Democrats rage at Speaker Johnson over pairing Israel aid with IRS cuts

Then maybe read it again…Though I can’t say I’m surprised you don’t think taxes have an impact on the cost of homes

You are an idiot
It ain’t there. Or would like to copy and paste it…
Johnson is a politicians and a MAGA one. So it sounds innocent to say that he wants to cut the budget of the IRS for sending money to Israel.

Johnson is a politician and a MAGA one. Cutting the IRS budget will cause them (IRS) to do what they do best. Go after the wealthy who may cheat on their taxes. Invent loopholes based on shady advise from their lawyers who are paid to save them money. The IRS will be understaffed and technology will be limited. This will hamper their ability to go after the cheaters.

Its good to be wealthy with MAGA wealthy on your side.

The IRS cannot go after guys like Trump who will have high priced lawyers when they are undermanned and their budget is cut.

I am sure Trump is rubbing his hands and saying good, good, just as planned.

MAGA republican at work

The left are the only ones allowed to get away with this kind of legislative manipulation!! :auiqs.jpg: :rolleyes:

Fuck the cult
Didnt Dems want to tie Israel and Ukraine funding?

How is this any different?
Both Israel and Ukraine get funding. There is no conflict. Obvious repubs are for this

Republican we will agree that they get funding but IRS budget gets cut in return for our cooperation.
The IRS aren't even close to using all that money that was allocated to them.
It's a no brainer to move the money over.
But, we are talking about politicians, so we have to take common sense off the table.

Well you got that right. Anyone who thinks that taking money away from the underfunded IRS is a good way to save money, has absolutely no brains whatsoever. The Office of Budget Management estimates that cutting funding to the IRS will cost taxpayers $90 billion dollars in lost revenues.

Republicans are desperate to keep the IRS from going after rich tax cheats, like Donald Trump. They've been cutting funding to the IRS for more than a decade starting under Sequestration. The IRS has cut staff, even as the numbers of tax returns have nearly doubled in the past decade.

Americans have been steadily complaining about slow service and problems dealing with the IRS. Their ability to audit complex tax returns has steadily declined as a result.

At this point, the IRS is so underfunded that 93,000 IRS employees are processing 262.8 million tax returns, both personal and corporate. That works out to around 2800 tax returns per employee. There are 260 work days per year. This works out to more than 1000 returns, per IRS employee, per day. And it assumes that all IRS employees are doing nothing but processing returns. No secretaries, no follow up, no enforcement.

The IRS is losing billions of dollars every year to tax cheats and dead beats because they don't have the staff to audit rich people's returns or to collect unpaid balances. And the general public is screaming about the crappy service.

If the IRS starts doing proper audits and enforcement, the newly allocated funds will recovered hundreds of billions of dollars owed without raising anyone's taxes at all, so of course Republicans want to terminate a program which will catch rich crooks like Trump and his buddies.

The Trump Corporation was recently convicted in New York of criminal tax evasion, and their CFO is currently serving out his sentence. Of course Trump wants any government agency holding the rich accountable, to be seriously hampered in their efforts.
Well you got that right. Anyone who thinks that taking money away from the underfunded IRS is a good way to save money, has absolutely no brains whatsoever. The Office of Budget Management estimates that cutting funding to the IRS will cost taxpayers $90 billion dollars in lost revenues.

Republicans are desperate to keep the IRS from going after rich tax cheats, like Donald Trump. They've been cutting funding to the IRS for more than a decade starting under Sequestration. The IRS has cut staff, even as the numbers of tax returns have nearly doubled in the past decade.

Americans have been steadily complaining about slow service and problems dealing with the IRS. Their ability to audit complex tax returns has steadily declined as a result.

At this point, the IRS is so underfunded that 93,000 IRS employees are processing 262.8 million tax returns, both personal and corporate. That works out to around 2800 tax returns per employee. There are 260 work days per year. This works out to more than 1000 returns, per IRS employee, per day. And it assumes that all IRS employees are doing nothing but processing returns. No secretaries, no follow up, no enforcement.

The IRS is losing billions of dollars every year to tax cheats and dead beats because they don't have the staff to audit rich people's returns or to collect unpaid balances. And the general public is screaming about the crappy service.

If the IRS starts doing proper audits and enforcement, the newly allocated funds will recovered hundreds of billions of dollars owed without raising anyone's taxes at all, so of course Republicans want to terminate a program which will catch rich crooks like Trump and his buddies.

The Trump Corporation was recently convicted in New York of criminal tax evasion, and their CFO is currently serving out his sentence. Of course Trump wants any government agency holding the rich accountable, to be seriously hampered in their efforts.
Strange that they're not going to use all of the funds allocated to them, Ms. Canuck. Let the funds go where they can be used.

Don't you have bigger problems in your neck of the woods with your dicktator?
Yes, yes you do.
Strange that they're not going to use all of the funds allocated to them, Ms. Canuck. Let the funds go where they can be used.

Don't you have bigger problems in your neck of the woods with your dicktator?
Yes, yes you do.

Our biggest problem is that we are now the #2 place in the world to live, instead of #1. but thanks for asking.

It takes time to staff up and rebuild the agency, especially given that there are staffing shortages everywhere. Added to which, the money allocated is to be spent over a period of 8 years, and the money wasn't intended to be used all at once. Some of the funds are to be used on infrastructure and equipment to expand the agency, as well as salaries for new hires.

There are currently 11 million open jobs in the USA and accountants can make a lot more money in the private sector than they can working for the IRS. Especially in today's job market.

This is the IRS plan for the money:

Doncha just hate it when I confuse the issue with facts, while you try to bullshit us?
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Our biggest problem is that we are now the #2 place in the world to live, instead of #1. but thanks for asking.

It takes time to staff up and rebuild the agency, especially given that there are staffing shortages everywhere. Added to which, the money allocated is to be spent over a period of 8 years, and the money wasn't intended to be used all at once. Some of the funds are to be used on infrastructure and equipment to expand the agency, as well as salaries for new hires.

There are currently 11 million open jobs in the USA and accountants can make a lot more money in the private sector than they can working for the IRS. Especially in today's job market.

This is the IRS plan for the money:

You do realize that the IRS is already going after the middle class, right?
It wasn't packaged to do that in that Bill, remember?

You do realize that the IRS is already going after the middle class, right?
It wasn't packaged to do that in that Bill, remember?

You do realize your sources are ALL owned by billionaires who admit to lying to you to get you to vote Republican, don't you???? They want the base to think the IRS is coming after them. They started out by telling you that the IRS was hiring armed agents to come after you.

Do they have any evidence to support these biased claims?????
Our biggest problem is that we are now the #2 place in the world to live, instead of #1. but thanks for asking.
Fact is that your dicktator, is flexing his authority over your country....and you don't care.
I have a couple of friends that live in Calgary Alberta that are screaming about his authoritarian push.

You just show yourself as a socialist/communist. You'll do well under an iron fist.
Those that like their freedom in Canada....not so much.

The IRS is doing just what most who have common sense thought they would do.
The democrats aren't going to step on the toes of those who lay their golden eggs.
Take that to the bank.
You people are so gullible
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You do realize your sources are ALL owned by billionaires who admit to lying to you to get you to vote Republican, don't you???? They want the base to think the IRS is coming after them. They started out by telling you that the IRS was hiring armed agents to come after you.

Do they have any evidence to support these biased claims?????
BS, the Wall Street Journal is hardly a right wing rag.
Nice try, but a fail.
a new audit shows that agents are still mostly chasing down families and businesses with incomes of $200,000 or less, half the president’s promised target.
What’s more, the Treasury inspector general report said that the IRS hasn’t even expanded auditor training to help new agents uncover the more sophisticated tricks used by higher-income earners to dodge taxes.

“Our analysis disclosed no significant increase in the number of high-income individual return audits,” said the inspector general.

“Despite congressional encouragement to examine individual high earners and the former Treasury secretary’s directive, most examinations were not focused on high-income taxpayers,” it added.
For example, the audit found that 75% of audits were on returns showing “total positive income” at less than $200,000.

William Henck, a former Internal Revenue Service lawyer who was forced out after making allegations of internal malfeasance, said the government will target middle-income Americans with new audits under the Inflation Reduction Act.

Henck, who worked at the IRS for 30 years until departing in 2017, slammed the IRS and others who have argued additional funding would only result in increased audits for billionaires and corporations. The Inflation Reduction Act, which President Biden signed into law , would nearly double the IRS’ budget, appropriating an additional $79 billion to the agency over the next decade.

“The idea that they’re going to open things up and go after these big billionaires and large corporations is quite frankly bulls–t,” Henck told FOX Business in an interview. “It’s not going to happen. They’re going to give themselves bonuses and promotions and really nice conferences.”

The IRS has not processed my returns since 2019. Nobody there can give me any answers why.
Fuck the IRS.
This only began last year so it still to early to determine if it is a failure or they are doing what they wanted it to do.

One thing is clear republicans want to kill it quickly

let see heritage foundation

one of the main supporters of the theory of election fraud in 2020

So yeah they support the narrative that the IRS is going after middle class America with less than one year since it started based on opinions.

Then the next link is an opinion piece that projects that they will be going after the middle class

okay an opinion

Then of course another story of a unnamed whistle blower

okay a unnamed whistle blower. Let can it because he is says so in such a short time span

and finally a professional Washington secretes writer

Well the IRS says differently

The IRS recently contacted about 1,600 wealthy taxpayers who collectively owe hundreds of millions of dollars. Demonstrating the agency has become more active in this area “has been very meaningful,” said Douglas O’Donnell, the IRS’s deputy commissioner for services and enforcement.
  • Most such people do pay their taxes, but ...
Also this started in 2022 so they are just talking about 1 years or less of data and the Republicans want to kill it. Well they always wanted to kill it.

This is in the early stages and needs a chance for it to work.

Still the republicans are quick to point out the problems they perceive instead of giving it a change to work it out.

In addition to its Fiscal Year 2023 annual appropriation of$12.3 billion, the IRS received approximately $79.4 billion in supplemental funding when the President signed the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 (IRA) into law in August 2022. Approximately$1.4 billion in IRA funding was later rescinded by Congress reducing the available IRA supplemental funding to approximately $78 billion. This supplemental funding is available through September 30, 2031.

well at least it still a positive number

This was there first report and it was only information.

It has had a chance to work because republicans want to kill it before it can work.

It is all smoking mirrors and political swagger.

Treasury Department officials say not all new hires will work on enforcement and increased revenues won’t come from middle-income earners. Treasury Secretary Janet L. Yellen directed IRS Commissioner Charles P. Rettig not to use the new funding to increase enforcement of taxpayers earning less than $400,000. The IRS is a bureau of the Treasury Department.

“Specifically, I direct that any additional resources—including any new personnel or auditors that are hired—shall not be used to increase the share of small businesses or households below the $400,000 threshold that are audited relative to historical levels,” Yellen wrote in an Aug. 10 letter to Rettig. “This means that, contrary to the misinformation from opponents of this legislation, small business or households earning $400,000 per year or less will not see an increase in the chances that they are audited.”

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