House agrees to raise the budget ceiling.

Just a thought.

It’s right there in the name. “Ceiling.”

Just like the heavy metal posts in front of federal courthouses are designed to stop cars from crashing into the building.

And just like a floor is there to stop you from falling down to a lower level.

Ceilings are there to prevent you from going up. (I guess. At least if you happen to be a helium filled balloon.)

But the ceiling thing doesn’t work if you keep raising it.

We all knew that our politicians don’t take our budget thing seriously. Pfffft. It’s just money. But still.

Maybe I’m missing something.
Great example of why I say there is no such thing as there being two parties. There is only one political party: The Party of Big Government. The Democrats are the bat shit crazy faction and the Republicans the more moderate but cowardly branch.

The Republicans are letting the goddamn Democrats spend more money. All they had to do was say no more debt. Cut spending to the level of revenue. The only fiscally responsible thing to do.

For instance, tell the Democrat turds not one more cent to the fucking Illegals. No more funding EV charging stations. No more welfare. No more Obamaphones. No more Environmental Wacko subsidies to Potatoheads's Chinese corporations. No more defense spending for diversity and hate Whitey training. No more bailouts to the fiscally irresponsible Democrat run big city shitholes. No more subsidizing greedy bloated Union pensions.

They don't have the courage to do that, do they?
You're a fucking moron who ONCE AGAIN doesn't know what you're talking about, and defend the indefensible.
You’re a born liar, you studied lying and have several advanced degrees in lying. But at least you’re also a complete fucking imbecile.

Here is what Trump actually said you lying scumbag moron piece of shot motherfucker:

“A Massive Fraud of this type and magnitude allows for the termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution,” he added. “Our great ‘Founder’ did not want, and would not condone, False & Fraudulent Elections.”

Trump: Constitution Should Be Suspended over ‘Massive Fraud’ in 2020 Election

So,no. He didn’t call for the termination of the Constitution. He did say that election fraud can’t be tolerated.

If there is some deep-seated psychological reason for your compulsive dishonesty, seek immediate psychiatric help. If there is no such reason, boy are you lost.

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