Hostage situation in Australia....

No, and good sheikh, I hope you were being facetious. ..

depo------allah did not buy me any speakers yet-------
is there a written version of the holy communication of
good sheik harun???

No, and good sheikh, I hope you were being facetious. ..

depo------allah did not buy me any speakers yet-------
is there a written version of the holy communication of
good sheik harun???

I was being GENTEEL -----very polite lady------
To someone accused of being an accesory tokilling his wife by multiple stabbings and setting her on fire, and multiple sexual assaults, and the taking of approx 16 hostages and killing one, supposedly? He deserves your pc response?

A picture of his wife
No, and good sheikh, I hope you were being facetious. ..

depo------allah did not buy me any speakers yet-------
is there a written version of the holy communication of
good sheik harun???

No, and good sheikh, I hope you were being facetious. ..

depo------allah did not buy me any speakers yet-------
is there a written version of the holy communication of
good sheik harun???

I was being GENTEEL -----very polite lady------
Now I hear from the BBC that muslims in Australia are worried about a backlash and afraid of travelling on public transport.
Ill have to remember that next time Im on a public bus in Algeria (death fatwa on non muslims).
Fortunately for the aussie muslims a campaign of "Ill ride with you" has broken out.
On the other hand, if they stopped dressing like ninjas, shaved off their beards and tucked in their sauwa kamikazis or what ever other traditional dress they care to wear, they would blend in quite easily.

Id like to try and travel around in the average muslim country without at least a head scarf if I were a woman. Do you you think I would garner support from an "Ill take acid in my face with you campaign?"

First off, you should thank the lord that they wear their uniforms. I don't want them clean shaven wearing a Detroit Lions jersey. LOL. And we need to start recruiting angry muslim women who are sick of being second class citizens. Start arming them so next time the Morality police come knocking or the Taliban comes to steal they're young daughters they fight back. Until they fight back, what can we do? This is the truth in Afganistan for example. The women there have to fend for themselves.
There had been news of a plot to kidnap someone there in Martin Place, back in Sept., and they claimed to have arrested those planning it.
excuse me------were both HAROUN the hostage taker murderer and
the U-tube speaker Haroun ----the same Haroun?
irosie, your fingers are just as capable as mine.
Personally, it matters not to me.

News conference: 17 hostages total, 2 deceased hostages, 1 officer has gunshot wound to the face. 6 hostages uninjured. Confusing as to how many were actually injured. Stated a number injured and with medical conditions.

Oh another Haroun?-----for a muslim cleric---the picture is
a little odd-----did the Iranians think he was a "cleric"---or did he
just "self declare" in Australia?
So my question then is, can a person who is is granted "refugee status" be deported if they break laws and have a history of violence ?
I heard the hand wringers hand wringing this morning..." How can we prevent these lone terrorists from acting out...of god how can we?"

A man with this guys profile should be identified, tracked and eliminated...word will get around.

Hard decisions by hard men.

Even the Aussies are doing an obama...."we shall not be defeated....let us come together...United...blah blah blah." Just kill them and move on.
irosie, your fingers are just as capable as mine.
Personally, it matters not to me.

News conference: 17 hostages total, 2 deceased hostages, 1 officer has gunshot wound to the face. 6 hostages uninjured. Confusing as to how many were actually injured. Stated a number injured and with medical conditions.

Oh another Haroun?-----for a muslim cleric---the picture is
a little odd-----did the Iranians think he was a "cleric"---or did he
just "self declare" in Australia?

too late----I read the citation

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