House Democrats Arrested In Immigration Reform Protest


Gold Member
May 20, 2008
across the pond
WASHINGTON -- Eight Democratic members of Congress joined with activists on Tuesday to block a street in view of the Capitol, an attempt to reignite immigration reform efforts that have stalled out in the House.

Reps. Luis Gutierrez (D-Ill.), John Lewis (D-Ga.), Keith Ellison (D-Minn.), Raúl Grijalva (D-Ariz.), Joe Crowley (D-N.Y.), Al Green (D-Texas), Jan Schakowsky (D-Ill.) and Charlie Rangel (D-N.Y.) participated in the protest. More than 200 people were arrested in total, including faith leaders, members of advocacy groups and other activists.

democrats in handcuffs want illegal aliens to go to the polls plus all the bennies


They want no form of American citizenship, that's what they ultimately want. We are all citizens of the world.

Our Representatives/Congressional representatives being held to the same laws as the average citizen! "There are no great men, there are only great challenges that ordinary men are forced by circumstances to meet."- ADM William F. Halsey

God Bless America!

why would any dystopian misfit spin this into a negative? :eusa_shifty:
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They want no form of American citizenship, that's what they ultimately want. We are all citizens of the world.

including the violent Mexican gangs to ???

There are no violent mexican gangs to liberals. There are only misunderstood people who want to help by getting drugs legalized so they can feed their families by selling drugs. The gangs come here for a better life. That's why cities like Los Angeles, San Francisco and San Jose won't share information with ICE. It breaks up families by deporting criminal illegal aliens.
They want no form of American citizenship, that's what they ultimately want. We are all citizens of the world.

including the violent Mexican gangs to ???

There are no violent mexican gangs to liberals. There are only misunderstood people who want to help by getting drugs legalized so they can feed their families by selling drugs. The gangs come here for a better life. That's why cities like Los Angeles, San Francisco and San Jose won't share information with ICE. It breaks up families by deporting criminal illegal aliens.

they come here to conquer. they now own mexifornia and and have run off business, citizens and murdered rivals

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