House GOP To Move Their Own Bill Today


VIP Member
Sep 7, 2012
Robert Costa ‏@robertcostaNRO 8m
breaking: leadership telling GOP right now they'll move their own bill today

Robert Costa ‏@robertcostaNRO 5m
Msg from leadership, per sources in room: Sen deal isn't done, we're not going to sit back, we're moving out plan today

Robert Costa ‏@robertcostaNRO 1m
breaking from sources in rm: House to move bill w/ Obamacare provisions included--med device tax repeal, income verification...
Robert Costa ‏@robertcostaNRO 28s
Part One: CR to 1/15, debt limit to 2/7

Robert Costa ‏@robertcostaNRO 43s
Part Two: 2 year med device suspension

Robert Costa ‏@robertcostaNRO 47s
Part Three: Income verification

Part Four: Obamacare for members, Cabinet members (version of Vitter language)
It looks remarkably like Senator Collins' plan, just with the income verification thing added in.
Nancy Cordes ‏@nancycordes 2m
Source in House R mtg:Boehner will hold vote on Sen plan but insert
2 year med device delay+new O'care rules for cabinet mems and lawmakers
Chris Moody ‏@Chris_Moody 6m
House GOP members sang "Amazing Grace" together to start their meeting on a debt limit deal this morning.
Already called my congressman and told him to vote against this bill if it passes the senate. So far, his aide is saying the calls are 65 percent against and 35 percent for the bill.
The House will reject the Senate proposal. Prepare for a default!

The Argentine economic depression was a major downturn in Argentina's economy. It began in 1999 with a decrease of real Gross Domestic Product (GDP). The crisis caused the fall of the government, default on the country's foreign debt, widespread unemployment, riots, the rise of alternative currencies and the end of the peso's fixed exchange rate to the US dollar.–2002)

Will probably see something a lot like 1930s.
You guys force a default, and another recession, or even a depression, and you are toast. Too many Americans just made it through the 2008 recession caused by the idiots that changed the Glass-Steagal. That was economic foolishness on the part of the GOP. This is intentional destruction of the economy of our nation.

Time to identify every Rep that is causing this and make sure they understand how the rest of us feel. Identify what properties they own anywhere in this nation, no matter where that property is. Make a great many of us homeless on purpose, find out what that means.
The House will reject the Senate proposal. Prepare for a default!

Blood is on their hands if that is the case.

Senate worked together for a bipartisan deal and the Cons in the House are so far right they see everything as "Libruhl".

Blood will be on the repubs and dems over the last thirty years for leading us into this shit pile. The senate worked against the people once again.
You guys force a default, and another recession, or even a depression, and you are toast. Too many Americans just made it through the 2008 recession caused by the idiots that changed the Glass-Steagal. That was economic foolishness on the part of the GOP. This is intentional destruction of the economy of our nation.

Time to identify every Rep that is causing this and make sure they understand how the rest of us feel. Identify what properties they own anywhere in this nation, no matter where that property is. Make a great many of us homeless on purpose, find out what that means.

You can blame your party and the repubs for this steamy pile. Time to identify everyone in congress.
Weird thing is we spent more(when you count for inflation) in the 50's and 60's on science, tech and infrastructure.

The debt has been driven by welfare. SSI, SSD, Food stamps, etc. Some on bail-outs and bull shit.

Understand this and you will understand what we need to do.

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