House Republicans Seek to Cut Off Funding for Syrian Resettlement Program


Charter Member
May 8, 2004
Podunk, WI
At some point, the muslim in the white house is either going to piss off the entire nation to the point where they call for his removal, from left as well as the right, or he is arrested for treason. All it will take is for this radical America hating buffoon to force muslim refugees on America and then have a Paris happen here. There will be calls for his immediate arrest and to be tried for treason.

House Republicans Seek to Cut Off Funding for Syrian Resettlement Program

Following the deadly terrorist attacks in Paris, House Republicans are proposing to block federal funding for resettling Syrian refugees until a series of new conditions are met, Foreign Policy has learned.

The 15 Republican lawmakers pushing the legislation aren’t the only politicians looking to slam the brakes on Obama’s resettlement program. The governors of 15 U.S. states have already said they would not allow Syrian refugees to live in their states. Alabama Senator Jeff Sessions (R) has proposed legislation to restrict U.S. funding for refugee resettlement and Kentucky Senator Rand Paul (R) has said he will introduce legislation to prevent Syrian refugees from obtaining U.S. visas.

Additionally, House Homeland Security Chairman Michael McCaul plans to raise the issue of blocking Syrian refugee resettlement at a Tuesday meeting with fellow Republicans, according to two congressional sources.

In a Monday letter to President Barack Obama, McCaul called on the White House to immediately “suspend” the admission of all additional Syrian refugees.

House Republicans Seek to Cut Off Funding for Syrian Resettlement Program
Liberals are not too bright. There's no way to check those people out, you can't ask Assad to send info on them. Even if he had any.
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this is like passing a bill before u read it, and then six months later we have explosions in malls that get blamed on republicans that refused to pass the bill.
The majority of Americans believe that allowing a flood of syrian, fighting age muslim men, to enter western nations is a very bad idea.

Exclusive: After Paris, Americans want U.S. to do more to attack Islamic State - poll

ISIS warned that their next attack on America will be Washington D.C. Well, if that happens, I would think that obama's career would be over, immediately, and his legacy, besides being the worst president in history, would be the most America hating, anti American president ever.
At some point, the muslim in the white house is either going to piss off the entire nation to the point where they call for his removal, from left as well as the right, or he is arrested for treason. All it will take is for this radical America hating buffoon to force muslim refugees on America and then have a Paris happen here. There will be calls for his immediate arrest and to be tried for treason.

House Republicans Seek to Cut Off Funding for Syrian Resettlement Program

Following the deadly terrorist attacks in Paris, House Republicans are proposing to block federal funding for resettling Syrian refugees until a series of new conditions are met, Foreign Policy has learned.

The 15 Republican lawmakers pushing the legislation aren’t the only politicians looking to slam the brakes on Obama’s resettlement program. The governors of 15 U.S. states have already said they would not allow Syrian refugees to live in their states. Alabama Senator Jeff Sessions (R) has proposed legislation to restrict U.S. funding for refugee resettlement and Kentucky Senator Rand Paul (R) has said he will introduce legislation to prevent Syrian refugees from obtaining U.S. visas.

Additionally, House Homeland Security Chairman Michael McCaul plans to raise the issue of blocking Syrian refugee resettlement at a Tuesday meeting with fellow Republicans, according to two congressional sources.

In a Monday letter to President Barack Obama, McCaul called on the White House to immediately “suspend” the admission of all additional Syrian refugees.

House Republicans Seek to Cut Off Funding for Syrian Resettlement Program

There was a Paris that happened here, but the attackers were Saudis (and one Jordanian). The difference is that the Saudis didn't have hundreds of thousand of children, parents and elderly in tow fleeing a dictator who had bombed their cities, towns and villages into oblivion over the past 4 years forcing them to leave the country.
At some point, the muslim in the white house is either going to piss off the entire nation to the point where they call for his removal, from left as well as the right, or he is arrested for treason. All it will take is for this radical America hating buffoon to force muslim refugees on America and then have a Paris happen here. There will be calls for his immediate arrest and to be tried for treason.

House Republicans Seek to Cut Off Funding for Syrian Resettlement Program

Following the deadly terrorist attacks in Paris, House Republicans are proposing to block federal funding for resettling Syrian refugees until a series of new conditions are met, Foreign Policy has learned.

The 15 Republican lawmakers pushing the legislation aren’t the only politicians looking to slam the brakes on Obama’s resettlement program. The governors of 15 U.S. states have already said they would not allow Syrian refugees to live in their states. Alabama Senator Jeff Sessions (R) has proposed legislation to restrict U.S. funding for refugee resettlement and Kentucky Senator Rand Paul (R) has said he will introduce legislation to prevent Syrian refugees from obtaining U.S. visas.

Additionally, House Homeland Security Chairman Michael McCaul plans to raise the issue of blocking Syrian refugee resettlement at a Tuesday meeting with fellow Republicans, according to two congressional sources.

In a Monday letter to President Barack Obama, McCaul called on the White House to immediately “suspend” the admission of all additional Syrian refugees.

House Republicans Seek to Cut Off Funding for Syrian Resettlement Program

There was a Paris that happened here, but the attackers were Saudis (and one Jordanian). The difference is that the Saudis didn't have hundreds of thousand of children, parents and elderly in tow fleeing a dictator who had bombed their cities, towns and villages into oblivion over the past 4 years forcing them to leave the country.
So you live in Saudi Arabia?
After approx. 20 States have rebelled by declaring they will take no Syrian 'Refugees', Obama responded by declaring he did not care, that he would NOT reject the 100,000 (now) Syrian 'Refugees' which he intends to bring into the US and redistribute them throughout the US.

Congress' response: De-Fund 'Dear Leader's Re-Settlement Program! This time it looks like Obama's rou8tine of By-Passing Congress and ignoring the American people to do what he wants may be stopped this time! HUA!
House Republicans Seek to Cut Off Funding for Syrian Resettlement Program

sure hope it works out better than defunding Obamacare did.


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