House Resolution 57: Impeachment

no, in other words, you are just using words to try to bully people, words that are empty of any meaning and you know that but don't care as long as you can just bully someone until they shut up

which I may do... it's normally called Ignore.

I have better things to do than repeat myself and bang my head on a wall trying to get libs to be something they are not.. u know, such things as: actually being open to the truth... (not just hackish political talking points)
Post your charges and the proof and shut me up. I dont like Biden. I think he's a train wreck as a President but I havent seen anything to date that would warrant impeachment, at least using the standard pre Trump.
Post your charges and the proof and shut me up. I dont like Biden. I think he's a train wreck as a President but I havent seen anything to date that would warrant impeachment, at least using the standard pre Trump.
you don't see a lot of things. You're a lib.

You live with blinders on
The whole family including "president" bidim benefited financially by interfering in the affairs of another country corruptly. The president of the US, as per that document, oversees matters of corruption. Can you spell

Conflict of Interest?
Again says who? Not the document. The document claims that because Biden was VICE-PRESIDENT he was somehow responsible for actions taken by his son. It lists examples of what they call questionable business dealings but doesn't specify a single instance of Joe Biden actually benefiting from it, or being in a position to do something about it. I dare you to find one listed in that document.

I can not only spell, but more importantly, I can read. I wouldn't for instance try to deny that a document doesn't contain a name that is mentioned six or seven times.
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No, I don't agree w/ a damn thing because ... GET this through your head

It is the president's corruption, not any of his family members that is the focus of this HR 57

Do you understand that?!

or do you indeed understand it but want to pretend like you don't so you can appear to have some valid reason to attack Rs?

yeh, that one
I do understand that. What I don't understand is how what he did was corrupt going by this document. It's funny that when asked if you think a president should be held accountable for actions by a family member you are unwilling to take that position. Since it is ACTIONS by Hunter Biden that puts Joe Biden on the hook since nothing in that document mentions Joe getting a single penny.

If you can prove that Hunter Biden was corrupt, arrest him. If you can prove that Joe Biden abused his office to help his son, impeach him. If you can prove that help was illegal, impeach him and then indict him.

However, nothing in that document comes even close to establishing a believable case in order to get there. It is so much hot air designed to give people like you a hard-on.
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President Kamala Harris.

Ditch President Biden ... Send Vice President Harris packing shortly afterwards ... "Boom" assumed Speaker McCarthy in the White House.

I seriously doubt that will happen ...
But I am almost certain Representative McCarthy has thought about it.

I mean one of those rare instances where you don't have to be a Senator or a Governor,
to stand in front of the mirror and see yourself as President of the United States.

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The thing is, he needs to be held accountable. If he has committed crimes and the evidence says he has, then why should he be exempt from punishment while the rest of us...

I agree the Senate is too sold out to corruption and lawlessness to ever validate an impeachment (but then again, who knows? sometimes people get fed up.. Tulsi Gabbard, Sinema (?).. that Drew guy from NJ... can't recall his whole name.. lots of defections from the Party of Insane
The far right spew the very same crap the far left has been spewing for six years now. People need to be held accountable, just not Trump from Republicans and just not Biden from Democrats. The two extremes are nothing but carbon copies of each other, exactly the same.
I do understand that. What I don't understand is how what he did was corrupt going by this document. It's funny that when asked if you think a president should be held accountable for actions by a family member you are unwilling to take that position. Since it is ACTIONS by Hunter Biden that puts Joe Biden on the hook since nothing in that document mentions Joe getting a single penny.

If you can prove that Hunter Biden was corrupt, arrest him. If you can prove that Joe Biden abused his office to help his son, impeach him. If you can prove that help was illegal, impeach him and then indict him.

However, nothing in that document comes even close to establishing a believable case in order to get there. It is so much hot air designed to give people like you a hard-on.
The far right spew the very same crap the far left has been spewing for six years now. People need to be held accountable, just not Trump from Republicans and just not Biden from Democrats. The two extremes are nothing but carbon copies of each other, exactly the same.
I don't see it exactly that way. The Rs have been the party of LIFE (nuf said?). They may not be the thrifty Congresspersons we'd like them to be but their spending is not close to the levels of the insane Ds. And we did not have, under Trump, open borders and he was in the process of finishing the Wall, thwarted @ every turn by the Ds

I don't want to hear there is no difference. Tell that BS to the victims of the left.. They are everywhere. I learned the hard way how awful they are. Watching news just confirms what I learned in spades
Sure you do. You could have posted them 3-4 posts ago and been done but you're "too busy"....
I do apologize for calling you a pos. I know Jesus doesn't exactly approve of that.. :45::nono:

But I maintain my previous position of no wanting to interact w/ you because .. well, for one thing, you just seem to like to beat dead horses
Thoughtful response. In any case. I've given you every opportunity to make a decent argument. Hell, any argument would suffice. You don't have one, and at this point, I don't even believe you read your own source.

I do apologize for calling you a pos. I know Jesus doesn't exactly approve of that.. :45::nono:

But I maintain my previous position of no wanting to interact w/ you because .. well, for one thing, you just seem to like to beat dead horses
And yet instead of just proving me wrong by posting which laws you claim he broke and the proof of that you just keep replying that you dont want to interact.

Dont worry everyone can see that you just dont have the facts to back up your assertions.
And yet instead of just proving me wrong by posting which laws you claim he broke and the proof of that you just keep replying that you dont want to interact.

Dont worry everyone can see that you just dont have the facts to back up your assertions.
as if you would BELIEVE me?

Please. No, if I brought up an investigated, virtually already proven crime Potato committed, all I would hear is "That's BS"... "That's your Trump worship blinding you w/ hate" or "you've been drinking the Hannity koolAid too long" or some other such baloney

not playing your dumbass game
as if you would BELIEVE me?

Please. No, if I brought up an investigated, virtually already proven crime Potato committed, all I would hear is "That's BS"... "That's your Trump worship blinding you w/ hate" or some other such baloney

not playing your dumbass game

What's this reply 5-6?

Does the hook in your lip hurt?

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