House socialists' new drug plan: Straight from Atlas Shrugged

In the long run it means numerous miracle drugs will never come to market because the drug companies will rightly conclude that the government will expropriate their patents.
Which means they will get paid.
It means exactly the opposite, dumbass.
No, son...when something is purchased via eminent domain, it is purchased for fair market value, and often then some. I don't think you're following this pretty simple conversation very well.
In the long run it means numerous miracle drugs will never come to market because the drug companies will rightly conclude that the government will expropriate their patents.
Which means they will get paid.
It means exactly the opposite, dumbass.
No, son...when something is purchased via eminent domain, it is purchased for fair market value, and often then some. I don't think you're following this pretty simple conversation very well.
No. It's not. That's why they use eminent domain. They want to pay less than what the person wants for their property. If they paid fair value or more then eminent domain would never have to be used. What this law does is makes everyones research available for theft at the governments decided price point. And you thionk this will actually lead to more research? Why would anyone bother doing that?
That's why they use eminent domain. They want to pay less than what the person wants for their property.
False. Eminent domain allows them to force someone to sell who does not want to sell. Generally you get market value, often more. Look up "Just Compensation".
That's why they use eminent domain. They want to pay less than what the person wants for their property.
False. Eminent domain allows them to force someone to sell who does not want to sell. Generally you get market value, often more. Look up "Just Compensation".
Yeah that makes it better. Forced to take a price for something you don't want to sell. That makes me all warm and fuzzy/ Look at the government taking care of you through eminent domain. We should all be so lucky.
That's why they use eminent domain. They want to pay less than what the person wants for their property.
False. Eminent domain allows them to force someone to sell who does not want to sell. Generally you get market value, often more. Look up "Just Compensation".
Yeah that makes it better. Forced to take a price for something you don't want to sell. That makes me all warm and fuzzy/ Look at the government taking care of you through eminent domain. We should all be so lucky.
why not make a profit upfront instead of over time via royalties?
In the long run it means numerous miracle drugs will never come to market because the drug companies will rightly conclude that the government will expropriate their patents.
Which means they will get paid.
It means exactly the opposite, dumbass.
No, son...when something is purchased via eminent domain, it is purchased for fair market value, and often then some. I don't think you're following this pretty simple conversation very well.
ROFL! You are a gullible moron. If they were going to pay market value, what would be the point of the bill? Anyone who has experience with eminent domains knows the government seldom pays the actual market value.
That's why they use eminent domain. They want to pay less than what the person wants for their property.
False. Eminent domain allows them to force someone to sell who does not want to sell. Generally you get market value, often more. Look up "Just Compensation".
If you don't want to sell, the market value is infinity. What's the point of the bill if they are going to pay market value? Obviously they intend to pay far less.
In the long run it means numerous miracle drugs will never come to market because the drug companies will rightly conclude that the government will expropriate their patents.
Which means they will get paid.
It means exactly the opposite, dumbass.
No, son...when something is purchased via eminent domain, it is purchased for fair market value, and often then some. I don't think you're following this pretty simple conversation very well.
ROFL! You are a gullible moron. If they were going to pay market value, what would be the point of the bill? Anyone who has experience with eminent domains knows the government seldom pays the actual market value.
Anyone who has experience with eminent domains knows the government seldom pays the actual market value.
You, of course, just pulled this out of your ass and have no idea what you are talking about. Now go on, go furiously Google for some articles you never read and claim they are why you hold that opinion you just pulled out of your you always do....
That's why they use eminent domain. They want to pay less than what the person wants for their property.
False. Eminent domain allows them to force someone to sell who does not want to sell. Generally you get market value, often more. Look up "Just Compensation".
If you don't want to sell, the market value is infinity. What's the point of the bill if they are going to pay market value? Obviously they intend to pay far less.
patents expire.

why should anyone believe the right wing knows what they gossip about.
If they were going to pay market value, what would be the point of the bill?
Because they could then produce the medicine. What a stupid fucking question that was.
You're too fucking stupid to make your lungs work. According to you, they will pay the same price for the medicine with the bill as they would pay without the bill.

So, I'll repeat the question: what is the point of the bill if your claim is true?
Anyone who has experience with eminent domains knows the government seldom pays the actual market value.
You, of course, just pulled this out of your ass and have no idea what you are talking about. Now go on, go furiously Google for some articles you never read and claim they are why you hold that opinion you just pulled out of your you always do....
And you do know what you're talking about? Why should anyone believe that.
Anyone who has experience with eminent domains knows the government seldom pays the actual market value.
You, of course, just pulled this out of your ass and have no idea what you are talking about. Now go on, go furiously Google for some articles you never read and claim they are why you hold that opinion you just pulled out of your you always do....

Don’t you worry....there is probably plenty more room up there.
Why wouldn't "buying out" BigPharma through eminent domain regarding any patents for drugs, not engender greater open interest in that sector.

"Cashing out" a patent could result in a lump sum sooner, rather than a revenue stream over time.

Upgrading technologies could improve time to market for any sector.

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