Hottest Summer on Record

Same old enviro Nazi bull shit over and over and over again..

The same lies about global warming and conflation that man is the only cause and 'nature cant do this'. Bull Shit cries from the libtards..

They dont have a leg to stand on empirically and the more reliable data collection of satellites shows them fraud..

They post up so much crap that when the truth is shown they discount it, like the US-CRN which covers 7% of the land mass on earth and shows their warming a lie. Only Adjusted data is allowed by these left wit morons. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to know why.. Power and control by depriving people of OIL and other fuels that make them independent and not needing big government socialism..

I get tired of all the lies they put up..

Not only was this not the hottest ev 'a its not even close to the climatic optimum of the Roman Warm Period which was 2 deg C warmer than today.
Russian President: Climate Change is Fraud

Putin’s scepticism dates from the early 2000s, when his staff “did very, very extensive work trying to understand all sides of the climate debate”, said Andrey Illarionov, Putin’s senior economic adviser at the time and now a senior fellow at the Cato Institute in Washington.

“We found that, while climate change does exist, it is cyclical, and the anthropogenic role is very limited,” he said. “It became clear that the climate is a complicated system and that, so far, the evidence presented for the need to ‘fight’ global warming was rather unfounded.”

Well, Obama and his cronies are punked again by Putin.. Even Putin looks at the science and calls Bull Shit!
LOL. Gotta love it when these 'Conservatives' show their true colors in their unquestioning admiration of Putin.
Hey silly Billy, how is that cooling coming on the El Nino? And, yes, by according to all the meteorlogical agencies it was the hottest summer on record.
This is the hottest summer in at least 4,000 years.
2015 is on track to be the hottest year on record -

Coincidence? I think not.

Global warming is real, fools.

In a word.... NO

RSS UAH comparison V6.JPG

Not even close... CNN needs to do some fact checking before they post total lies like this..

Holecene 2.JPG

Just a simple search can produce enough information to disprove the CNN dutiful reporting of the Obama admin lies and deceptions..

The main stream media is complicit in this deception and lies.. One for a RICO prosecution.. Defrauding millions of Americans through organized deception...

No, it's when you see increases in all that stuff plus melting glaciers, rising seas, pole ward movement of species, ocean acidification, etc, that you know something big is going on.

The glaciers have been melting ever since the end of the last ice age. We are in a post glacier warming period and it will probably continue until the next ice age. The earth has generally been warmer than it is now. We are actually in a fairly cool period for the earth.

We are in a period of very good weather world wide and that is why we are able to grow enough food to feed seven billion people.

There is a silly correlation between the start of the industrial age and increased CO2 concentrations but that doesn't mean jackshit because there have been periods in the earth's history where CO2 concentrations have been higher than they are today but the earth has been cooler and times when the CO2 levels have been higher and the temperature higher. In fact there is significant data that shows CO2 concentrations lags temperature increases instead of the other way around.

You have been taken in by the Scammers. They make up data and you are gullible enough to believe it. So sad.

Liberals think humans are so arrogant we think everything revolves us while they blame us for warming because everything bad that happens is our fault, get it now?
No, Kaz, I don't get why you want to remain, indeed, fight to remain, ignorant. The scientists have clearly shown how GHGs work, and all the measurements show that our temperature has been rising as we have pumped ever more GHGs into the atmosphere.
Scientist first came up with a theory that because burning fossil fuels produces CO2 gasses then the CO2 will produce a greenhouse effect on earth raising temperatures.

That was a valid theory. They even looked at preliminary data that showed a rough correlation between atmospheric CO2 levels and world wide temperatures and it showed a rise in both.

However, then is where the real science began to fall apart and the scam began.

Because the initial correlation showed rise in CO2 levels and temperature there was a lot of money put into research. The research mostly consisted of computer modeling.

The science was distorted in order to provide the computer models with the data to support the theory to continue with the funding sources.

For instance, the data that shows historically that CO2 levels lag temperature was ignored. The lag was both in the increase in temperature and the decrease sides.

Data showing that in the past the CO2 levels were ten times higher but yet the earth was much cooler and data showing that at times the CO2 levels were lower but yet the earth was warmer were mostly ignored in the computer models.

World wide temperature data was manipulated like we saw in Al Gore's hockey stick picture where data was cherry picked. When the scientist used all the data then the picture was different.

Assumptions were made about historical temperatures that were indefensible based upon the sparse data collected. “World wide temperature data” was based upon some very flimsy tree ring and ice samples in just a few locations and temperature measurements, mostly in the universities in Europe and North America, in the last couple of hundred years at best. Southern Hemisphere data was very sparse and large areas like Siberia and Asia were mostly ignored not to mention most of Africa and South America.

The empirical data about how CO2 really chemically reacts in the atmosphere were mostly ignored. CO2 does not react the same in real life that it does in the theoretical computer models. The chemistry in the atmosphere is much more complex than the computer models forecast. Rain washes out most of the CO2 in the atmosphere.

Then there was the Climategate revelations that data was manipulated by the scientists in order to prove what could not be proven with real data. This really blew the whistle on the scam. In addition to that we have the fact that both NASA and NOAA have been manipulating data.

Then you have the fact that after 30 years of this theory there is no credible evidence that the climate on earth is getting warmer due to man made influence. In fact the climate has been relatively stable for the last 15 years despite counties like China putting out tremendous more amounts of CO2 gasses. There is very credible evidence that the earth may be moving back into another mini ice age like happens every few hundred years. The last one was in medieval times.

We also need to understand that the “normal” temperature of the earth has been warmer than now with little permanent ice on the planet. That is the way it has been for a substantial part of the existence of the earth. This age of ice that we are in now is only about 2.7 million years old. However, there were other times in the Cryogenian period and the Late Ordovician Period where we had “snowball earth”.

AGW is just bad science because it has become a political issue. It has nothing to do with real science and more to do with the redistribution of wealth from the industrialized countries to the Third World. That is the real root of the scam.
No, Kaz, I don't get why you want to remain, indeed, fight to remain, ignorant. The scientists have clearly shown how GHGs work, and all the measurements show that our temperature has been rising as we have pumped ever more GHGs into the atmosphere.

Since you didn't provide a quote, i'm not sure which pioint you're discputing.

But calling my position of having an open mind both ways "ignorant" is well, ignorant. The Earth is extremely complex and scientists have predicted zero accurately on global warming models. Clearly we have a long, long way to know what is happening and what the causes of that are. Much less what we should do about it or even if we can.

I do know one thing, sending trillions of dollars to Africa while exempting the biggest polluter is going to do zero for the environment
Bullshit, Kaz. Dr. Hansen made specific predictions in 1981 concerning this century. He predicted increasing droughts, and the opening of the Northwest Passage. He actually predicted them for the latter part of this century, not in the first two decades. But we have seen both already. So you are completely wrong with your statement about zero accuracy.

Now, please show me where we are sending 'trillions' of dollars to Africa? And just who is this biggest polluter we are exempting? If you are speaking of China, since we have no power to 'exempt' China from our regulations, how is that statement even logical?

No, we know what is presently happening. We know what the causes are. What we don't know is how fast things will happen, and how severe that the affects will be. So, people like yourself state, since that is the case, why investigate further? And regard yourselves as the epitome of logic. LOL
Scientist first came up with a theory that because burning fossil fuels produces CO2 gasses then the CO2 will produce a greenhouse effect on earth raising temperatures.

That was a valid theory. They even looked at preliminary data that showed a rough correlation between atmospheric CO2 levels and world wide temperatures and it showed a rise in both.

However, then is where the real science began to fall apart and the scam began.

Because the initial correlation showed rise in CO2 levels and temperature there was a lot of money put into research. The research mostly consisted of computer modeling.

The science was distorted in order to provide the computer models with the data to support the theory to continue with the funding sources.

For instance, the data that shows historically that CO2 levels lag temperature was ignored. The lag was both in the increase in temperature and the decrease sides.

Data showing that in the past the CO2 levels were ten times higher but yet the earth was much cooler and data showing that at times the CO2 levels were lower but yet the earth was warmer were mostly ignored in the computer models.

World wide temperature data was manipulated like we saw in Al Gore's hockey stick picture where data was cherry picked. When the scientist used all the data then the picture was different.

Assumptions were made about historical temperatures that were indefensible based upon the sparse data collected. “World wide temperature data” was based upon some very flimsy tree ring and ice samples in just a few locations and temperature measurements, mostly in the universities in Europe and North America, in the last couple of hundred years at best. Southern Hemisphere data was very sparse and large areas like Siberia and Asia were mostly ignored not to mention most of Africa and South America.

The empirical data about how CO2 really chemically reacts in the atmosphere were mostly ignored. CO2 does not react the same in real life that it does in the theoretical computer models. The chemistry in the atmosphere is much more complex than the computer models forecast. Rain washes out most of the CO2 in the atmosphere.

Then there was the Climategate revelations that data was manipulated by the scientists in order to prove what could not be proven with real data. This really blew the whistle on the scam. In addition to that we have the fact that both NASA and NOAA have been manipulating data.

Then you have the fact that after 30 years of this theory there is no credible evidence that the climate on earth is getting warmer due to man made influence. In fact the climate has been relatively stable for the last 15 years despite counties like China putting out tremendous more amounts of CO2 gasses. There is very credible evidence that the earth may be moving back into another mini ice age like happens every few hundred years. The last one was in medieval times.

We also need to understand that the “normal” temperature of the earth has been warmer than now with little permanent ice on the planet. That is the way it has been for a substantial part of the existence of the earth. This age of ice that we are in now is only about 2.7 million years old. However, there were other times in the Cryogenian period and the Late Ordovician Period where we had “snowball earth”.

AGW is just bad science because it has become a political issue. It has nothing to do with real science and more to do with the redistribution of wealth from the industrialized countries to the Third World. That is the real root of the scam.
Ever consider reading what the scientists are actually saying instead of just accepting what the rightwingnut sites say that they are saying? Your post shows a profound ignorance of this subject. Here is where you can come up to speed on it.

The Carbon Dioxide Greenhouse Effect

This site is a site of the American Institute of Physics, the largest single scientific society on Earth.
Scientist first came up with a theory that because burning fossil fuels produces CO2 gasses then the CO2 will produce a greenhouse effect on earth raising temperatures.

That was a valid theory. They even looked at preliminary data that showed a rough correlation between atmospheric CO2 levels and world wide temperatures and it showed a rise in both.

However, then is where the real science began to fall apart and the scam began.

Because the initial correlation showed rise in CO2 levels and temperature there was a lot of money put into research. The research mostly consisted of computer modeling.

The science was distorted in order to provide the computer models with the data to support the theory to continue with the funding sources.

For instance, the data that shows historically that CO2 levels lag temperature was ignored. The lag was both in the increase in temperature and the decrease sides.

Data showing that in the past the CO2 levels were ten times higher but yet the earth was much cooler and data showing that at times the CO2 levels were lower but yet the earth was warmer were mostly ignored in the computer models.

World wide temperature data was manipulated like we saw in Al Gore's hockey stick picture where data was cherry picked. When the scientist used all the data then the picture was different.

Assumptions were made about historical temperatures that were indefensible based upon the sparse data collected. “World wide temperature data” was based upon some very flimsy tree ring and ice samples in just a few locations and temperature measurements, mostly in the universities in Europe and North America, in the last couple of hundred years at best. Southern Hemisphere data was very sparse and large areas like Siberia and Asia were mostly ignored not to mention most of Africa and South America.

The empirical data about how CO2 really chemically reacts in the atmosphere were mostly ignored. CO2 does not react the same in real life that it does in the theoretical computer models. The chemistry in the atmosphere is much more complex than the computer models forecast. Rain washes out most of the CO2 in the atmosphere.

Then there was the Climategate revelations that data was manipulated by the scientists in order to prove what could not be proven with real data. This really blew the whistle on the scam. In addition to that we have the fact that both NASA and NOAA have been manipulating data.

Then you have the fact that after 30 years of this theory there is no credible evidence that the climate on earth is getting warmer due to man made influence. In fact the climate has been relatively stable for the last 15 years despite counties like China putting out tremendous more amounts of CO2 gasses. There is very credible evidence that the earth may be moving back into another mini ice age like happens every few hundred years. The last one was in medieval times.

We also need to understand that the “normal” temperature of the earth has been warmer than now with little permanent ice on the planet. That is the way it has been for a substantial part of the existence of the earth. This age of ice that we are in now is only about 2.7 million years old. However, there were other times in the Cryogenian period and the Late Ordovician Period where we had “snowball earth”.

AGW is just bad science because it has become a political issue. It has nothing to do with real science and more to do with the redistribution of wealth from the industrialized countries to the Third World. That is the real root of the scam.
Ever consider reading what the scientists are actually saying instead of just accepting what the rightwingnut sites say that they are saying? Your post shows a profound ignorance of this subject. Here is where you can come up to speed on it.

The Carbon Dioxide Greenhouse Effect

This site is a site of the American Institute of Physics, the largest single scientific society on Earth.

Scientists can't decide once and for all whether you lose more weight if you eat breakfast or not. Now after years of saying eat breakfast to lose weight, they say people lose more weight not eating breakfast. Eggs? Don't eat those, they are high in cholesterol. Oops, eat them, they apparently reduce cholesterol when you eat them....

Again, it's hilarious when you leftists say man is so arrogant then you think we know everything about how the earth will react over the long term, what the causes of that are and how to solve it. You're nuts, we are just beginning to learn. And again, the scientists you worship have predicted nothing right about global warming so far, they only claim to explain the past.
Scientist first came up with a theory that because burning fossil fuels produces CO2 gasses then the CO2 will produce a greenhouse effect on earth raising temperatures.

That was a valid theory. They even looked at preliminary data that showed a rough correlation between atmospheric CO2 levels and world wide temperatures and it showed a rise in both.

However, then is where the real science began to fall apart and the scam began.

Because the initial correlation showed rise in CO2 levels and temperature there was a lot of money put into research. The research mostly consisted of computer modeling.

The science was distorted in order to provide the computer models with the data to support the theory to continue with the funding sources.

For instance, the data that shows historically that CO2 levels lag temperature was ignored. The lag was both in the increase in temperature and the decrease sides.

Data showing that in the past the CO2 levels were ten times higher but yet the earth was much cooler and data showing that at times the CO2 levels were lower but yet the earth was warmer were mostly ignored in the computer models.

World wide temperature data was manipulated like we saw in Al Gore's hockey stick picture where data was cherry picked. When the scientist used all the data then the picture was different.

Assumptions were made about historical temperatures that were indefensible based upon the sparse data collected. “World wide temperature data” was based upon some very flimsy tree ring and ice samples in just a few locations and temperature measurements, mostly in the universities in Europe and North America, in the last couple of hundred years at best. Southern Hemisphere data was very sparse and large areas like Siberia and Asia were mostly ignored not to mention most of Africa and South America.

The empirical data about how CO2 really chemically reacts in the atmosphere were mostly ignored. CO2 does not react the same in real life that it does in the theoretical computer models. The chemistry in the atmosphere is much more complex than the computer models forecast. Rain washes out most of the CO2 in the atmosphere.

Then there was the Climategate revelations that data was manipulated by the scientists in order to prove what could not be proven with real data. This really blew the whistle on the scam. In addition to that we have the fact that both NASA and NOAA have been manipulating data.

Then you have the fact that after 30 years of this theory there is no credible evidence that the climate on earth is getting warmer due to man made influence. In fact the climate has been relatively stable for the last 15 years despite counties like China putting out tremendous more amounts of CO2 gasses. There is very credible evidence that the earth may be moving back into another mini ice age like happens every few hundred years. The last one was in medieval times.

We also need to understand that the “normal” temperature of the earth has been warmer than now with little permanent ice on the planet. That is the way it has been for a substantial part of the existence of the earth. This age of ice that we are in now is only about 2.7 million years old. However, there were other times in the Cryogenian period and the Late Ordovician Period where we had “snowball earth”.

AGW is just bad science because it has become a political issue. It has nothing to do with real science and more to do with the redistribution of wealth from the industrialized countries to the Third World. That is the real root of the scam.
Ever consider reading what the scientists are actually saying instead of just accepting what the rightwingnut sites say that they are saying? Your post shows a profound ignorance of this subject. Here is where you can come up to speed on it.

The Carbon Dioxide Greenhouse Effect

This site is a site of the American Institute of Physics, the largest single scientific society on Earth.

Actually I am an environmental engineer and I occasionally teach this stuff in college in retirement. I am not an expert on climate but I am well read on the subject and I have done research on it prior to teaching the subject. I'll teach another course in Environmental Science the spring and I have a complete section on climate change and you should sign up. You may learn something that you missed in your degree from the University of Google and Al Gore's stupid movie.

Everything I said in that analysis is accurate. I have provided references scores of times on the statements I made in the analysis but you Moon Bats always ignore it.

The thing that we have discovered during the last decade or so is that the data that pertain to AGW is not to be trusted from any source connected to the scam. We saw that in the emails that were exposed in Climategate I and II. We saw that in the bogus data coming out of NASA and NOAA. We saw it with the fudge factors that is used by climatologists to invent data that is not present in the actual measurements. Recently have seen where the input data to the computer models that predict CO2 interactions has been called into question.

The scam is widespread and that is really sad when you think about it.

The scam has become the religion of the Left and the science is just not there to support it.

Humans have done a lot to pollute the earth. Almost ten billion humans have caused a dramatic effect on the biosphere. I give significant evidence of that in my class. However, there is no credible evidence that man made CO2 sources have significantly altered the climate of the earth. It is simply a scam by the Left and you Moon Bats have fallen for it. I actually feel sorry for you gullible dumbasses.
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LOL. Gotta love it when these 'Conservatives' show their true colors in their unquestioning admiration of Putin.

Im not an American, nor a conservative, but I think this pic points out some of the differences between Obama and Putin. lol which is the alpha male??


which of Obama's handlers allowed him to get photographed riding a girl's bike? hahahahahaha. someone should photoshop in some streamers on the handlebars!
Scientist first came up with a theory that because burning fossil fuels produces CO2 gasses then the CO2 will produce a greenhouse effect on earth raising temperatures.

That was a valid theory. They even looked at preliminary data that showed a rough correlation between atmospheric CO2 levels and world wide temperatures and it showed a rise in both.

However, then is where the real science began to fall apart and the scam began.

Because the initial correlation showed rise in CO2 levels and temperature there was a lot of money put into research. The research mostly consisted of computer modeling.

The science was distorted in order to provide the computer models with the data to support the theory to continue with the funding sources.

For instance, the data that shows historically that CO2 levels lag temperature was ignored. The lag was both in the increase in temperature and the decrease sides.

Data showing that in the past the CO2 levels were ten times higher but yet the earth was much cooler and data showing that at times the CO2 levels were lower but yet the earth was warmer were mostly ignored in the computer models.

World wide temperature data was manipulated like we saw in Al Gore's hockey stick picture where data was cherry picked. When the scientist used all the data then the picture was different.

Assumptions were made about historical temperatures that were indefensible based upon the sparse data collected. “World wide temperature data” was based upon some very flimsy tree ring and ice samples in just a few locations and temperature measurements, mostly in the universities in Europe and North America, in the last couple of hundred years at best. Southern Hemisphere data was very sparse and large areas like Siberia and Asia were mostly ignored not to mention most of Africa and South America.

The empirical data about how CO2 really chemically reacts in the atmosphere were mostly ignored. CO2 does not react the same in real life that it does in the theoretical computer models. The chemistry in the atmosphere is much more complex than the computer models forecast. Rain washes out most of the CO2 in the atmosphere.

Then there was the Climategate revelations that data was manipulated by the scientists in order to prove what could not be proven with real data. This really blew the whistle on the scam. In addition to that we have the fact that both NASA and NOAA have been manipulating data.

Then you have the fact that after 30 years of this theory there is no credible evidence that the climate on earth is getting warmer due to man made influence. In fact the climate has been relatively stable for the last 15 years despite counties like China putting out tremendous more amounts of CO2 gasses. There is very credible evidence that the earth may be moving back into another mini ice age like happens every few hundred years. The last one was in medieval times.

We also need to understand that the “normal” temperature of the earth has been warmer than now with little permanent ice on the planet. That is the way it has been for a substantial part of the existence of the earth. This age of ice that we are in now is only about 2.7 million years old. However, there were other times in the Cryogenian period and the Late Ordovician Period where we had “snowball earth”.

AGW is just bad science because it has become a political issue. It has nothing to do with real science and more to do with the redistribution of wealth from the industrialized countries to the Third World. That is the real root of the scam.
Ever consider reading what the scientists are actually saying instead of just accepting what the rightwingnut sites say that they are saying? Your post shows a profound ignorance of this subject. Here is where you can come up to speed on it.

The Carbon Dioxide Greenhouse Effect

This site is a site of the American Institute of Physics, the largest single scientific society on Earth.

Ever consider doing empirical research and finding out if what you are being told is true? Your models are broken and have no predictive power thus their conclusions and the policies made with them are DEAD WRONG.

You see, you eat everything your told hook line and sinker without question. Does CO2 retard heat loss? Yep it sure does, but the effect is quite different in the lab than it is in our atmosphere. But you ignore simple empirical evidence,
You see, you eat everything your told hook line and sinker without question. Does CO2 retard heat loss? Yep it sure does, but the effect is quite different in the lab than it is in our atmosphere. But you ignore simple empirical evidence,

that statement puts you firmly in the 97% consensus, according to their rules.

how many other people are mistakenly put into the consensus even thought their position is obviously in the skeptical camp?
You see, you eat everything your told hook line and sinker without question. Does CO2 retard heat loss? Yep it sure does, but the effect is quite different in the lab than it is in our atmosphere. But you ignore simple empirical evidence,

that statement puts you firmly in the 97% consensus, according to their rules.

how many other people are mistakenly put into the consensus even thought their position is obviously in the skeptical camp?

That is the lie purported by Cook and Nuttercellie. It is why their agenda and deception is so wrong. Its false assumption at its worst to support a false premise.

And I dont play by their rules...
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You see, you eat everything your told hook line and sinker without question. Does CO2 retard heat loss? Yep it sure does, but the effect is quite different in the lab than it is in our atmosphere. But you ignore simple empirical evidence,

that statement puts you firmly in the 97% consensus, according to their rules.

how many other people are mistakenly put into the consensus even thought their position is obviously in the skeptical camp?

That is the lie purported by Cook and Nuttercellie. It is why their agenda and deception is so wrong. Its false assumption at its worst to support a false premise.

yup. when they count up their tally, if you answer yes to any question it is considered yes to all. extreme misdirection.

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