hospital imprisons new mothers with no money


Gold Member
Dec 19, 2011
Kenya hospital imprisons new mothers with no money | Health Headlines | Comcast

The director of the Pumwani Maternity Hospital, located in a hardscrabble neighborhood of downtown Nairobi, freely acknowledges what he's accused of: detaining mothers who can't pay their bills. Lazarus Omondi says it's the only way he can keep his medical center running.
"We hold you and squeeze you until we get what we can get. We must be self-sufficient," Omondi said in an interview in his hospital office. "The hospital must get money to pay electricity, to pay water. We must pay our doctors and our workers."

"They stay there until they pay. They must pay," he said of the 350 mothers who give birth each week on average. "If you don't pay the hospital will collapse."

We should do that here , cut down on the worthless freeloading Illegals who flop out babies like Gerbils with no means of support. My hard earned money should stay in my pocket. Just a thought !
Simple concept, a business doesn't get paid for services rendered, they can't stay in business. Those receiving the service should be the ones paying.
So this practice is admired by right wingers?

Good thing we outlawed debtors prisons.
We should do that here , cut down on the worthless freeloading Illegals who flop out babies like Gerbils with no means of support. My hard earned money should stay in my pocket. Just a thought !

It's bigots like you who are more than happy to have illegals demo a kitchen for a remodel, cut your grass and wash the dished at your favorite restaurant. You never complain about the low priced remodel, yard care, meal.

And you probably eat food picked by migrant workers in california and beef slaughtered by undocumented workers in Texas.

Guess what, pal?

You are an ignorant hypocrite.
We should do that here , cut down on the worthless freeloading Illegals who flop out babies like Gerbils with no means of support. My hard earned money should stay in my pocket. Just a thought !

It's bigots like you who are more than happy to have illegals demo a kitchen for a remodel, cut your grass and wash the dished at your favorite restaurant. You never complain about the low priced remodel, yard care, meal.

And you probably eat food picked by migrant workers in california and beef slaughtered by undocumented workers in Texas.

Guess what, pal?

You are an ignorant hypocrite.

Do you always project a bunch of unsubstantiated bullshit onto people then get outraged about what they support?
We should do that here , cut down on the worthless freeloading Illegals who flop out babies like Gerbils with no means of support. My hard earned money should stay in my pocket. Just a thought !
So you wanna criminalize debt? Which increases the amount of people needed to enforce it and consequently, increases the size of government.

That would be the final nail in the coffin to re-classify American citizens into only 3 catagories:
  1. consumer
  2. warrior
  3. criminal
When do we start calling ourselves the 4th Reich?
We should do that here , cut down on the worthless freeloading Illegals who flop out babies like Gerbils with no means of support. My hard earned money should stay in my pocket. Just a thought !
So you wanna criminalize debt? Which increases the amount of people needed to enforce it and consequently, increases the size of government.

That would be the final nail in the coffin to re-classify American citizens into only 3 catagories:
  1. consumer
  2. warrior
  3. criminal
When do we start calling ourselves the 4th Reich?

If that's what you get from that statement, you need to go back to school. Saying people should pay their own way is not criminalizing anything. But hey let's not let facts get in the way of good propaganda, right comrade?
If that's what you get from that statement, you need to go back to school. Saying people should pay their own way is not criminalizing anything. But hey let's not let facts get in the way of good propaganda, right comrade?
The poster said "we should do that here"!

The "THAT", he was referring to, was imprisoning someone for non-payment of bill. That's criminalizing debt!

What other possible meaning could that poster have had?
You can start by repealing the law Reagan passed forcing hospitals to treat everyone, even if they have no money.
Why don't we start by enforcing anti-trust laws that allow healthcare corporations to merge and monopolize the market that allows them to charge ridiculous prices that are just obscene!
You can start by repealing the law Reagan passed forcing hospitals to treat everyone, even if they have no money.
Why don't we start by enforcing anti-trust laws that allow healthcare corporations to merge and monopolize the market that allows them to charge ridiculous prices that are just obscene!

What is the average gross profit a 'healthcare corporation' makes on a dollar of service rendered?

Or do you not have a fucking clue and just say stupid things?
We should do that here , cut down on the worthless freeloading Illegals who flop out babies like Gerbils with no means of support. My hard earned money should stay in my pocket. Just a thought !

It's bigots like you who are more than happy to have illegals demo a kitchen for a remodel, cut your grass and wash the dished at your favorite restaurant. You never complain about the low priced remodel, yard care, meal.

And you probably eat food picked by migrant workers in california and beef slaughtered by undocumented workers in Texas.

Guess what, pal?

You are an ignorant hypocrite.

Do you always project a bunch of unsubstantiated bullshit onto people then get outraged about what they support?

Just call 'em like I see 'em. Open your eyes.

People make xenophobic remarks while eating cheap grapes and apples picked by migrant workers w/o health insurance.

Every American eats something picked or grown or produced in California every day. But then calls California too liberal for providing emergency health care to the people picking the fruits, nuts, veggies.

How stupid is that?

Tea baggers want to embrace constitution.... except the part that makes brown babies citizens... and deporting their parents harder.

The Catholic Church has called the GOP budget proposals (Paul Ryan) unacceptable with regard to treatment of the poor. This is a fact. The mother church of Christianity is saying the GOP does not fallow the teachings of christ. Do you deny this fact? It's not me saying this, it's the Church body that assembled the bible in 300 A.D.
What is the average gross profit a 'healthcare corporation' makes on a dollar of service rendered?

Or do you not have a fucking clue and just say stupid things?
I know a one night stay in the hospital, shouldn't cost $36,000!
If that's what you get from that statement, you need to go back to school. Saying people should pay their own way is not criminalizing anything. But hey let's not let facts get in the way of good propaganda, right comrade?
The poster said "we should do that here"!

The "THAT", he was referring to, was imprisoning someone for non-payment of bill. That's criminalizing debt!

What other possible meaning could that poster have had?

If you had bothered to actually read the link you would have found that the hospital did not release them until they paid, there was no law enforcement involved.
It's bigots like you who are more than happy to have illegals demo a kitchen for a remodel, cut your grass and wash the dished at your favorite restaurant. You never complain about the low priced remodel, yard care, meal.

And you probably eat food picked by migrant workers in california and beef slaughtered by undocumented workers in Texas.

Guess what, pal?

You are an ignorant hypocrite.

Do you always project a bunch of unsubstantiated bullshit onto people then get outraged about what they support?

Just call 'em like I see 'em. Open your eyes.

People make xenophobic remarks while eating cheap grapes and apples picked by migrant workers w/o health insurance.

Every American eats something picked or grown or produced in California every day. But then calls California too liberal for providing emergency health care to the people picking the fruits, nuts, veggies.

How stupid is that?

Tea baggers want to embrace constitution.... except the part that makes brown babies citizens... and deporting their parents harder.

The Catholic Church has called the GOP budget proposals (Paul Ryan) unacceptable with regard to treatment of the poor. This is a fact. The mother church of Christianity is saying the GOP does not fallow the teachings of christ. Do you deny this fact? It's not me saying this, it's the Church body that assembled the bible in 300 A.D.

You're projecting what others support again. Just because one eats a grape doesn't mean they support illegals picking it. Most would much prefer to eat a grape picked by an American.
With so many Americans out of work it's a sad indictment of how useless and pampered many in our society have become that that work is above them. Stop the lifetime benefits for the healthy useless and let them starve if they won't do the work, and kick the illegals the fuck out and build a great big fence to keep them out with snipers every so often to shoot any fuck trying to get over or around it.

And yes, any brown, white, pink, yellow, or blue baby born to an illegal should be booted out too.

And I don't give a fuck what the Catholic church has to say, they are as fucked up as our government anymore.

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