Hostage situation in Australia....

Quit trying to make excuses for him.
He was an Iranian refugee, came to Australia in 1996. Declared himself a cleric, had multiple charges against him. Found guilty in 2013 of sending poisonous (not literally) letters to families of soldiers killed in Afghanistan. Also charged with the death of his ex-wife, as well as numerous sexual assaults.
I heard on a news station that the jerk was from Iran----but
nothing else----either he was born in Iran or spent some time
there (as far as I know) It does not even seem to be
clear that he is a muslim?? No relatives noted so far,
anyone got more?

ok----was he muslim? there are other things in Iran----a few
------are still there-------a few Christians, a few Bahai,
a few Zoroastrians a few Jews -------I ask because this
guy was really screwed up into religions-----not uncommon in
Quit trying to make excuses for him.
He was an Iranian refugee, came to Australia in 1996. Declared himself a cleric, had multiple charges against him. Found guilty in 2013 of sending poisonous (not literally) letters to families of soldiers killed in Afghanistan. Also charged with the death of his ex-wife, as well as numerous sexual assaults.
I heard on a news station that the jerk was from Iran----but
nothing else----either he was born in Iran or spent some time
there (as far as I know) It does not even seem to be
clear that he is a muslim?? No relatives noted so far,
anyone got more?

ok----was he muslim? there are other things in Iran----a few
------are still there-------a few Christians, a few Bahai,
a few Zoroastrians a few Jews -------I ask because this
guy was really screwed up into religions-----not uncommon in

He's dead-----I am not supporting an insanity defense. -----
---my interest is ----uhm ~~~~ of an intellectual nature------
..............the burning issue now-----were other "persons"
involved? ..........was Iran involved? -----too bad he cannot
be tied to a "waterboard"----or a kangaroo------or be threatened with dingos
Since this thread is another one thats turned into a gun control debate in America, Im wondering, being a Brit, what you think the likelyhood is that out of 30 random customers in the average US Starbucks, that one of them would be armed.

Honest question, no flaming needed.

It's a difficult question to get an accurate answer for.

Anyway, for starters, as far as Starbucks goes, they have asked customers to not bring firearms into their stores. Not sure what the rate of compliance is.

But, as far as any store, restaurant, etc. goes, the # of Americans with concealed permits is somewhere around 6 to 10 million. How often they are actually carrying, nobody knows.

So out of 30 people inside of a business here in the States, it's unlikely more than one person is carrying.
The BBC just posed a question. "Were these the actions of a desperate man facing a long prison sentence" (apparently due to his previous sex offenses and implication in the murder of his ex-wife)

Lol. Sounds like the totally rational actions of any devout Koran following Mudslum male.

Expel em all.
Should the Australians be concerned that by killing this jihadi....they are going to help the recruiting efforts of terrorist groups?
The BBC just posed a question. "Were these the actions of a desperate man facing a long prison sentence" (apparently due to his previous sex offenses and implication in the murder of his ex-wife) in the States....we would define this as "Work Place" violence....and call it a day......
Since this thread is another one thats turned into a gun control debate in America, Im wondering, being a Brit, what you think the likelyhood is that out of 30 random customers in the average US Starbucks, that one of them would be armed.

Honest question, no flaming needed.

It's a difficult question to get an accurate answer for.

Anyway, for starters, as far as Starbucks goes, they have asked customers to not bring firearms into their stores. Not sure what the rate of compliance is.

But, as far as any store, restaurant, etc. goes, the # of Americans with concealed permits is somewhere around 6 to 10 million. How often they are actually carrying, nobody knows.

So out of 30 people inside of a business here in the States, it's unlikely more than one person is carrying.

Thanks, didnt know that about starbucks or the stats.
A skilled sniper could have put an end to this at this point, one shot one kill. No one would have been injured.

The BBC just posed a question. "Were these the actions of a desperate man facing a long prison sentence" (apparently due to his previous sex offenses and implication in the murder of his ex-wife)

Lol. Sounds like the totally rational actions of any devout Koran following Mudslum male.

Expel em all.

??? he was out on bail???
??? he was out on bail???

If he was out on did he get the gun? Aren't we always told that we are silly when we say that criminals can always get guns if they want or need them?

and this is Australia, not America....
??? he was out on bail???

If he was out on did he get the gun? Aren't we always told that we are silly when we say that criminals can always get guns if they want or need them?

and this is Australia, not America....

I live in a city in the USA------anyone can get a gun----
even I could get a gun if I wanted one------it is hard for
anyone to get a permit in my city-----but in the medium sized
hospital in which I used to work------there was about one
brain dead-----of ACUTE LEAD POISONING---case per week---for a time-------that stat has gone down
Now I hear from the BBC that muslims in Australia are worried about a backlash and afraid of travelling on public transport.
Ill have to remember that next time Im on a public bus in Algeria (death fatwa on non muslims).
Fortunately for the aussie muslims a campaign of "Ill ride with you" has broken out.
On the other hand, if they stopped dressing like ninjas, shaved off their beards and tucked in their sauwa kamikazis or what ever other traditional dress they care to wear, they would blend in quite easily.

Id like to try and travel around in the average muslim country without at least a head scarf if I were a woman. Do you you think I would garner support from an "Ill take acid in my face with you campaign?"

Was this guy an Australian citizen ?

If not, with his past history, why was he allowed to stay ?

oh....uhm there are------as far as I know----lots of muslim
citizens in Australia-----of the naturalized kind. Did he not
commit the crimes IN Australia?--------I wonder if he had custody of the kids whose mom he murdered??

Was this guy an Australian citizen ?

If not, with his past history, why was he allowed to stay ?

oh....uhm there are------as far as I know----lots of muslim
citizens in Australia-----of the naturalized kind. Did he not
commit the crimes IN Australia?--------I wonder if he had custody of the kids whose mom he murdered??

backlash? like avenging the death of the
I would like to know if the hostage that was killed, was killed AFTER the Islamic nut was seen at the window ?

If so, if I were a loved one of the victim I would be asking why the nut wasn't taken out by a sniper when the opportunity arose.
Now I hear from the BBC that muslims in Australia are worried about a backlash and afraid of travelling on public transport.
Ill have to remember that next time Im on a public bus in Algeria (death fatwa on non muslims).
Fortunately for the aussie muslims a campaign of "Ill ride with you" has broken out.
On the other hand, if they stopped dressing like ninjas, shaved off their beards and tucked in their sauwa kamikazis or what ever other traditional dress they care to wear, they would blend in quite easily.

Id like to try and travel around in the average muslim country without at least a head scarf if I were a woman. Do you you think I would garner support from an "Ill take acid in my face with you campaign?"

If up to me, I would end all immigration into western countries by Muslims.
I wouldn't ban the religion, but I would end any further migration.

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