House votes to REMOVE all Confederate statues from Congress

Why in the flying fuck would we have a statue of Jefferson Davis lol

God damn

Why would anyone lionize traitors?
If he's a traitor, then why didn't they prosecute him for treason?
You've lost this argument a hundred times, loser.
You can't answer, obviously.
You know all of your nonsense has been put to rest a hundred times. You are just a frustrated little loser reduced to repeating what you know to be lies over and over and over and over and over and over and over.
If he's a traitor, then why didn't they prosecute him for treason?
Well, the commonly understood answer is ---'better angels.'
Or magnanimity.

The magnanimity of the President of the United States and the sincere concurrence of the General of the Armies.

Each looked at the people of the confederacy as still Americans.
Trials, and possible executions would not ---in their opinion -----bind the wounds of the nation.

And that view guided Lincoln from before his election through his first inaugural.....then through the war--Sharpsburg, Fredericksburg, Gettysburg, Petersburg....and Appomattox.

"We are not enemies, but friends. We must not be enemies. Though passion may have strained it must not break our bonds of affection. The mystic chords of memory, stretching from every battlefield and patriot grave to every living heart and hearthstone all over this broad land, will yet swell the chorus of the Union, when again touched, as surely they will be, by the better angels of our nature.


"Foreign countries run the feds off of US military bases all the time."

Generally though, by not shooting them first.
It seems dire consequences ensue when such is done.

As America saw.
Why in the flying fuck would we have a statue of Jefferson Davis lol

God damn

Why would anyone lionize traitors?
If he's a traitor, then why didn't they prosecute him for treason?
I've never read the actual terms of surrender

But it probably included no prosecution of leaders I would imagine

We famously nuked Japan because they wanted similar garuntees for their emperor. Very common to find immunity in a surrender agreement.
Why in the flying fuck would we have a statue of Jefferson Davis lol

God damn

Why would anyone lionize traitors?
If he's a traitor, then why didn't they prosecute him for treason?
they did charge Davis with treason, but after a few years the government priority was reconstruction to realign southern society instead of punishing a few leaders.
i am fine with removing dems from the Capitol. this is a good start
they did charge Davis with treason, but after a few years the government priority was reconstruction to realign southern society instead of punishing a few leaders.

Or more precisely, reconstruction was abandoned, allowing the South the implement Jim Crow, black codes, and segregation.

Indeed, it was during this time that Civil War monuments and statues were created, decades after the end of the War, used to intimidate black citizens, and foster the myth of the ‘confederacy.’
Why in the flying fuck would we have a statue of Jefferson Davis lol

God damn

Why would anyone lionize traitors?
If he's a traitor, then why didn't they prosecute him for treason?
they did charge Davis with treason, but after a few years the government priority was reconstruction to realign southern society instead of punishing a few leaders.
The government knew it couldn't win the case, and they didn't want it to set a precedent. The government didn't charge anyone with treason, so claims that secession was treason have no ground to stand on.
Why in the flying fuck would we have a statue of Jefferson Davis lol

God damn

Why would anyone lionize traitors?
If he's a traitor, then why didn't they prosecute him for treason?
I've never read the actual terms of surrender

But it probably included no prosecution of leaders I would imagine

We famously nuked Japan because they wanted similar garuntees for their emperor. Very common to find immunity in a surrender agreement.
Generals Grant and Sherman should have been tried for war crimes.
Why in the flying fuck would we have a statue of Jefferson Davis lol

God damn

Why would anyone lionize traitors?
If he's a traitor, then why didn't they prosecute him for treason?
You've lost this argument a hundred times, loser.
You can't answer, obviously.
You know all of your nonsense has been put to rest a hundred times. You are just a frustrated little loser reduced to repeating what you know to be lies over and over and over and over and over and over and over.
ROFL! You kill me, but drip. I've cut you to ribbons a thousand times.
If he's a traitor, then why didn't they prosecute him for treason?
Well, the commonly understood answer is ---'better angels.'
Or magnanimity.

The magnanimity of the President of the United States and the sincere concurrence of the General of the Armies.

Each looked at the people of the confederacy as still Americans.
Trials, and possible executions would not ---in their opinion -----bind the wounds of the nation.

And that view guided Lincoln from before his election through his first inaugural.....then through the war--Sharpsburg, Fredericksburg, Gettysburg, Petersburg....and Appomattox.

"We are not enemies, but friends. We must not be enemies. Though passion may have strained it must not break our bonds of affection. The mystic chords of memory, stretching from every battlefield and patriot grave to every living heart and hearthstone all over this broad land, will yet swell the chorus of the Union, when again touched, as surely they will be, by the better angels of our nature.


"Foreign countries run the feds off of US military bases all the time."

Generally though, by not shooting them first.
It seems dire consequences ensue when such is done.

As America saw.
And you are OK with that?

You realize that you're a fucking NAZI, don't you?
Why in the flying fuck would we have a statue of Jefferson Davis lol

God damn

Why would anyone lionize traitors?
If he's a traitor, then why didn't they prosecute him for treason?
You've lost this argument a hundred times, loser.
You can't answer, obviously.
You know all of your nonsense has been put to rest a hundred times. You are just a frustrated little loser reduced to repeating what you know to be lies over and over and over and over and over and over and over.
ROFL! You kill me, but drip. I've cut you to ribbons a thousand times.
Hey look, reality still hasn't changed! Just like the idiot traitors of the so-called 'confederacy,' you are too stupid to see you keep losing the same fight. Repeat yourself so more, wannabe.
One thing we know: You have never been on US soil, so who cares what your opinoin is?
Your ad hominem lie arises out of understandable desperation.

Why would any patriotic American want to honor sworn enemies of the United States by erecting monuments to them on United States soil?

Because those "sworn enemies" were re-assimilated generations ago, and now are once again part of our shared AMERICAN history.

You don't assimilate someone by pushing them down and keeping them down. You raise them up to be part of you.

Our ancestors knew this. The men that actually won that war.

Because those "sworn enemies" were re-assimilated generations ago, and now are once again part of our shared AMERICAN history.
Indeed. Their descendants are loyal Americans again.

They are not responsible for their progenitors who rejected the United States Constitution and took up arms against the United States, attacking and slaughtering United States forces defending the United States on United States soil.

Americans should not be forced to endure monuments to those individuals on public land anywhere in our nation.

Because those "sworn enemies" were re-assimilated generations ago, and now are once again part of our shared AMERICAN history.
Indeed. Their descendants are loyal Americans again.

They are not responsible for their progenitors who rejected the United States Constitution and took up arms against the United States, attacking and slaughtering United States forces defending the United States on United States soil.

Americans should not be forced to endure monuments to those individuals on public land anywhere in our nation.

"Endure"? What are you "enduring" because of a statue in the park?

Our ancestors who actually fought and defeated those men, did not have such a hissy fit, when confronted by their former enemies or their children, celebrating carrying or wearing or celebrating their symbols.


War's over. We kissed and made up long ago. Stop being a drama queen.

Because those "sworn enemies" were re-assimilated generations ago, and now are once again part of our shared AMERICAN history.
Indeed. Their descendants are loyal Americans again.

They are not responsible for their progenitors who rejected the United States Constitution and took up arms against the United States, attacking and slaughtering United States forces defending the United States on United States soil.

Americans should not be forced to endure monuments to those individuals on public land anywhere in our nation.

Here, let me help you out...

They are not responsible for their progenitors ( Democrats ) who rejected the United States Constitution and took up arms against the United States, attacking and slaughtering United States forces defending the United States on United States soil.
they did charge Davis with treason, but after a few years the government priority was reconstruction to realign southern society instead of punishing a few leaders.

Or more precisely, reconstruction was abandoned, allowing the South the implement Jim Crow, black codes, and segregation.

Indeed, it was during this time that Civil War monuments and statues were created, decades after the end of the War, used to intimidate black citizens, and foster the myth of the ‘confederacy.’

Let me help you out....

Or more precisely, reconstruction was abandoned, allowing the ( democrat party) of the South the implement (the democrat party policies of....) Jim Crow, black codes, and segregation.

Indeed, it was during this time that Civil War monuments and statues
( dedicated to democrat party war heroes ) were created, decades after the end of the War, (the democrats) used to intimidate black citizens, and foster the myth of the ‘confederacy.’

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