House Democrats To Trot Out Watergate's John Dean As Their Star Witness In Mueller Report Hearings

If Dean is a witness what did he witness? Was he in the white house? Did he listen in on any phone conversations? Did any participant make a confession to him? Did he see something? What could he possibly have witnessed?

The felon, as reported, is considered a 'Master manipulator' in Cover-Ups, something the Democratic party and Obama's DOJ, NIA, CIA, and FBI have all attempted and seriously failed at in the last 3 years.

Leave it to the Democrats to call in a 'master manipulator in cover-ups' for advice and testimony ... the same guy who himself FAILED in an attempted cover-up and went toprison as a felon for doing so.


With his conviction for felony offenses, Dean was disbarred as a lawyer in Virginia and the District of Columbia, so he could no longer practice law.[22][23]

This qualified him to be a paid analyst (shill) for CNN.

I saw that headline and just had to laugh. Over 5 minutes of testimony and yet they focused on that, ignoring all the points he scored.
The fact they even did it, verifies they hated the points he did score. Anything to try to skew what was actually said. Anyone can watch the video and see I am right.
I was right!
Wikipedia is still our friend.

'Raw Story' is a left leaning ( putting it mildly ) news site founded in 2004.
The founder of 'Raw Story', John K. Byrne, is a fag from Boston.

Skews, did you just 'out' yourself?
Trump is more paranoid and egotistical than Nixon
Not true...Trump doesn't care about 2020...he is not afraid to lose as long as he is working for the betterment of America.....Nixon was scared to death of afraid he sent people into the DNC headquarters...Trump would never do that....there is no comparison between Trump and Nixon....I know the media has given you your orders to repeat it but its silly at best....
Also they're calling in veteran reporters Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein, both of Watergate fame. A few facts first. John Dean has since his moment in the sun been convicted of obstruction of Justice, disbarred and served 4 months of a 12 month jail sentence. Republicans will have a field day grilling him. This is going to backfire hugely on Nadler and Schiff.

Democrats Give John Dean Another ‘Big Thrill’
WATCH: Rep. Matt Gaetz Goes After ‘Prop’ John Dean at the Dems’ Mueller Show Trial.


Dean has no connection to the Mueller investigation but is a CNN contributor who has written a number of anti-Republican books in recent years. In other words, Dean’s purpose for testifying at the hearing had nothing to do with facts.

There was a memorable exchange between Congressman Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) and Mr. Dean during the hearing. When Gaetz spoke, he entered into the record a December 2005 essay by John Dean, titled “George W. Bush as the New Richard M. Nixon: Both Wiretapped Illegally, and Impeachably." Gaetz then asked Mr. Dean, “How many American presidents have you accused of being Richard Nixon?” It was a humorous moment, and Dean responded that he had actually written a book called Worse Than Watergate: The Secret Presidency of George W. Bush.

Gaetz then proceeded to ask Mr. Dean how much money he’s made off accusing presidents of being Richard Nixon, in rebutting an objection to that line of questioning. “How much money do you make from CNN?” Gaetz asked. A flustered Dean was unable to provide an answer, but Fat Jerry Nadler came to his rescue, banging the gavel and objecting to Gaetz line of questioning.” But Gaetz insisted on making his point. “Wait a second, Mr. Dean has made a cottage industry out of accusing presidents of acting like Richard Nixon. I would like to know how much money he makes based on making these accusations and exploiting them for his own economic benefit.”

Ryan Saavedra


Matt Gaetz rips into convicted felon & CNN contributor John Dean, asks him how much money he's made selling books accusing Republican presidents of crimes

Dean says he doesn't know

Gaetz: “How much money do you make from CNN?”

Dean: “Eh--- I don’t really know exactly”

1:03 PM - Jun 10, 2019

Everyone's favorite part of their exchange:

GAETZ: Do you have personal knowledge regarding the truth or falsity of a single material fact in the Mueller Report?

DEAN: I think if you recall the first thing I said I’m not here as a fact witness.

GAETZ: You’re here to provide historical context.

DEAN: Exactly.

GAETZ: And throughout history, you accuse presidents of acting like Richard Nixon and you make money off of it.

DEAN: Not all presidents, no.

GAETZ: But, a few. More than one.

DEAN: Those who do act like him I point it out.

So, John Dean said that he'll point out those who act like Nixon, and cited illegal wiretapping under Bush as Nixonian behavior that was impeachable. Had I had the opportunity to question Mr. Dean—and I would love such an opportunity in light of his testimony today—I’d ask him if he ever accused Barack Obama of being like Richard Nixon for illegal wiretapping by his administration. We know it happened. Documents leaked by Edward Snowden proved that Barack Obama embraced his inner Big Brother during his presidency and expanded surveillance programs that began in the Bush administration into a terrifying domestic surveillance program of massive scope.

In 2013, The Washington Post detailed the program code-named PRISM, under which the NSA and FBI were “extracting audio and video chats, photographs, emails, documents, and connection logs that enable analysts to track foreign targets” from the servers of nine American internet companies, including Microsoft, Yahoo, Google, Facebook, and Apple. Under Obama, the NSA was also collecting the phone records of millions of Americans. This wasn’t targeted surveillance. This was broad, untargeted surveillance right out of a George Orwell novel.

Despite claiming he points out Nixonian behavior when he sees it, I can’t seem to find any essays or books by John Dean criticizing Obama for his huge expansion of domestic surveillance and I can’t find a single quote from Dean calling for Obama to be impeached for it either. What he did do is say that “The Obama Administration has been tougher on those who leak classified information.” After Snowden exposed Obama’s domestic spying, Dean was more concerned with the leaks than what he previously called impeachable actions.

Dean’s hypocrisy aside, Gaetz held nothing back, and accused Dean of being a Democrat prop. “You are functionally here as a prop. Because [the Democrats] can’t impeach President Trump because 70 percent of Democrats want something that 60 percent of Americans don’t,” Gaetz said. “So they’re in this no-win situation and you sit before us here with no knowledge of a single fact on the Mueller Report on a hearing entitled ‘Lessons from The Mueller Report.’”

John Dean is not an objective expert, he’s an anti-GOP hack and CNN contributor who has basically concluded that being a Republican is an impeachable offense.



I wonder how much that cost Obama / CNN?!

I watched the replay of the whole hearing ( I know, sometimes I'm a glutton for punishment) on C-Span 2 at 11:00 P.M. PST. last nite
My major takeaway is that it was the longest tax-payer funded partisan DEMOCRAT INFOMERCIAL for impeachment in the history of our Country.
It should also be noted that the two female attorneys on the panel worked in the Obama Administration DOJ and are Democrat anti-Trumpers!
Stalin would've been proud of the House Democrat 'monkey house' that produced this star chamber.

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