Hostage situation in Australia....

You filthy repulsive piece of shit!!!

Making a cheap political shot before a situation is even resolved!!!!!!

Go do the world a favor and kill yourself!

You're the sick one, go off yourself if that's what you're into.
He has a point. They are UNARMED and UNABLE to protect themselves against stuff like this

Fuck you Cletus!

I wont be lectured by a potential wife beater on anything!

Go find a Cletus forum!

This is the "U.S." message board. So what the fuck are you doing here Adolf?
See, you like to throw ALL gun owners into one big pile and call them NUTS.

So then, you must think our military is STARK RAVING MAD!

If not, then explain that conundrum.

Military folks don't "own' their guns. They also aren't given guns until they are screened, heavily trained and only use them under strict regimented authority. You know, a "Well-Regulated Militia".

I don't throw all gun owners into the nut pile, but far too many of you are completely cool with with the nuts.

You think it's fine that THESE guys can get guns.


I'd post up all the black killers but there's not enough bandwidth on the entire internet...
You filthy repulsive piece of shit!!!

Making a cheap political shot before a situation is even resolved!!!!!!

Go do the world a favor and kill yourself!

You're the sick one, go off yourself if that's what you're into.
He has a point. They are UNARMED and UNABLE to protect themselves against stuff like this

Fuck you Cletus!

I wont be lectured by a potential wife beater on anything!

Go find a Cletus forum!
Oh, Cleonce', save the fuckin' drama.

You will be lectured by anyone here that feels like it, ya' little whiney ;punk.
There is no doubt had just one patron been armed, the entire situation could have possibly been defused from the start.

Unlikely, given how rare such incidents are here in the US where too many people are armed.

"Too many" ? You have made it quite clear in past threads regarding the use of guns, that if up to you NO private citizen would be allowed to own a gun.

There's no good reason for a private citizen to have a gun.

You are a fool! Sit and wait for the police to care about your ass

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You filthy repulsive piece of shit!!!

Making a cheap political shot before a situation is even resolved!!!!!!

Go do the world a favor and kill yourself!

You're the sick one, go off yourself if that's what you're into.
He has a point. They are UNARMED and UNABLE to protect themselves against stuff like this

Fuck you Cletus!

I wont be lectured by a potential wife beater on anything!

Go find a Cletus forum!

Wait, don't ever call me black again. LMAO


Why Black Women Struggle More With Domestic Violence
Sept. 10, 2014


Ravens running back Ray Rice, right, and his wife Janay made statements to the news media regarding his assault charge for knocking her unconscious in a New Jersey casino, on May 5, 2014, at the Under Armour Performance Center in Owings Mills, Md.Kenneth K. Lam—Baltimore Sun/MCT/Getty Images
Complex issues like racism and sexism mean Black women become victims more often

What Every Generation Gets Wrong About Sex

Charles Barkley Stands By Calling Ferguson Rioters 'Scumbags'

Modi Takes Back Lead from Ferguson Protesters in TIME’s Person…

Domestic and intimate partner violence (DV/IPV) is a “family secret” in our Black communities. While I’m not suggesting that all Black people think and function in similar enough ways that we could all be labeled simply as one “community,” I do know we have pervasive problems that require nuanced discourse — especially in light of the national conversation about domestic abuse that has erupted over the last week.

Ray Rice Black Women Struggle More With Domestic Abuse

Fucking Cletus the wife beater.

Go read through some actual crime statistics you slob!


It`s the southern states that are the wife beating states!

And you disgusting people are even proud of it!!!!


Why are you bringing the man's wife into it?

He never mentioned his wife, or in any way brought his wife into this.
Hey Joe, I think you better call obama and tell him how NUTS he is...

I'm all for guns being in the hands of well trained military and law enforcement.

I just don't think stupid-ass cleetuses who want guns because they are afraid of scary negroes should have them.
Well, your opinion and $20 will get you a blowjob from a crackhead.

Not much more though.
The guy holding the hostages, according to Sydney officials, is an Iranian cleric that is out on bail for violent acts. Just crossed the wires.
Seems he was involved in the murder of his wife a d sexual assault on a young woman-


Monis is infamous for sending hate mail to the families of Australian soldiers killed in Afghanistan.
The letters were highly offensive, comparing the fallen soldiers to pigs.

Charged with using the postal service to harass and offend, he claimed to be a peace activist, chaining himself to the courthouse steps at one point.

He was sentenced to community service, and placed on a two-year good behaviour bond.

Monis was born in Iran; he is aged around 50 and came to Australia as a refugee in 1996.

Apart from the letter-writing campaign, he's also been implicated in murder.

He was charged last year with being an accessory to the murder of his ex-wife, who was stabbed and set alight in a stairwell.

This year he was charged with the sexual assault of a young woman who had gone to him for so-called 'spiritual healing'.

He's currently on bail.
Sydney siege gunman named Police identify Man Monis - Yahoo 7
Everything appears to be under control...just a confused raghead immigrant who has sexual issues. We are safe here in America...Lisa has briefed Barack. Barack will watch CNN for further news.
What the hell is wrong with the police down there? The terrorist has appeared in the building's windows a number of times giving a sniper a clear shot.
It appears either that Australia either does not have snipers or they are dragging this event out for their own purposes.
The guy holding the hostages, according to Sydney officials, is an Iranian cleric that is out on bail for violent acts. Just crossed the wires.

I just knew we shouldn't have water boarded those three terrorists. Look what it is causing in Australia. I spent six months 'down under' quite a few years ago and the Ausies I dealt with were great people. I hope they resolve this problem without any hostages being killed.
What the hell is wrong with the police down there? The hostage taker has appeared in the building's windows a number of times giving a sniper a clear shot.
It appears either that Australia either does not have snipers or they are dragging this event out for their own purposes.

Or they think they can talk the guy out without anyone getting killed. What a novel concept.
Why? The lives of the hostages are more important than the Terrorist. Take him out and remove the hostages from danger.
One less terrorist to worry about.
Me too. The claim is he said he has planted bombs in the district and has some with him as well.
The guy holding the hostages, according to Sydney officials, is an Iranian cleric that is out on bail for violent acts. Just crossed the wires.

I just knew we shouldn't have water boarded those three terrorists. Look what it is causing in Australia. I spent six months 'down under' quite a few years ago and the Ausies I dealt with were great people. I hope they resolve this problem without any hostages being killed.
With his claim of bombs and wearing a backpack I would think that is keeping them from taking him out.
What the hell is wrong with the police down there? The terrorist has appeared in the building's windows a number of times giving a sniper a clear shot.
It appears either that Australia either does not have snipers or they are dragging this event out for their own purposes.

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