Hostage situation in Australia....

Being a muslim, I would assume she isn't wanting this to be another terrorist attack which can be held against muslims.
If I recall, noomi is muslim.
Are you fucking kidding me right now?

gravity----you must maintain civility--------noomi is expressing
her learned opinion on the subject-----and now----lets do recipes

not nice----you are assuming that ALL MUSLIMS ARE STUPID
No, I am stating a reason for her reluctance.

can you expand on that idea?
They are now saying he had numerous charges of sexual assault as well as the one I mentioned earlier.

he's a nut------no comfort there------nuts are very malleable.
That which they do is not entirely "disordered" or "random"---
even hallucinations and delusions do not arise out of thin
air------they "come from within"----the nut-------their cultures and their creeds from the beliefs and imageries they developed during their lifetimes. Hallucinating hindus do not see "the Madonna on a cloud"-------they see ---Sita----doing whatever
sita did-----I think she fell into a hole in the planet
Looks as if it was a lone nutcase who had proclaimed himself a sheik, and had a history of sexual assault.
Islam is a magnet for the criminally insane and ignorant. Their biggest recruitment is in prisons across the Western world.
Lone wolf. Such an interesting term. Used to lessen the effect of what one man accomplishes in the name of jihad. Yet spurred on by other jihadists.

Rather a contrarian term if you ask me.
Reports now around 7 injured, some before police stormed in. One hostage dead as well as the hostage taker.
Wait....why would the Australian police use guns....don't they know it only makes the situation worse.......?
I heard on a news station that the jerk was from Iran----but
nothing else----either he was born in Iran or spent some time
there (as far as I know) It does not even seem to be
clear that he is a muslim?? No relatives noted so far,
anyone got more?
Report: the hostage taker killed the one hostage, and why they stormed the building.
Sorry guys...there can't be any shooting victims....that sort of thing only happens in the States.....right?
Report: the hostage taker killed the one hostage, and why they stormed the building.

the killing indicates-----big motive to kill-----at the time of the
storming------he had to have known that he had no chance
Since this thread is another one thats turned into a gun control debate in America, Im wondering, being a Brit, what you think the likelyhood is that out of 30 random customers in the average US Starbucks, that one of them would be armed.

Honest question, no flaming needed.
He was an Iranian refugee, came to Australia in 1996. Declared himself a cleric, had multiple charges against him. Found guilty in 2013 of sending poisonous (not literally) letters to families of soldiers killed in Afghanistan. Also charged with the death of his ex-wife, as well as numerous sexual assaults.
I heard on a news station that the jerk was from Iran----but
nothing else----either he was born in Iran or spent some time
there (as far as I know) It does not even seem to be
clear that he is a muslim?? No relatives noted so far,
anyone got more?
He was an Iranian refugee, came to Australia in 1996. Declared himself a cleric, had multiple charges against him. Found guilty in 2013 of sending poisonous (not literally) letters to families of soldiers killed in Afghanistan. Also charged with the death of his ex-wife, as well as numerous sexual assaults.
I heard on a news station that the jerk was from Iran----but
nothing else----either he was born in Iran or spent some time
there (as far as I know) It does not even seem to be
clear that he is a muslim?? No relatives noted so far,
anyone got more?

ok----was he muslim? there are other things in Iran----a few
------are still there-------a few Christians, a few Bahai,
a few Zoroastrians a few Jews -------I ask because this
guy was really screwed up into religions-----not uncommon in
Since this thread is another one thats turned into a gun control debate in America, Im wondering, being a Brit, what you think the likelyhood is that out of 30 random customers in the average US Starbucks, that one of them would be armed.

Honest question, no flaming needed.

ok starbucks------I was once in a starbucks in my city----
DAMNED EXPENSIVE....... very genteel business
person crowd-------my guess----no one was armed------
I was asked to pay something like five bucks for a cellophane
wrapped factory made bun--------if only I had a gun......

— Monis' former lawyer says that he believes the hostage-taker is acting alone but that his views have made him at times irrational. "His ideology is just so strong and so powerful that it clouds his vision for common sense and objectiveness," the lawyer told reporters.

— Monis previously achieved minor infamy in Australia for sending letters to the families of soldiers who had died fighting in Afghanistan, telling the families that their loved ones were murders. He sent a similar letter to the family of an Australian trade official killed in a Jakarta hotel bombing.

— Since the hostage crisis began, Monis has demanded a platform for his views. This has allegedly included having hostages call a local radio host to request air time.

— He was previously a Shia Muslim, as are most Iranians, but later converted to Sunni Islam and changed his name from Mohammad Hassan Manteghi Bourjerdi to Man Haron Monis.

— There are a number of videos of Monis. Some show him speaking to reporters after his letters to the families of soldiers. Others are of his sermons.


Martin Place siege Man Haron Monis has long history of hatred of politicians In a letter to Mr Abbott on November 1, 2013, Monis wrote – in what can now be seen as a chilling portent of Monday's siege - attacked the Prime Minister for declaring Australia's mission to Afghanistan over during a visit to Tarin Kowt military base.

Monis argued that Australia's policy in Afghanistan "has a significant role in jeopardising security and peace in the world especially in Australia", challenged the Prime Minister to a debate about the Afghan war and promised to support government policy if he lost the debate.

"However, if it is proven in our debate that the government's policy endangered Australia, if it is proven the government made Australia unsafe, if it is proven that Australia and Australians will be attacked, in that case I expect you to change the Australia's (sic) policy."

Monis last week praised the Islamic State group for its provision of services in Syria and Iraq – though most experts say that such services are largely used for propaganda and in fact the group predominantly terrorises local populations.
Since this thread is another one thats turned into a gun control debate in America, Im wondering, being a Brit, what you think the likelyhood is that out of 30 random customers in the average US Starbucks, that one of them would be armed.

Honest question, no flaming needed.


Star Bucks doesn't want guns in their most gun owners honor that....a better store for example would be a Walmart...which does allow people to carry guns, but it is a much larger store..... We have a gun control group here that pressures various restuarants and stores to ban carrying guns.....Star Bucks was one of the first. A lot of stores here are also gun free zones....and many of those are robbed at gun point. You could ask other posters here who carry every day...any store they are in that allows them to carry their guns will have at least one person in the store with a gun.

For example....we have had 3 shootings in taverns/bars here...which are by law gun free zones, but the customer broke the law by carrying a weapon into the place....and by doing so they stopped armed robberies...and in the most recent...the bar that was robbed was a "police" bar....the robber came in, demanded money and shot a woman sitting at the bar in the off duty police officer shot him, technically, I don't think he should have had a gun in that bar because it was a gun free zone....but he may very well have saved more lives by having that gun much as people here complain about people carrying guns...there aren't that many who actually do it at all, and those that do don't carry every day. But the idea that there are people in the community that do deters many criminals from robbing people....they specifically target stores that have "No Guns Allowed" signs in the window.

More and more people here in the states are carrying guns, so the odds of encountering an armed patron in a store like this may go up.....

If you are interested in these sorts of events, you could go to Thetruthaboutguns, Gunssavelives, or the Armedcitizen....they document these stories.....and can give you a better picture of how these things happen.....

Also, law abiding citizens in the U.S. use guns to stop crime and save lives on average 1.6 million times a year....while gun murders are only 8-9,000 per year in a country of 310 million people, 80% of which are committed by gangs in inner cities....

I hope this helps....those sites I posted have all sorts of interesting stories about private citizens stopping violent criminal attacks with guns.....

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