House Freedom Caucus fires warning shot over government shutdown

Turning a bunch of wanna-be warriors loose in the wilds of the U.S. Mexico border would be a recipe for disaster.
There are places that are miles and miles from even the nearest dirt road.
No infrastucture.
No support.
No water.
Who is going to rescue the fools who go out there thinking they are going to "secure" the border?
Leave them.
Republican domestic terrorists clearly want to hurt the American people and harm America – shutting down the government is proof of that.
You haven't been paying attention to what your democrats have been doing for the past seven years. Strange that I didn't see this post when the democrats pulled this exact tactic on the Trump admin. Can you look in the mirror and say "You are a hypocrite?"
You haven't been paying attention to what your democrats have been doing for the past seven years. Strange that I didn't see this post when the democrats pulled this exact tactic on the Trump admin. Can you look in the mirror and say "You are a hypocrite?"
There’s no ‘justification’ for threatening to shut down the government – it’s an act of domestic terrorism.
So no VA, no social security, no Medicare, no traffic Controllers, no food and meat inspectors, no ICE, no pay for soldiers, ne pensions for veterans.

Hey what could go wrong?
SSAN and Medicare will be paid. No VA.

But... that is why overall that Speaker McCarthy would open a vote to the entire House.

He would easily get his majority.
Republicans threatening to shut down the government is domestic terrorism – there’s no other term for it.

You said the demofascists don't negotiate with terrorists.


That's what you do.
I wonder if people will ever figure out it's not going to happen?

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