5 Dims asked to step down

Farrakhan praised Trump and the alt-right Trump leads is an inherently anti-semitic movement. So these people should be asking Trump to resign.
That is a lot different than speaking at his events like Kieth Ellison has.
I get it, plenty have spoken at David Dukes events also does not mean they support all views!
If you think I am going to be conned into being your reseacher you are wrong. My ex wife tried to do that to me all the time it did not work for her it will not work for you and she offered me some things you are likely not willing to offer me. Took me how long to find a picture of David and Donald. Took you how long to find Barak and Farrahkan. Do the same thing ya did before and ya gets some names if you want them! Still all of this is a waste of time. WHat gets changed in either case. We should be talking about asset forfeture and the patriot act! Fuck this I am rubber you are glue shit. The only way these people are going to be removed from office is at the ballot box and none of them are in my district. Have you figured out what I realy care about yet?
If Trump, or any other GOP member, visited an avid racist and hatemonger like Farrakhan I would condemn them in a heartbeat.

Problem is, I don't know of any.

Additionally, you don't have a problem with it when a Dim does it.

Case closed.
Ya, how many republicans hang out with David Duke? Not that I am very worried, I do not think there is a damn thing I can do about it nor these other people assuming they are indeed doing as you say. I would like to go after things we can do some thing about like asset forfeture and the patriot act!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know I sound like a broken record but we realy could change these two things! I want some possitve change god bless it. If we could change some of the easier stuff you might be able to get me to worry about more intractable issues. Until then it is a waste of time!


Again, what members of the GOP Congress meet with racists like Dims do?
DO you know who David Duke is? I am not going to fall all over myself giving common knowlege. If you are paying attention you know who Duke is and who he hangs with. If you believe that there is a single political party on the planet that does not have racists in it, I am going to have reconsider all the time I have agreed with you! Further more if some 2nd ammendment people do not start backing me on the patiot act and asset forfeiture I am going to start pissing backwards on the second ammendment. If you can not protest already lost constitutioinal freedoms. You will not use your guns when needed so why have them. They are for this type of thing.

So Trump met with David Duke or did any of the GOP Congress?

If so, where and when?
Yes, both. Trumps father was close to David's Father. Does not prove any thing though. When you are in politics bad people are going to try and rub shoulders with you. Does not mean you are colluding. But it could. At any rate Votto take up a real cause! Please start complaining about rights to privacy infringment and illegal search and seizure. The patiot act and assett forfeture are just as insidiouse as coming for our guns. Maybe worse. This is a cause that could actually be acheived! Please all of you who believe in the constitution stand up and be heard on these issues!!!

White racists will support a white candidate and black racists will support a black candidate.

The only question becomes, do these politicians then meet with them and openly embrace them?

Dims do, the GOP does not.

David Duke is not in the US Congress and US Congressmen do not associate with David Duke.

Try again Mr. Red Herring.


No pictures with Trump and David Duke?
Republican Jewish Coalition calls for resignation of 7 Democrats over 'ties' to Farrakhan

The Republican Jewish Coalition is calling for the resignation of seven Democratic members of Congress whom it claims are "connected" to controversial Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan. The group describes him as a "known anti-Semite."

Farrakhan has routinely spoke disparagingly about Jews over the years, as well as white people, in general. He was thrust into the mainstream spotlight again this week after excerpts from a speech he gave last week on the Nation of Islam's Saviour's Day surfaced online. During the speech, he once again described Jewish people -- who he says "are my enemy" -- in a pejorative manner.

The lobbying group on Tuesday called for the following lawmakers to step down: Reps. Keith Ellison, D-Minn.; Barbara Lee, D-Calif.; Maxine Waters, D-Calif.; Danny Davis, D-Ill.; Andre Carson, D-Ind.; Gregory Meeks, D-N.Y.; and Al Green, D-Texas.

The aforementioned lawmakers have at one point in their careers while in the House -- but not necessarily anytime recently nor with any frequency -- met Farrakhan. In a report it published Tuesday, The Daily Caller outlined the various previous interactions, based on videos and photos.

ABC News has reached out to each of the seven lawmakers for comment on the Republican Jewish Coalition's call for their resignations.

Davis told The Daily Caller in a statement Monday, without specifically addressing Farrakhan, anti-Semitism is "antithetical to everything I believe and everything that I work for on a daily basis."

Davis also described Farrakhan as an "outstanding human being."

We all know racism is a one way street, don't we.

We can all claim Trump is a racist merely because we don't think he condemns racists harshly enough, but if you are a Dim you can meet with open racists and praise them and be just fine.
Unfortunately for jews, democrats place racist blacks above them on the victim ladder.
Republican Jewish Coalition calls for resignation of 7 Democrats over 'ties' to Farrakhan

The Republican Jewish Coalition is calling for the resignation of seven Democratic members of Congress whom it claims are "connected" to controversial Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan. The group describes him as a "known anti-Semite."

Farrakhan has routinely spoke disparagingly about Jews over the years, as well as white people, in general. He was thrust into the mainstream spotlight again this week after excerpts from a speech he gave last week on the Nation of Islam's Saviour's Day surfaced online. During the speech, he once again described Jewish people -- who he says "are my enemy" -- in a pejorative manner.

The lobbying group on Tuesday called for the following lawmakers to step down: Reps. Keith Ellison, D-Minn.; Barbara Lee, D-Calif.; Maxine Waters, D-Calif.; Danny Davis, D-Ill.; Andre Carson, D-Ind.; Gregory Meeks, D-N.Y.; and Al Green, D-Texas.

The aforementioned lawmakers have at one point in their careers while in the House -- but not necessarily anytime recently nor with any frequency -- met Farrakhan. In a report it published Tuesday, The Daily Caller outlined the various previous interactions, based on videos and photos.

ABC News has reached out to each of the seven lawmakers for comment on the Republican Jewish Coalition's call for their resignations.

Davis told The Daily Caller in a statement Monday, without specifically addressing Farrakhan, anti-Semitism is "antithetical to everything I believe and everything that I work for on a daily basis."

Davis also described Farrakhan as an "outstanding human being."

We all know racism is a one way street, don't we.

We can all claim Trump is a racist merely because we don't think he condemns racists harshly enough, but if you are a Dim you can meet with open racists and praise them and be just fine.
Unfortunately for jews, democrats place racist blacks above them on the victim ladder.
Yeah right. All the Jews being, of course, Democrats
Republican Jewish Coalition calls for resignation of 7 Democrats over 'ties' to Farrakhan

The Republican Jewish Coalition is calling for the resignation of seven Democratic members of Congress whom it claims are "connected" to controversial Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan. The group describes him as a "known anti-Semite."

Farrakhan has routinely spoke disparagingly about Jews over the years, as well as white people, in general. He was thrust into the mainstream spotlight again this week after excerpts from a speech he gave last week on the Nation of Islam's Saviour's Day surfaced online. During the speech, he once again described Jewish people -- who he says "are my enemy" -- in a pejorative manner.

The lobbying group on Tuesday called for the following lawmakers to step down: Reps. Keith Ellison, D-Minn.; Barbara Lee, D-Calif.; Maxine Waters, D-Calif.; Danny Davis, D-Ill.; Andre Carson, D-Ind.; Gregory Meeks, D-N.Y.; and Al Green, D-Texas.

The aforementioned lawmakers have at one point in their careers while in the House -- but not necessarily anytime recently nor with any frequency -- met Farrakhan. In a report it published Tuesday, The Daily Caller outlined the various previous interactions, based on videos and photos.

ABC News has reached out to each of the seven lawmakers for comment on the Republican Jewish Coalition's call for their resignations.

Davis told The Daily Caller in a statement Monday, without specifically addressing Farrakhan, anti-Semitism is "antithetical to everything I believe and everything that I work for on a daily basis."

Davis also described Farrakhan as an "outstanding human being."

We all know racism is a one way street, don't we.

We can all claim Trump is a racist merely because we don't think he condemns racists harshly enough, but if you are a Dim you can meet with open racists and praise them and be just fine.
Unfortunately for jews, democrats place racist blacks above them on the victim ladder.

You nailed it!
Farrakhan praised Trump and the alt-right Trump leads is an inherently anti-semitic movement. So these people should be asking Trump to resign.

So what is anti-Semitic about Trump exactly?

He recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel?
A move praised by Chuck Schumer and that pissed off the Richard Spencer crowd that pushed Trump past the finish line
Is this the same Chucky Cheese Schumer who said he voted against a judge because he was white?

Again, more evidence as to the racist nature of the DNC.
Sadly, too many African American Democrats are hateful bigots. However, that's not the case with African American Republicans. African American Republicans are pretty chilled folks. The Democratic Party thrives on radicalizing folks.

It all goes back to the Communist Agenda. Most of today's Democrat leadership have radical Communist ties. The previous Democrat President had a long history of Communist-worship. And most Democrat Voters are what Lenin called 'Useful Idiots.' So it's all about the radicalization. Most Democrats have been radicalized. It is what it is.
Farrakhan praised Trump and the alt-right Trump leads is an inherently anti-semitic movement. So these people should be asking Trump to resign.
That is a lot different than speaking at his events like Kieth Ellison has.
I get it, plenty have spoken at David Dukes events also does not mean they support all views!
If you think I am going to be conned into being your reseacher you are wrong. My ex wife tried to do that to me all the time it did not work for her it will not work for you and she offered me some things you are likely not willing to offer me. Took me how long to find a picture of David and Donald. Took you how long to find Barak and Farrahkan. Do the same thing ya did before and ya gets some names if you want them! Still all of this is a waste of time. WHat gets changed in either case. We should be talking about asset forfeture and the patriot act! Fuck this I am rubber you are glue shit. The only way these people are going to be removed from office is at the ballot box and none of them are in my district. Have you figured out what I realy care about yet?
Have you figured out what I realy care about yet?

So far I have figured out it is not spelling.
Trump Disavows Endorsement of White Supremacist David Duke

And yet the Communist Party US has endorsed Democratic Party Presidential candidates going back to the 80's and not one of those candidates has disavowed that support. This group venerates people like Mao and Stalin. The KKK have done some fucked up shit but they are not even in the same area code when compared to the communist.
Farrakhan praised Trump and the alt-right Trump leads is an inherently anti-semitic movement. So these people should be asking Trump to resign.
That is a lot different than speaking at his events like Kieth Ellison has.
I get it, plenty have spoken at David Dukes events also does not mean they support all views!
If you think I am going to be conned into being your reseacher you are wrong. My ex wife tried to do that to me all the time it did not work for her it will not work for you and she offered me some things you are likely not willing to offer me. Took me how long to find a picture of David and Donald. Took you how long to find Barak and Farrahkan. Do the same thing ya did before and ya gets some names if you want them! Still all of this is a waste of time. WHat gets changed in either case. We should be talking about asset forfeture and the patriot act! Fuck this I am rubber you are glue shit. The only way these people are going to be removed from office is at the ballot box and none of them are in my district. Have you figured out what I realy care about yet?
Have you figured out what I realy care about yet?

So far I have figured out it is not spelling.
You are wise and right! On that statement!
Republican Jewish Coalition calls for resignation of 7 Democrats over 'ties' to Farrakhan

The Republican Jewish Coalition is calling for the resignation of seven Democratic members of Congress whom it claims are "connected" to controversial Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan. The group describes him as a "known anti-Semite."

Farrakhan has routinely spoke disparagingly about Jews over the years, as well as white people, in general. He was thrust into the mainstream spotlight again this week after excerpts from a speech he gave last week on the Nation of Islam's Saviour's Day surfaced online. During the speech, he once again described Jewish people -- who he says "are my enemy" -- in a pejorative manner.

The lobbying group on Tuesday called for the following lawmakers to step down: Reps. Keith Ellison, D-Minn.; Barbara Lee, D-Calif.; Maxine Waters, D-Calif.; Danny Davis, D-Ill.; Andre Carson, D-Ind.; Gregory Meeks, D-N.Y.; and Al Green, D-Texas.

The aforementioned lawmakers have at one point in their careers while in the House -- but not necessarily anytime recently nor with any frequency -- met Farrakhan. In a report it published Tuesday, The Daily Caller outlined the various previous interactions, based on videos and photos.

ABC News has reached out to each of the seven lawmakers for comment on the Republican Jewish Coalition's call for their resignations.

Davis told The Daily Caller in a statement Monday, without specifically addressing Farrakhan, anti-Semitism is "antithetical to everything I believe and everything that I work for on a daily basis."

Davis also described Farrakhan as an "outstanding human being."

We all know racism is a one way street, don't we.

We can all claim Trump is a racist merely because we don't think he condemns racists harshly enough, but if you are a Dim you can meet with open racists and praise them and be just fine.
Unfortunately for jews, democrats place racist blacks above them on the victim ladder.
Yeah right. All the Jews being, of course, Democrats
I believe the Senate minority and minority whip in the Democratic are both Jewish.
I hate to say this but under the 1st Amendment they are free to associate with anyone they wish.

Their fate should only be in the hands of their constituents.
Not if you are a leftist. They call those that don't agree with them Fascists and Nazis and made it clear that they are against free speech, only their own speech.
Farrakhan praised Trump and the alt-right Trump leads is an inherently anti-semitic movement. So these people should be asking Trump to resign.
That is a lot different than speaking at his events like Kieth Ellison has.
I get it, plenty have spoken at David Dukes events also does not mean they support all views!
If you think I am going to be conned into being your reseacher you are wrong. My ex wife tried to do that to me all the time it did not work for her it will not work for you and she offered me some things you are likely not willing to offer me. Took me how long to find a picture of David and Donald. Took you how long to find Barak and Farrahkan. Do the same thing ya did before and ya gets some names if you want them! Still all of this is a waste of time. WHat gets changed in either case. We should be talking about asset forfeture and the patriot act! Fuck this I am rubber you are glue shit. The only way these people are going to be removed from office is at the ballot box and none of them are in my district. Have you figured out what I realy care about yet?
Have you figured out what I realy care about yet?

So far I have figured out it is not spelling.

A Diploma Dumbo's Pathetic Attempt to Sound Like His Education Means He's Smart

Whom in the quote's first sentence should be who. It is the subject of "are connected," which has priority over being the object of "it claims." College dredges the shallow end of the talent pool.
Farrakhan praised Trump and the alt-right Trump leads is an inherently anti-semitic movement. So these people should be asking Trump to resign.
Hmmm, Trump disavowed the neo-Nazis multiple times since running for office, his son-in-law Jared Kushner, is Jewish, he's moving the US Embassy to Jerusalem and he sides with Netanyahu. I'm pretty sure we can rule out that Trump is no anti-Semite.
Farrakhan praised Trump and the alt-right Trump leads is an inherently anti-semitic movement. So these people should be asking Trump to resign.
Hmmm, Trump disavowed the neo-Nazis multiple times since running for office, his son-in-law Jared Kushner, is Jewish, he's moving the US Embassy to Jerusalem and he sides with Netanyahu. I'm pretty sure we can rule out that Trump is no anti-Semite.
Written correction: I'm pretty sure that we can rule out that Trump is an anti-Semite. A bit of bad grammar there.
I get a kick out of conservatives and more often liberals calls for somebody to step down or do something. Although I'd hold a press conference too if it would quicken action on my call for lunch.
I get a kick out of conservatives and more often liberals calls for somebody to step down or do something. Although I'd hold a press conference too if it would quicken action on my call for lunch.

Asking a Congressman to step down is like telling an addict to give up their drugs.

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