House GOP To Move Their Own Bill Today

Weird thing is we spent more(when you count for inflation) in the 50's and 60's on science, tech and infrastructure.

The debt has been driven by welfare. SSI, SSD, Food stamps, etc. Some on bail-outs and bull shit.

Understand this and you will understand what we need to do.

I know you have been hammering away for science and tech. I believe that we should be advancing and placing emphasis on leading the world in these areas. However, when you have a nation dependent upon social engineering, welfare, freebies from the treasury, never ending wars, entitlements, it prevents the advancement of science and tech because we're too busy funding worthless bs.
It looks remarkably like Senator Collins' plan, just with the income verification thing added in.

The House proposed this before Collins did. The old lovable Democrat light just reworked the House original and stripped it of anything important to satiate her master in the White House.
Why fund a govt that has no concept of accountability and responsibility. It's time for them to do without and tighten their own belt.'re okay with the nation defaulting?

The govt. is already in the midst of a slow death...I mean default by servicing the debt with less valued dollars than it borrowed. There will be a default whether it is over this, or over the fact or creditors will no longer accept losing value on their loans.

Face it. Default is inevitable whether you understand the functions of monetary policy or not.
Weird thing is we spent more(when you count for inflation) in the 50's and 60's on science, tech and infrastructure.

The debt has been driven by welfare. SSI, SSD, Food stamps, etc. Some on bail-outs and bull shit.

Understand this and you will understand what we need to do.

I know you have been hammering away for science and tech. I believe that we should be advancing and placing emphasis on leading the world in these areas. However, when you have a nation dependent upon social engineering, welfare, freebies from the treasury, never ending wars, entitlements, it prevents the advancement of science and tech because we're too busy funding worthless bs.

Thank you. Maybe you can get thru to Matthew because he doesn't seem to grasp that one just can't have it all. So much of taxpayers dollars are wasted on needless programs that "feel good" or on items that are just out and out frivolous in these times when everyone including the government needs to be paring back.

A perfect recent example is when we found out that taxpayers are funding mechanical riding bulls for example for the recruitment for the National Guard, some service man or woman is going without a prosthesis.
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Because the TeaPs don't get their small, minority way on ACA, they are deliberately hurting America and Americans.

The TeaPs are hurting and will continue to hurt America and many Americans financially and personally.

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