House Resolution 57: Impeachment

We will see I guess. I don't see the advantage of having a never-ending string of impeaching the President when the House is held by the opposing party.
You don't see the advantage of getting rid of a president who

has violated US law by allowing an Invasion of aliens?

has violated same by engaging in influence peddling and other corrupt business practices that benefited him financially and his lawless family ?

If you don't see the value of having a GOOD president, one who loves his country and adheres to the Law.. then you are hopeless
dumbass post

Where is Hunter's name in that document?


If his name is there and I forgot seeing it.. Hunter is tangential.

Guess what? Hunter is not being impeached

so in other words, just another bs post from a bs-er
by allowing his son to influence the domestic policy of a foreign nation and accept various benefits—including financial compensation—from foreign nationals in exchange for certain favors.

Seems it was referred to in the document. Not to mention by name half a dozen times.

So let me ask you a question. Do you think influence peddling by family members of a president is impeachable?
You don't see the advantage of getting rid of a president who

has violated US law by allowing an Invasion of aliens?

has violated same by engaging in influence peddling and other corrupt business practices that benefited him financially and his lawless family ?

If you don't see the value of having a GOOD president, one who loves his country and adheres to the Law.. then you are hopeless

No one has made a case for that. You not liking Joe Biden doesnt make him a criminal.

Which statutes has Biden broken with links to the proof.
by allowing his son to influence the domestic policy of a foreign nation and accept various benefits—including financial compensation—from foreign nationals in exchange for certain favors.

Seems it was referred to in the document. Not to mention by name half a dozen times.

So let me ask you a question. Do you think influence peddling by family members of a president is impeachable?
Let me ask you a Q

Do you think lawyers, who were involved in writing up this document (see OP) do not know the law?


They would not have worded things as they did without any interest in what is LEGAL and provable
From HR 57 (emphasis mine)

As Vice President, Joseph Biden was the senior Obama Administration official overseeing anti-corruption efforts in Ukraine. Hence, any illegal activity involving corruption conducted by Hunter Biden within or in relation to Ukraine would fall under the purview of the Office of Vice President Biden and the Obama State Department’s anti-corruption efforts. In fact, many State Department officials within the Obama Administration repeatedly registered reservations about Hunter Biden’s role on the board of a corrupt company. Thus, any instances of corruption on behalf of Hunter Biden via his role as a board member of the Ukrainian-operated Burisma energy firm were either not investigated or covered up. The evidence of widespread knowledge, corruption, and collusion on behalf of the Biden family with foreign nationals is clear and compelling.
Seems it was referred to in the document. Not to mention by name half a dozen times.

Hunter Biden's activity is at the heart of the entire document.
The whole family including "president" bidim benefited financially by interfering in the affairs of another country corruptly. The president of the US, as per that document, oversees matters of corruption. Can you spell

Conflict of Interest?
what are your top 3 reasons?

I believe he's been a complete failure at securing our borders. That, for me, is sufficient to support impeachment. I believe there needs to be a comprehensive investigation into his relationship with his son's business dealing and, if an investigation warrants, impeachment should be an option on those grounds.

I also believe the 25th Amendment should be considered. The man is a cognitive train wreck...
I believe he's been a complete failure at securing our borders. That, for me, is sufficient to support impeachment. I believe there needs to be a comprehensive investigation into his relationship with his son's business dealing and, if an investigation warrants, impeachment should be an option on those grounds.

I also believe the 25th Amendment should be considered. The man is a cognitive train wreck...
yeh, why didn't they mention the 25th in that document? Maybe they are saving that for Impeachment.2? LOL

but I don't agree with your use of the sentence "his relationship with his son's business dealing.."

It is the president's dealings. Hunter is involved w/ those dealings but it is wrong to focus solely on Hunter. The focus of HR 57 is Bidim, not his son. Of course any idiot can see that the 2 are inextricably linked vis a vis corruption and violation of US law. What an a-hole we have for pres -- but he is not the true president. Appearances are deceiving.. yet libtards know that appearances can... just be so overwhelming and knock reality off its pedestal
The bad thing about politics is "turnaround is fair play" becomes business as usual.
nevertheless, it needs to be done

And it is not like the impeachment of Trump can logically be compared to the impeachment of potatohead

Trump did no wrong

I say to Rs: Do all you can to impeach the bastard. If it doesn't work... well, maybe that is not really the point. The whole world, not just America, needs to know what is really going on here..

Well, this is interesting. Why am I (news follower) just now learning about this? Yes, I had heard talk of impeaching Biden before now but I didn't know there was this official document RE that.

Now we need to find out where this is going (if anywhere?)

Too bad there wasn't some mention in this document of the Invasion going on daily in the South-- how that also is an egregious violation of US law/the Constitution and a threat to security..

No, wait, you have to HAVE security in order for it to be threatened.. Correction: It is total loss of security
The thing is almost two years old. I think we already know where it is going.

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