), not being exempted.

And so today we have the original premise to deal with.. Today's receivers of God's 'gifts' of whatever He desires/decides to 'give'/provide for, etc... still needing the necessity for any to place attention and direction in the correct direction; upward, onward; Heaven bound. Freely from those that desire and choose to; unknowingly for those that do not desire nor choose to; but still in the direction the World is moving in regardless of what a life in this or any other generation desires/chooses; even if an entire generation were do extinguish humankind out of existence because of their 1 life 'thought' as to what 'forever', before now and later, should be or not be...

In the days of China's Dynasties, natural 'disasters' were considered unfavorable retributions from Heaven. Today, natural 'disasters' are becoming more scientifically explained that they are not from some Heavenly disaffinity towards how 'rulers' rule but is being proven how they, the natural disasters, are from the common populations abundance use of 'energies', mostly electricity producing 'energy', which in excess will result in the hotter inland temperature needing to be offset off shore above the cooler sea/ocean water temperatures to which if the 'redistrubtion' of heat is too great over the sea/ocean waters, will cause these natural disasters that many persons still today place blame and accusation towards The Creators for.

Nonetheless.. one generation and then the next..

in 100 years from today.. most of the persons you know of personally, either directly or indirectly, world wide, will not be inhabiting this Earth. The Earth will be repopulated, will be populated with a whole brand NEW set of humans; mostly. This 'set' of humans in which we are in, will NOT be here in 100 years; mostly. Anyone above 10 or 15 years of age will most likely NOT live to be 110 or 115 to find this statement absurd and/or untrue and/or biased regardless of social, ethnic, sexual, biological make up/preference....

Distortion caused by excessiveness.
Disorder caused by lack of order; even excessive order.

Disorder caused by distortion.

mental, emotional, psychological (logical;psycho), physical, relational, financial, etc.... disorder

But.. in The Entire World? In The Entire Country? In the Entire Family?

psycho-logically ... not.

So that 'area' will decrease/decline.. others will increase/incline...

And then the other matters which gets somewhat into 1 Corinthians 13.

1 Corinthians 13:8 "but whether there be prophecies, they shall fail; whether there be tongues, they shall cease; whether there be knowledge, it shall vanish away."

1 Corinthians 8:1 "Now as touching things offered unto idols, we know that we all have knowledge. Knowledge puffeth up, but charity edifieth."

whether there be knowledge, it shall vanish away... we know that we all have knowledge. Knowledge puffeth up..

Although we all have knowledge about things offered unto idols (Acts 15:29 "That ye abstain from meats offered to idols,), this knowledge that we all have seems to only puffeth up and does not 'edify'.


*but Christ (declared all foods clean)... Mark 7:19 (NIV) "For it doesn’t go into their heart but into their stomach, and then out of the body.” (In saying this, Jesus declared all foods clean.)"

Mark 7:19 (KJV) "Because it entereth not into his heart, but into the belly, and goeth out into the draught, purging all meats?"

Again... only in certain, limited places/towns/cities/states/countries in the World do The Holy Bibles that they use/that are used within; contradict one another....

What does the KJV mean and what does the NIV mean?

The KJV says that the meats are purged.
The NIV says nothing about purging...

makes clean, all food... not only 'meat'.

2511. katharizó
Strong's Concordance
katharizó: to cleanse
Original Word: καθαρίζω
Part of Speech: Verb
Transliteration: katharizó
Phonetic Spelling: (kath-ar-id'-zo)
Definition: to cleanse
Usage: I cleanse, make clean, literally, ceremonially, or spiritually, according to context.

all the food.
1033. bróma
Strong's Concordance
bróma: food
Original Word: βρῶμα, ατος, τό
Part of Speech: Noun, Neuter
Transliteration: bróma
Phonetic Spelling: (bro'-mah)
Definition: food
Usage: food of any kind.

So the foods that are eaten end up purging, getting rid of, all foods that are in the 'belly' into the draught; even the meats which are still within the body? And so this should not make a person 'unclean'? Even if to eat an unclean food, such as etc, etc, etc.... would to eat unclean foods make the person unclean or is the commandment of The LORD and God to not 'eat' unclean foods?

The commandment is to not 'eat' unclean foods. The commandment is NOT to NOT become unclean but to not eat, not touch, etc... but if one who is clean touches an unclean thing does the clean become unclean? yes. But to eat something unclean, does that make the clean unclean? You mean if I never eat pork that if I do, I will be made unclean? Oh.. I see.. voluntary eating to that which I have knowledge of.. whether the 'meat' is clean or unclean; whether the food is offered to idols or not.... voluntary decisions and choices in/on what I personally; not forceably/ not mandatorially, eat...
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So this verse, that meats purge is not really about clean or unclean as though Christ Messiah was attempting to have the Dietary following 'persons' disobey their dietary choices of following.. . it isn't about that.. it's about how when even when following the dietary 'law(s)' that to eat 'meat(s)' with unwashen hands makes the person unclean or not...

Mark 7:1-5 "Then came together unto him the Pharisees, and certain of the scribes, which came from (J)erusalem. 2And when they saw some of his disciples eat bread with defiled, that is to say, with unwashen, hands, they found fault. 3For the Pharisees, and all the Jews, except they wash their hands oft, eat not, holding the tradition of the elders. 4And when they come from the market, except they wash, they eat not. And many other things there be, which they have received to hold, as the washing of cups, and pots, brasen vessels, and of tables. 5Then the Pharisees and scribes asked him, Why walk not thy disciples according to the tradition of the elders, but eat bread with unwashen hands?"

Their 'concern' was not about which 'meats' they were allowed to eat or not eat but their concern was about a rabbinical Law which said that to not wash your hands before eating in a certain prescribed manner; that it was unlawful... And it is of these rabbinical laws to which Christ Messiah addresses when He said that the 'commandments of man' are used as the doctrines of God.

Matthew 15:9 "But in vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men."

teaching for the doctrines of God and The LORD what man had/has made as commandments; the rabbinical laws..

The LORD and God never commanded to 'wash' hands prior to eating or how to 'wash' utensils.. They, The LORD and Holy God, did; however, command to NOT eat certain 'animals'.


did you have knowledge that prior to Noah and his sons and their wives exiting the ark that the foods eaten were all as prescribed from Genesis? There was no/were no 'animals-allowed' to consume prior to Noah and his sons and their wives exiting the ark. Only after and only with direct given permission.

It seems as though mankind and The LORD and Holy God had a much closer intimate relationship with each other just as how The LORD and Holy God used to 'visit' Adam and his wife, Eve and how they probably used to 'talk' with each other just as The LORD spoke with Moses; even face to face.

Exodus 33:11 "And the LORD spake unto Moses face to face, as a man speaketh unto his friend."

Strangely fearful or Wonderful?

And to try to imagine the humans who deliberately disobeyed Them, face to face, when They came to say 'hello' and bring a Good visit. What a saddening idea.

To have lived around/near to such humans could have been the more strangely FEARFUL than to have been visited by The Good LORD. And even as Christ Messiah said.. only God IS Good. The LORD God could be, then, The Good LORD.

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The struggles and pains I've been through trying to live peacefully near/among deliberate wrong doers is only a miniscule piece of what They still continue to go through on Their Own and because of Their OWN personal choices and decisions to do so... Losing arms and legs is not too large of a 'thing' for Them, it seems.

It seems as if They still allow Themselves to be walked all over and disrespected all and each time They attempt at being nice and loving.

3470. Ysha'yah

Strong's Concordance
Ysha'yah: Isaiah​
Original Word: יְשַׁעְיָה
Part of Speech: Proper Name Masculine
Transliteration: Ysha'yah
Phonetic Spelling: (yesh-ah-yaw')
Definition: "salvation of Yah", four Israelites

(I)sa(i)ah 1:2 "Hear, O heavens, and give ear, O earth: for the LORD hath spoken, I have nourished and brought up children, and they have rebelled against me."

I wonder.. The LORD has nourished and brought up children who rebelled against Him? I'm wondering... Who is/was their 'mom'?

being 'fatherless' does not mean being 'motherless'. And any fatherless child that neglects or disregards his mother is needing to be disciplined more than nourished and pampered.
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