Hotel for Michelle Obama’s Cambodia visit cost $242,500

John Marston

Senior Member
Oct 23, 2014
Hotel accommodations for First Lady Michelle Obama’s two-day trip to Cambodia cost taxpayers $242,500, according to a government contract released Friday.
The trip required 85 single rooms, five office suites, five sleeping suites, and one conference room for 14 nights. Mrs. Obama herself only stayed in Cambodia for two days, leaving on March 22.

Hotel for Michelle Obama s Cambodia visit cost 242 500 Fox News

This family spends too much money. I don`t want to say that the first family should to travel by public transport. But they spend too much money. Undeservedly, in my opinion.

A few examples:

- The Obamas' trip to Africa for Nelson Mandela's funeral cost taxpayers $11 million while the president was only in the country for 13 hours

- A 2013 trip to Africa for the president cost taxpayers more than $100 million

- In June, the first lady went to Ireland for a two-day trip. The cost to taxpayers: $5 million.

- The First Family's Valentine's Day apart cost the taxpayer at least $2.5m

- Our president vacations a lot — we’re talking $44,351,777.12 worth of “a lot,” with most expenses charged to the American taxpayer

To be continued...
We are all going to be shocked at the amount these two hosed us for travel expenses. But they be the King and Queen and should be afforded lavish luxury.
I congratulate the First Lady on her diplomatic trip to Japan and Cambodia

Hotel accommodations for First Lady Michelle Obama’s two-day trip to Cambodia cost taxpayers $242,500, according to a government contract released Friday.
The trip required 85 single rooms, five office suites, five sleeping suites, and one conference room for 14 nights. Mrs. Obama herself only stayed in Cambodia for two days, leaving on March 22.

Hotel for Michelle Obama s Cambodia visit cost 242 500 Fox News

This family spends too much money. I don`t want to say that the first family should to travel by public transport. But they spend too much money. Undeservedly, in my opinion.

A few examples:

- The Obamas' trip to Africa for Nelson Mandela's funeral cost taxpayers $11 million while the president was only in the country for 13 hours

- A 2013 trip to Africa for the president cost taxpayers more than $100 million

- In June, the first lady went to Ireland for a two-day trip. The cost to taxpayers: $5 million.

- The First Family's Valentine's Day apart cost the taxpayer at least $2.5m

- Our president vacations a lot — we’re talking $44,351,777.12 worth of “a lot,” with most expenses charged to the American taxpayer

To be continued...

Audit not, lest ye be audited. :)
Hotel accommodations for First Lady Michelle Obama’s two-day trip to Cambodia cost taxpayers $242,500, according to a government contract released Friday.
The trip required 85 single rooms, five office suites, five sleeping suites, and one conference room for 14 nights. Mrs. Obama herself only stayed in Cambodia for two days, leaving on March 22.

Hotel for Michelle Obama s Cambodia visit cost 242 500 Fox News

This family spends too much money. I don`t want to say that the first family should to travel by public transport. But they spend too much money. Undeservedly, in my opinion.

A few examples:

- The Obamas' trip to Africa for Nelson Mandela's funeral cost taxpayers $11 million while the president was only in the country for 13 hours

- A 2013 trip to Africa for the president cost taxpayers more than $100 million

- In June, the first lady went to Ireland for a two-day trip. The cost to taxpayers: $5 million.

- The First Family's Valentine's Day apart cost the taxpayer at least $2.5m

- Our president vacations a lot — we’re talking $44,351,777.12 worth of “a lot,” with most expenses charged to the American taxpayer

To be continued...

You know, you have every right in the world to express your opinion. Go for it. Enjoy it.

But your stomach may turn when at the end of the day you see a cost-analysis comparison to the Obamas' trips (official and vacations), compared to Bush 43, Clinton or Reagan, and also adjusted for inflation.

Are you REALLY sure you want to go there?
She may be the most well received First Lady of the United States of America while overseas since the days of Jackie Kennedy.

She is a FLOTUS of whom we can be proud, and who has earned our respect and courteous affections.
Big whoop! I expect the President and his wife to travel and vacation. I didn't mind it when Bush did it and every extreme nutter complained and I don't mind it now when every extreme nutter complains.

As far as tracking it? Knock yourself out.
Michelle Obama praised for rights remarks in Cambodia - Associated Press - POLITICO

Good job Mrs. Obama! Isn't it great to have a President and 1st Lady who can travel around the world without fear of being held for war crimes or inciting mass protests?

Michelle Obama urged Cambodian students to finish their education and speak up to demand greater freedoms and more equality on a landmark visit to a Southeast Asian country that has been ruled by an authoritarian strongman for decades.

The U.S. first lady’s comments on Saturday did not explicitly criticize Cambodia’s human rights record or its government under Prime Minister Hun Sen. But she sent a pointed message, and one that she delivered seated beside Hun Sen’s wife, Bun Rany.

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Human rights groups praised the remarks as a rare foray into foreign affairs for a first lady.

“Even though Mrs. Obama didn’t name names, it’s more than we have heard in a long time from a first lady on a foreign trip,” said Phil Robertson, deputy Asia director of Human Rights Watch. “Now it’s time for President Obama to state publicly what rights benchmarks he expects to see from Cambodia, and press Hun Sen to commit to it.”

Michelle Obama wrapped up a five-day trip to Asia Sunday to promote the U.S.-led education initiative “Let Girls Learn,” which she and the president announced earlier this month. The community-based program, to be run by the Peace Corps, is meant to help millions of girls in the developing world stay in school and overcome economic or cultural pressures that force many to drop out.

And this 40 years after we were still bombing the hell out of Cambodia. What a difference four decades can make. :thup:
She may be the most well received First Lady of the United States of America while overseas since the days of Jackie Kennedy.

She is a FLOTUS of whom we can be proud, and who has earned our respect and courteous affections.

She does a very good job

Outside of Prince Will and Kate she gets the biggest reaction around the world
She may be the most well received First Lady of the United States of America while overseas since the days of Jackie Kennedy.

She is a FLOTUS of whom we can be proud, and who has earned our respect and courteous affections.
Unless in Russia.....
Unfortunately for the First Lady, she no longer gets to travel as a private citizen. All trips must be carefully planned and security must be tight

Only Conservatives bitch about the cost of security for the first family

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