House's Select Committee Another Republican Dumb Move!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
The Speaker of the House, John Boehner, is making a big mistake for the Republican Party in creating a select committee on the Benghazi incident in which U.S. Ambassador Stevens and three other Americans were killed. It makes the Republican Party look partisan like their just interested in gaining political power and not caring about ordinary Americans because they are not focused on issues that are important to them. There is no need for a select committee the majority of Americans know the Obama Administration made a big mistake in either not fortifying or evacuating the Benghazi consulate prior to the attack. Hillary Clinton even acknowledged this in one of the hearings when she essentially said we made a mistake we knew about the security threat and I contacted the leader of Libya over it and he said Libyian authorities have the situation under control there is no reason to worry about the consulate and obviously he was wrong. Common sense indicates Ms. Clinton's admission says it all everyone knows she is a wired in or if you want to say a "with it" person it is not believable that she wouldn't have known that the United Kingdom evacuated their consulate in Benghazi over security concerns prior to this attack which would have put her on notice that there was security problems in the Benghazi area. At this point most Americans don't really care if the Obama administration was dishonest or mislead the American people over the nature of the attack whether it arose out of protest over a movie made by a U.S. citizen disparaging the Islamic religion the American people or it was a terrorist attack because it isn't going to bring these four Americans back to life.

John Boehner would be smarter to say I am telling all committee chairpersons for House committees investigating Benghazi wrap up these investigations by the end of this year if you can't come to conclusions because the White House is not cooperating issue a report saying as much and be done with it, this inability to end an investigation for an incident which happened on September 11, 2012 makes the Republican Party look bad ordinary people wonder if they can't handle a simple matter like this how will they do if the American people give them control of the country again. John Boehner would be better off focusing on things American people care about like why don't banks loosen home loan lending standards more. Many in the industry have called for repealing the provisions in Dodd-Frank requiring banks to hold a portion of the home loans they make which is causing many Americans that want to take out home loans to make larger down payments why doesn't the House pass such a bill because these provisions are trying to fix a problem poor underwriting standards and enforcement for home loans which have already been fixed with significant negative macroeconomic effects.

If John Boehner wants to focus on foreign policy matters why doesn't he pass a bill through the House that will deliver arms to the Ukrainian people that will help them defend themselves from Vladimir Putin annexing parts of their country for Russia. This bill would probably get bipartisan support. President Obama's plan to stop this the sanctions plan is a fools plan because it will send the European Union or at least many countries in the Union into a significant recession that they won't easily get out of because Mr. Putin will retaliate over Western sanctions and he has the power to really hurt countries. No credible person is operating under the belief that the West can in the short or medium time frame build up Ukrainian security forces to match the Russian army; but those experts are speaking wisdom that are saying that if the West gives Ukrainians arms to defend themselves they will change the calculus Russian leaders have to make in deciding whether to covertly and overtly take over eastern and southern provinces in Ukraine. Russian mothers, fathers and wives don't want to lose their sons and husbands any more than mother, fathers and wives of countries in the West especially over needless military adventurism by Russian political leaders this move by the West would increase Russian casualties rates on a Russian takeover of parts of Ukraine which would increase the political costs on Russian leaders weighing on them not to make this move. The American people are waiting for Washington to provide good leadership on the Ukrainian matter when they hear this past week Russian President Putin say the Ukrainian sovereign government should withdrawal its security forces from the eastern provinces, part of sovereign Ukraine, and leave the control of these areas to the militants and their Russian handlers and just sue for peace we think this guy is off the moral reservation and absolutely something should be done about him!
Uh, if Hillary and other goons can be brought up on charges of perjury regarding what they lied about earlier....that will blow Obama's bullshit admin to pieces.

Hillary will save her own ass before going down for Obama....that is why you put her in the crosshairs now with this new evidence showing this conspiracy was all orchestrated at the White House with political advisors making changes to CIA and DOS documents regarding the attack in order to save their messiah's reelection chances.
The Speaker of the House, John Boehner, is making a big mistake for the Republican Party in creating a select committee on the Benghazi incident in which U.S. Ambassador Stevens and three other Americans were killed.....
They have to set up this committee for the simple reason that republicans have nothing else to run on. They can't run on the economy because they have done nothing to improve the economy. They can't run on ACA which was their original plan but SURPRISE, SURPRISE, more people are signing up and poll numbers are climbing. They can't run on helping the poor and middle class since they cut SNAP benefits, reduced benefits to those who can't find jobs, and refused to raise the minimum wage. They can't run of their positions on equal rights since they have managed to turn almost every demographic (Blacks, Hispanics, women, and gays) against the gop. What is left???
Making matters worse is the fact that they have even a worse group of candidates to run especially for the office of president. Who have they got that anyone would really want?perry? cain? palin? bachmann? rand or ron paul? jeb? gingrich? santorum? huckabee? governor bridgegate? romney? cruz? mccain? rice? I mean really, would you want to see any of these fools in the WH?
:cuckoo: Shit-eating kook...

The Speaker of the House, John Boehner, is making a big mistake for the Republican Party in creating a select committee on the Benghazi incident in which U.S. Ambassador Stevens and three other Americans were killed.....
They have to set up this committee for the simple reason that republicans have nothing else to run on. They can't run on the economy because they have done nothing to improve the economy. They can't run on ACA which was their original plan but SURPRISE, SURPRISE, more people are signing up and poll numbers are climbing. They can't run on helping the poor and middle class since they cut SNAP benefits, reduced benefits to those who can't find jobs, and refused to raise the minimum wage. They can't run of their positions on equal rights since they have managed to turn almost every demographic (Blacks, Hispanics, women, and gays) against the gop. What is left???
Making matters worse is the fact that they have even a worse group of candidates to run especially for the office of president. Who have they got that anyone would really want?perry? cain? palin? bachmann? rand or ron paul? jeb? gingrich? santorum? huckabee? governor bridgegate? romney? cruz? mccain? rice? I mean really, would you want to see any of these fools in the WH?
Uh, if Hillary and other goons can be brought up on charges of perjury regarding what they lied about earlier....that will blow Obama's bullshit admin to pieces.

Hillary will save her own ass before going down for Obama....that is why you put her in the crosshairs now with this new evidence showing this conspiracy was all orchestrated at the White House with political advisors making changes to CIA and DOS documents regarding the attack in order to save their messiah's reelection chances.
If 'Ifs" and "Buts" were candy and nuts what a wonderful world this would be!
Look around you? Do you see people in a rage about Benghazi or do you see people concerned about jobs? The rising cost of living? The cutting of SNAP benefits? Equal rights for gays and women? Staying out of foreign wars? The environment? The infrastructure? Get real, issa worked his ass of and ended up looking the fool. Do you really think this new committee with find something new over a year after Benghazi? I meant really, do you think anything new is going to turn up?
:cuckoo: Shit-eating kook...

The Speaker of the House, John Boehner, is making a big mistake for the Republican Party in creating a select committee on the Benghazi incident in which U.S. Ambassador Stevens and three other Americans were killed.....
They have to set up this committee for the simple reason that republicans have nothing else to run on. They can't run on the economy because they have done nothing to improve the economy. They can't run on ACA which was their original plan but SURPRISE, SURPRISE, more people are signing up and poll numbers are climbing. They can't run on helping the poor and middle class since they cut SNAP benefits, reduced benefits to those who can't find jobs, and refused to raise the minimum wage. They can't run of their positions on equal rights since they have managed to turn almost every demographic (Blacks, Hispanics, women, and gays) against the gop. What is left???
Making matters worse is the fact that they have even a worse group of candidates to run especially for the office of president. Who have they got that anyone would really want?perry? cain? palin? bachmann? rand or ron paul? jeb? gingrich? santorum? huckabee? governor bridgegate? romney? cruz? mccain? rice? I mean really, would you want to see any of these fools in the WH?
When the truth is laid in front of you and you unable to refute a single point all that is left is to call the person who has bested you a name.
Yes, that's what we need: advice from shitbag left wingers on what Republicans should do.
Hey, shithead, no one cares what you think.
This email that was just released left the GOP no choice.
If the WH was upfront and released this earlier it would have been dealt with then.
It's not so much the action that screws someone up it's the coverup part.

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