House conservatives demand offsets for Hurricane Sandy aid

Yea well as usual, it's packed with other spending, mark me not surprised:rolleyes:

for example -

SENATE SANDY AID PROPOSAL: The Senate released details of its $60.4 billion Sandy aid legislation. Among the spending: $482 million to NOAA for severe weather forecasting, marine debris cleanup, repair of facilities and equipment and coastal ecosystem protection; $810 million to EPA for clean water and drinking water state revolving funds to upgrade water infrastructure; $5 million for EPA’s leaking underground storage tank cleanup program; $2 million for Superfund sites; $3 million to the Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement to repair a New Jersey oil spill response testing facility; $78 million to the Fish and Wildlife Service for national wildlife refuges; and $4.4 million for Forest Service recovery efforts.

POLITICO Morning Energy -

Get the point?

Do you get the point?
I agree we should offset the Sandy aid money with cuts to the military budget.

Defense budget is a favorite of the the left to decimate.
Just as taxing the shit out of the rich.They say it's only a few points.
Well now it's just a few points and so much in cuts to defense...

What do we do when we find raising taxes and cutting the defense budget
doesn't do what the lefties believe it will do...

WE go back and hit defense and those evil rich people again...

In other words, don't touch the defense budget or the wealthy, but fuck everybody else. This seems to be a theme with you.
Once again the far-right of the GOP (are there any moderates left?) show us how compassionate they are and prove why a majority of Americans hold them in low regard concerning the welfare of the nation.

House conservatives demand offsets for Hurricane Sandy aid - The Hill's On The Money

House conservatives are wasting no time in demanding that emergency spending for Hurricane Sandy be offset by spending cuts to the rest of the budget.

The White House on Friday requested Congress to pass a $60.4 billion bill to pay for damage resulting from Sandy.

Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) and other GOP leaders have so far been mum on whether they will demand spending cuts to match.
The right wing members of the House conference are not waiting to make their feelings known.

Rep. Cynthia Lummis (R-Wyo.), who sits on the Appropriations Committee, said she will need to see offsets on Wednesday as did Rep. Raul Labrador (R-Idaho).

“We have these emergencies every year and we should prepare for that in our budget,” Labrador said.

“No pun intended, we should have a rainy day fund,” Rep. Jeff Landry (R-La.) said.

The August 2011 debt deal allows the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s disaster relief fund to have up to $11 billion this year in extra funds for a disaster, but this money is not enough for the historic damage cause by Sandy according to the governors of New York, New Jersey and Connecticut.

it's not that difficult to understand in the context of the rightwing desire to starve government until you can drown it in a bathtub....

the more they run wars of choice, and cut taxes, the less government can do, which forces things to the states, which is where they want them... .
I know this is an alien concept for Libs...
At some point we need to stop spending money we do not have...

But the nation owes it to those willing to live in hurricane zones and tornado zones and earthquake zones to be their insurance policies.

Of course, if your sorry arse house burns down and no one elses no one gives a damn about you. :badgrin:
I agree we should offset the Sandy aid money with cuts to the military budget.

Defense budget is a favorite of the the left to decimate.
Just as taxing the shit out of the rich.They say it's only a few points.
Well now it's just a few points and so much in cuts to defense...

What do we do when we find raising taxes and cutting the defense budget
doesn't do what the lefties believe it will do...

WE go back and hit defense and those evil rich people again...

In other words, don't touch the defense budget or the wealthy, but fuck everybody else. This seems to be a theme with you.

The UN depneds on the US to be the world's policeman. So if the UN wants to invade Syria like they did Libya, who will do their dirty work for them?

Just think if the US drastically reduced its military strength. Then socialist states across Europe, who are already going belly up, will have to drop what they are doing and defend themselves. :badgrin:
Just out of curiosity, how many people must lose their homes in a disaster before the American tax payer must bail them out?
Defense budget is a favorite of the the left to decimate.
Just as taxing the shit out of the rich.They say it's only a few points.
Well now it's just a few points and so much in cuts to defense...

What do we do when we find raising taxes and cutting the defense budget
doesn't do what the lefties believe it will do...

WE go back and hit defense and those evil rich people again...

In other words, don't touch the defense budget or the wealthy, but fuck everybody else. This seems to be a theme with you.

The UN depneds on the US to be the world's policeman. So if the UN wants to invade Syria like they did Libya, who will do their dirty work for them?

Just think if the US drastically reduced its military strength. Then socialist states across Europe, who are already going belly up, will have to drop what they are doing and defend themselves. :badgrin:

Wow, that was dumb.

If the US drastically cut its defense budget, it would still be bigger than any other nation's defense budget -- probably still bigger than all others combined.
How much did this overnight concert raise for the Sandy victims? Can't the government take all the proceeds?
How much did this overnight concert raise for the Sandy victims? Can't the government take all the proceeds?

Shhh, not so loud. I've heard of lefty's who think that all charity should be managed by government.
I know this is an alien concept for Libs...
At some point we need to stop spending money we do not have...

But the nation owes it to those willing to live in hurricane zones and tornado zones and earthquake zones to be their insurance policies.

Of course, if your sorry arse house burns down and no one elses no one gives a damn about you. :badgrin:

Two thumbs down and no response?

The truth hurts don't it? :badgrin:
That's called "Pay as you go." Whereas Democrats follow a policy of "spend like there's no tomorrow."

And sure enough, after enough years of Democrat policies, there will be no tomorrow.

Once again the far-right of the GOP (are there any moderates left?) show us how compassionate they are and prove why a majority of Americans hold them in low regard concerning the welfare of the nation.

House conservatives demand offsets for Hurricane Sandy aid - The Hill's On The Money

House conservatives are wasting no time in demanding that emergency spending for Hurricane Sandy be offset by spending cuts to the rest of the budget.

The White House on Friday requested Congress to pass a $60.4 billion bill to pay for damage resulting from Sandy.

Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) and other GOP leaders have so far been mum on whether they will demand spending cuts to match.
The right wing members of the House conference are not waiting to make their feelings known.

Rep. Cynthia Lummis (R-Wyo.), who sits on the Appropriations Committee, said she will need to see offsets on Wednesday as did Rep. Raul Labrador (R-Idaho).

“We have these emergencies every year and we should prepare for that in our budget,” Labrador said.

“No pun intended, we should have a rainy day fund,” Rep. Jeff Landry (R-La.) said.

The August 2011 debt deal allows the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s disaster relief fund to have up to $11 billion this year in extra funds for a disaster, but this money is not enough for the historic damage cause by Sandy according to the governors of New York, New Jersey and Connecticut.
Hey, everyone knows there is absolutely no slack in the budget. We can't cut a single billion out of the 3,800 billion the government spends without someone's granny starving to death!

Once again the far-right of the GOP (are there any moderates left?) show us how compassionate they are and prove why a majority of Americans hold them in low regard concerning the welfare of the nation.

Bullshit. Your point would be pointy if the Rs said "no Sandy relief for you!". They didn't.

Republicans know that budgeting for a rainy day and off-setting emergency spending with cutting someplace else is common sense. When oh when will they learn that Dems lack common sense and the Dems pea-brains damn near explode when you inject it into a conversation.

No spending cuts! Tax the rich a bit more! Free ice cream for everyone! <--- The Dem way or no way!

See ya at the bottom.
Once again the far-right of the GOP (are there any moderates left?) show us how compassionate they are and prove why a majority of Americans hold them in low regard concerning the welfare of the nation.

Bullshit. Your point would be pointy if the Rs said "no Sandy relief for you!". They didn't.

Republicans know that budgeting for a rainy day and off-setting emergency spending with cutting someplace else is common sense. When oh when will they learn that Dems lack common sense and the Dems pea-brains damn near explode when you inject it into a conversation.

No spending cuts! Tax the rich a bit more! Free ice cream for everyone! <--- The Dem way or no way!

See ya at the bottom.

Let's start cutting defense spending.
So, the victims of Sandy should have to wait for relief because Republicans want unrelated spending cuts in return? Talk about bullshit -- you're wading in it.

Obama has already made them wait for weeks to get their power back on, what's a few more days?
I agree we should offset the Sandy aid money with cuts to the military budget.

Yeah, because there isnt some other wasteful spending going on in Washington. We need to either slash the military or nothing.

The military wastes more than any other department, and probably more than all other departments combined. That doesn't mean there shouldn't be any spending cuts to other departments, but it's funny how those of you on the right want all these spending cuts and then go batshit crazy when anyone brings up cuts to military spending. It's hilarious.
So, the victims of Sandy should have to wait for relief because Republicans want unrelated spending cuts in return? Talk about bullshit -- you're wading in it.

Unrelated spending cuts? I dont think cutting spending elsewhere to pay for more important spending is unrelated in the least.

Are you really going to fight against spending cuts rather than help the Sandy victims?

Liberal Dictionary:
Unrelated Spending Cut - Any spending cut.

What would be a "related spending cut?" I know . . . . cuts to relief for hurricane victims!
I agree we should offset the Sandy aid money with cuts to the military budget.

Defense budget is a favorite of the the left to decimate.
Just as taxing the shit out of the rich.They say it's only a few points.
Well now it's just a few points and so much in cuts to defense...

What do we do when we find raising taxes and cutting the defense budget
doesn't do what the lefties believe it will do...

WE go back and hit defense and those evil rich people again...

Do we really need troops in Germany, Japan, South Korea,,,,and every knook and cranny worldwide? The US is going broke and we sure the hell have to stop defending countries and regions of the world that can afford to defend themselves.
You people cry and moan about spending without not blinking an eye for the billions of dollars we must spend on defense even though we out-spend Russia and China by six-seven times annually. And then you want fiscal responsibility. That is 100% hypocrisy. Suck it up and get over your dreams of world control, we can't afford it.

Funny thing is that we could most likely keep all those basis open. All those countries that are receiving free protection from us could be paying us for our services. We could leave it up to them. I bet given the logistics of things, most of them would gladly pay us to stay versus having to increase their own military.

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