House Resolution 57: Impeachment

Wnat is really funny is that Republicans have drawn up Articles of Impeachment before they have even had an investigation

Kind of tips their hand
That Joseph Robinette Biden, President of the United States, is impeached for abuse of power by enabling bribery and other high crimes and misdemeanors, and that the following article of impeachment be exhibited to the United States Senate:

Those charges will go exactly nowhere.

Hunter Biden is not impeachable. Unless you can show specific involvement of the President (which you won’t) it will fizzle.

Even Republicans will not vote for it

Yep. Republicans are chickenshits.

Just like democriminals.

And others that we know.

Wnat is really funny is that Republicans have drawn up Articles of Impeachment before they have even had an investigation

Kind of tips their hand
wow... LOL

you really have been out in the wilderness news-wise.

CNN does a great job of creating useful idiots for the dimwit party! (cnn and Co, that is)

wow... kinda sad.. kinda feel sorry for you. If i were as uneducated and uninformed/misinformed as you are, I would likely be saying dumbass stuff like this also....

As St Francis put it

There but for the grace of God go I
There but for the grace of God and Newsmax.. Breitbart... the Blaze... :)
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Hunter Biden's activity is at the heart of the entire document.
he is still tangential

It is the president who was involved in corruption. You libtards always want to just do anything, even sell your damn soul, assuming you still have one, for the sake of the grand old demonrat party of baby killers and corruption (insider trading, using govt office to milk the taxpayers so as to be wealthy while said taxpayers suffer the loss of their savings and [libs hope] just die already.. except that if they die, where do they get their massive $... oh, yeh.. from foreign countries)
The thing is almost two years old. I think we already know where it is going.
The Republicans have not taken their seats in the House yet. I don't even care if theSenate upholds the impeachment. The dims knew Trump's impeachment wasn't going anywhere either but they a re less chicken-sh#### than the Rs apparnetly
Let me ask you a Q

Do you think lawyers, who were involved in writing up this document (see OP) do not know the law?


They would not have worded things as they did without any interest in what is LEGAL and provable
This document doesn't require lawyers to be written up. Neither does impeachment require a crime. So let's take this document at face value.

According to those document not just Potus but vice Potus need to be held to account for the actions of one of their family members. Even if those actions are not necessarily criminal but simply unethical.

So my question remains. Is this something you agree with?
he is still tangential

It is the president who was involved in corruption. You libtards always want to just do anything, even sell your damn soul, assuming you still have one, for the sake of the grand old demonrat party of baby killers and corruption (insider trading, using govt office to milk the taxpayers so as to be wealthy while said taxpayers suffer the loss of their savings and [libs hope] just die already.. except that if they die, where do they get their massive $... oh, yeh.. from foreign countries)
Says who? The document is hazy on what they should have done. What power do you think the government has in preventing private citizens from taking jobs or paying for hookers.
he is still tangential

It is the president who was involved in corruption. You libtards always want to just do anything, even sell your damn soul, assuming you still have one, for the sake of the grand old demonrat party of baby killers and corruption (insider trading, using govt office to milk the taxpayers so as to be wealthy while said taxpayers suffer the loss of their savings and [libs hope] just die already.. except that if they die, where do they get their massive $... oh, yeh.. from foreign countries)
Then answer my question. Do you think a president is accountable for his family members abusing his name?
Then answer my question. Do you think a president is accountable for his family members abusing his name?
When the President gets a 10% kickback for his son's corruption then the answer is yes.
The Republicans have not taken their seats in the House yet. I don't even care if theSenate upholds the impeachment. The dims knew Trump's impeachment wasn't going anywhere either but they a re less chicken-sh#### than the Rs apparnetly
I'm not sure that that particular resolution from an old Congress would be valid in a new Congress. I actually don't favor impeaching Biden. I don't see what it would gain and it could, very easily, backfire - big time. It could be a case of "be careful what you wish for". If he was to be impeached, he would not be removed from office, so, what would be the point? If he was successfully removed from office (which ain't gonna happin), we get someone even worse as president. Nothing would change. Again, what would be the point? Like it or not, sleepy dementia Joe will be there for two more years, unless he has a health event. Then the voters will decide in 2024, which is getting closer and closer. And, I very highly suspect Biden will not seek re-election.
wow... LOL

you really have been out in the wilderness news-wise.

CNN does a great job of creating useful idiots for the dimwit party! (cnn and Co, that is)

wow... kinda sad.. kinda feel sorry for you. If i were as uneducated and uninformed/misinformed as you are, I would likely be saying dumbass stuff like this also....

As St Francis put it

There but for the grace of God go I
There but for the grace of God and Newsmax.. Breitbart... the Blaze... :)

Pitiful watching Republicans obsessed with retaliation when they haven’t even investigated yet

It is all they really have as a political party. Not like they will actually try to accomplish anything
This document doesn't require lawyers to be written up. Neither does impeachment require a crime. So let's take this document at face value.

According to those document not just Potus but vice Potus need to be held to account for the actions of one of their family members. Even if those actions are not necessarily criminal but simply unethical.

So my question remains. Is this something you agree with?
No, I don't agree w/ a damn thing because ... GET this through your head

It is the president's corruption, not any of his family members that is the focus of this HR 57

Do you understand that?!

or do you indeed understand it but want to pretend like you don't so you can appear to have some valid reason to attack Rs?

yeh, that one
Yet you can’t actually show any money going to the President
unbelievable.. how libs sell their souls to the party

Gee... Did your party.. WOULD your party .. I dunno... like.. DIE for you or something? die on a cross?

ha ha... You really think they give one hoot in Hell (where they are headed) about YOU?

They want to give everyday Americans NOTHING at all. All power is supposed to abide in the elite dimrats.. Sorry you didn't get that memo

then you are the most to be pitied
unbelievable.. how libs sell their souls to the party

Gee... Did your party.. WOULD your party .. I dunno... like.. DIE for you or something? die on a cross?

ha ha... You really think they give one hoot in Hell (where they are headed) about YOU?

then you are the most to be pitied

You do realize you need more than conspiracy theories ?

Unless you can actually show the President accepting illicit money you are just jerking each other off
In other words you have nothing so you'll post nothing. Got it.
no, in other words, you are just using words to try to bully people, words that are empty of any meaning and you know that but don't care as long as you can just bully someone until they shut up

which I may do... it's normally called Ignore.

I have better things to do than repeat myself and bang my head on a wall trying to get libs to be something they are not.. u know, such things as: actually being open to the truth... (not just hackish political talking points)
I'm not sure that that particular resolution from an old Congress would be valid in a new Congress. I actually don't favor impeaching Biden. I don't see what it would gain and it could, very easily, backfire - big time. It could be a case of "be careful what you wish for". If he was to be impeached, he would not be removed from office, so, what would be the point? If he was successfully removed from office (which ain't gonna happin), we get someone even worse as president. Nothing would change. Again, what would be the point? Like it or not, sleepy dementia Joe will be there for two more years, unless he has a health event. Then the voters will decide in 2024, which is getting closer and closer. And, I very highly suspect Biden will not seek re-election.
The thing is, he needs to be held accountable. If he has committed crimes and the evidence says he has, then why should he be exempt from punishment while the rest of us...

I agree the Senate is too sold out to corruption and lawlessness to ever validate an impeachment (but then again, who knows? sometimes people get fed up.. Tulsi Gabbard, Sinema (?).. that Drew guy from NJ... can't recall his whole name.. lots of defections from the Party of Insane

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