Hostage situation in Australia....

And it may indeed end with no one hurt. However, based on past incidents involving radical Muslims, it could end very badly as well.

Yes, it could.

But here's the thing. In the US, we have maybe a couple dozen deaths a year from Radical Islam. Depending on the year, of course, and excluding Bush being asleep at the switch in 2001.

We have 32,000 deaths a year due to guns.
You're the sick one, go off yourself if that's what you're into.
He has a point. They are UNARMED and UNABLE to protect themselves against stuff like this

Fuck you Cletus!

I wont be lectured by a potential wife beater on anything!

Go find a Cletus forum!

Wait, don't ever call me black again. LMAO


Why Black Women Struggle More With Domestic Violence
Sept. 10, 2014


Ravens running back Ray Rice, right, and his wife Janay made statements to the news media regarding his assault charge for knocking her unconscious in a New Jersey casino, on May 5, 2014, at the Under Armour Performance Center in Owings Mills, Md.Kenneth K. Lam—Baltimore Sun/MCT/Getty Images
Complex issues like racism and sexism mean Black women become victims more often

What Every Generation Gets Wrong About Sex

Charles Barkley Stands By Calling Ferguson Rioters 'Scumbags'

Modi Takes Back Lead from Ferguson Protesters in TIME’s Person…

Domestic and intimate partner violence (DV/IPV) is a “family secret” in our Black communities. While I’m not suggesting that all Black people think and function in similar enough ways that we could all be labeled simply as one “community,” I do know we have pervasive problems that require nuanced discourse — especially in light of the national conversation about domestic abuse that has erupted over the last week.

Ray Rice Black Women Struggle More With Domestic Abuse

Fucking Cletus the wife beater.

Go read through some actual crime statistics you slob!


It`s the southern states that are the wife beating states!

And you disgusting people are even proud of it!!!!


The 2005 report “The Color of Crime” by the New Century Foundation lays it out: “Blacks are seven times more likely than people of other races to commit murder, and eight times more likely to commit robbery. . . . Blacks are an estimated 39 times more likely to commit a violent crime against a white than vice versa, and 136 times more likely to commit robbery.” - See more at: Crime Stats Alarm Black Leaders American Free Press

As an attorney, Alexander understands the crime statistics for his state.

“Domestic violence is rampant among black couples,” he said. “However, the courts have a vested interest in getting more such cases prosecuted because they receive more government funds this way. Prosecutors will not allow women to drop domestic violence charges, or the men to cop a plea to a lesser charge. Instead, they urge men to plead guilty with the promise that they will not be incarcerated. But the assault still goes on their record.”

Tennessee is not alone in this. The other states in the top 10 most violent list all demonstrate similar racial and economic disparities. They include by order of their ranking: Nevada, Alaska, New Mexico, South Carolina, Delaware, Louisiana, Florida, Maryland and Oklahoma. More importantly, it is misleading to rate crime by state when it is cities that make all the difference.

Maryland stands out among the other violent states on the list given its stringent gun-control laws. Overall, the Old Line State has the highest median income in the nation, the third-lowest poverty rate and one of the highest proportions of adults with a college degree. But in Maryland’s case, one city, Baltimore, is responsible for giving that state a bad name.

- See more at: Crime Stats Alarm Black Leaders American Free Press

Again a retreat into mentioning something else that isnt releated to the subject in anyway.

The typical escpae route of the Cletus savage.

Go find crime statistics that compare black and white domestic violence in the US on a state and national level.

Then there are actualy statistics you could try to prove a point with.

Until then, go play with mud you reched swamp savage!

Man, you are some kind of a tool aren't you?

Usually someone as ignorant as you, gets very little of my time. Here, take this handout and gfys



  • Overall, African Americans were victimized by intimate partners a significantly higher rates than persons of any other race between 1993 and 1998. Black females experienced intimate partner violence at a rate 35% higher than that of white females, and about 22 times the rate of women of other races. Callie Marie Rennison. and Sarah Welchans, U.S. Dep’t of Just., NCJ 178247, Intimate Partner Violence (2000), available at
Yes, we know you believe that, you've made it abundantly clear in many past threads.

and I'm still right.

The Best argument for banning guns is to let the gun nuts fantasize about all the people they want to shoot.
No, you're not right.

See, you like to throw ALL gun owners into one big pile and call them NUTS.

So then, you must think our military is STARK RAVING MAD!

If not, then explain that conundrum.
See what I did there gun grabbing assholes? When you're out Christmas shopping think about it.

Dumb asses

And you still want an unarmed society




Hostage taking in Sydney cafe sparks fears of Islamist-linked attack

(Reuters) - Australian police locked down the center of the country's biggest city on Monday after an armed man walked into a downtown Sydney cafe, took hostages and forced them to display an Islamic flag, igniting fears of a jihadist attack.

Police said they knew of one armed assailant involved in the incident at the Lindt chocolate cafe in the heart of Sydney's financial district, but there could be more.

Hostage taking in Sydney cafe sparks fears of Islamist-linked attack Reuters

It's been quite calm down there actually. They even continued shopping at the other end of the street. Seems he's a lone wolf known to police; probably a nutter. He's been condemned by 40 Islamic Orgs here. He sent his demands to a local TV station who refused to air them. Pretty much business as usual. Thank you for being concerned and yes: I do think our gun laws are STUPID!!

But with cops only a couple of minutes away there are rarely events like this to worry about. I am, of course, speaking with hindsight; a benefit you did not have when you posted.

See, you like to throw ALL gun owners into one big pile and call them NUTS.

So then, you must think our military is STARK RAVING MAD!

If not, then explain that conundrum.

Military folks don't "own' their guns. They also aren't given guns until they are screened, heavily trained and only use them under strict regimented authority. You know, a "Well-Regulated Militia".

I don't throw all gun owners into the nut pile, but far too many of you are completely cool with with the nuts.

You think it's fine that THESE guys can get guns.

See what I did there gun grabbing assholes? When you're out Christmas shopping think about it.

Dumb asses

And you still want an unarmed society




Hostage taking in Sydney cafe sparks fears of Islamist-linked attack

(Reuters) - Australian police locked down the center of the country's biggest city on Monday after an armed man walked into a downtown Sydney cafe, took hostages and forced them to display an Islamic flag, igniting fears of a jihadist attack.

Police said they knew of one armed assailant involved in the incident at the Lindt chocolate cafe in the heart of Sydney's financial district, but there could be more.

Hostage taking in Sydney cafe sparks fears of Islamist-linked attack Reuters

One action that is the real cause of our low shooting rate is that the mental health Act has been expanded to include compulsory assessment of nutters who could be dangerous. I don't know that the liberals in the US would go for that!!

See what I did there gun grabbing assholes? When you're out Christmas shopping think about it.

Dumb asses

And you still want an unarmed society




Hostage taking in Sydney cafe sparks fears of Islamist-linked attack

(Reuters) - Australian police locked down the center of the country's biggest city on Monday after an armed man walked into a downtown Sydney cafe, took hostages and forced them to display an Islamic flag, igniting fears of a jihadist attack.

Police said they knew of one armed assailant involved in the incident at the Lindt chocolate cafe in the heart of Sydney's financial district, but there could be more.

Hostage taking in Sydney cafe sparks fears of Islamist-linked attack Reuters

It's been quite calm down there actually. They even continued shopping at the other end of the street. Seems he's a lone wolf known to police; probably a nutter. He's been condemned by 40 Islamic Orgs here. He sent his demands to a local TV station who refused to air them. Pretty much business as usual. Thank you for being concerned and yes: I do think our gun laws are STUPID!!

But with cops only a couple of minutes away there are rarely events like this to worry about. I am, of course, speaking with hindsight; a benefit you did not have when you posted.

The entire city block has been EVACUATED, and the gunman has been ANGRILY shouting at the remaining hostages.

It's FAR from over, and FAR from "calm."
See, you like to throw ALL gun owners into one big pile and call them NUTS.

So then, you must think our military is STARK RAVING MAD!

If not, then explain that conundrum.

Military folks don't "own' their guns. They also aren't given guns until they are screened, heavily trained and only use them under strict regimented authority. You know, a "Well-Regulated Militia".

I don't throw all gun owners into the nut pile, but far too many of you are completely cool with with the nuts.
WHY does the military need guns? Are they NUTS or what?
See what I did there gun grabbing assholes? When you're out Christmas shopping think about it.

Dumb asses

And you still want an unarmed society




Hostage taking in Sydney cafe sparks fears of Islamist-linked attack

(Reuters) - Australian police locked down the center of the country's biggest city on Monday after an armed man walked into a downtown Sydney cafe, took hostages and forced them to display an Islamic flag, igniting fears of a jihadist attack.

Police said they knew of one armed assailant involved in the incident at the Lindt chocolate cafe in the heart of Sydney's financial district, but there could be more.

Hostage taking in Sydney cafe sparks fears of Islamist-linked attack Reuters

It's been quite calm down there actually. They even continued shopping at the other end of the street. Seems he's a lone wolf known to police; probably a nutter. He's been condemned by 40 Islamic Orgs here. He sent his demands to a local TV station who refused to air them. Pretty much business as usual. Thank you for being concerned and yes: I do think our gun laws are STUPID!!

But with cops only a couple of minutes away there are rarely events like this to worry about. I am, of course, speaking with hindsight; a benefit you did not have when you posted.

The entire city block has been EVACUATED, and the gunman has been ANGRILY shouting at the remaining hostages.

It's FAR from over, and FAR from "calm."

It's been a long day. It may still end badly of course but the Police are hopeful.

Hey Joe, I think you better call obama and tell him how NUTS he is...

I'm all for guns being in the hands of well trained military and law enforcement.

I just don't think stupid-ass cleetuses who want guns because they are afraid of scary negroes should have them.
There's already laws in place to keep guns out of the hands of criminals and insane people.

And self defense is one of the main reasons why we have the second amendment. If the military or the president has the right to surround themselves with firearms to protect themselves, then so does every other law abiding citizen.
WHY does the military need guns? Are the NUTS or what?

Congrats- you just devolved into complete in-coherency.

Get back to me when you have a cogent thought on the issue.
Can't explain it can you? I knew your argument fall apart.

Get back to me when you can logically explain yourself and not fall flat on your face.
There is no doubt had just one patron been armed, the entire situation could have possibly been defused from the start.

Unlikely, given how rare such incidents are here in the US where too many people are armed.

"Too many" ? You have made it quite clear in past threads regarding the use of guns, that if up to you NO private citizen would be allowed to own a gun.

There's no good reason for a private citizen to have a gun.
There is in Gateaux the skid marks case, it compensates for a tiny penis.

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