House Budget Committee lays bare CBO claims Obamacare repeal is budget buster


Jan 23, 2010
Just caught Paul Ryan on the Mark Levin show. Here's what he had to say.

Committee On The Budget


Misleading arguments about its true deficit impact exclude the $115 billion needed to implement the law and over $500 billion in double-counting Social Security payroll taxes, CLASS Act premiums, and Medicare reductions. The law was written to measure 10 years of tax increases to offset 6 years of new spending. There is no question that the creation of a trillion-dollar open-ended entitlement is a fiscal train wreck.
I caught Paul Ryan on a news program also. If you caught Bret Baire last night with Krauthammer you got the same info.

BTW Paul Ryan will be on Greta tonight at 10P if anyone is interested in the real numbers.

How anyone could assume that adding millions to the HC rolls was going to save money is beyond me. Jeeze. Common sense has taken a fucking vacation.
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