Houston Toddler accidentally kills self with gun

I received my first weapon on my ninth birthday. However, I had been around guns my entire life. I was taught from very early on that they were not toys and were very dangerous. Three year old children require close supervision because they are very curious. Therefore, I do find the parents at fault. Yet this is not a question of firearms this is a question of negligence. This child could have just as easily accessed medication or a light socket. There are innumerable ways that children, if left on their own can find themselves in dangerous situations.
I’d probably lie to them and tell them we don’t have one just so when they’re old enough they don’t go looking for it.
That's the exact opposite of what you should do. The key to safety is education, not ignorance. Kids aren't retarded. They can be taught to respect the power of firearms. It's when you keep them ignorant that their curiosity gets the better of them and people end up dead. Would you really gamble on the kid never finding out about it at any point during their childhood? I wouldn't. I'd rather educate my child thoroughly and make sure they understand all of the dangers involved.
Yes, education!
At what age?
Maybe at that same age, we can provide education (rational thought) about other controversial subjects, like religion (why believe in one vs others?) and tolerating cultural diversity, including individuals with “abnormal” sexual preferences.
Education is good for all.
The kid was a well regulated militia, exercising his constitutional rights.....

The second amendment is too important to mess with

We need to start them young so that shooting people becomes second nature. An occasional accident is a small price to pay
The kid was a well regulated militia, exercising his constitutional rights.....

The second amendment is too important to mess with

We need to start them young so that shooting people becomes second nature. An occasional accident is a small price to pay

No one here is saying that. Stop with your idiotic exaggerations, unless you’re not interested in a serious conversation.

Americans need open dialogue about guns void of judgment and condescension. Most people are rationally-mind and decent and DON’T believe any child’s life is expendable.

Again, do you not blame the parents in situations like this?
If you have a gun in the house and kids the gun should always be locked up so a kid can not get to it. Kids should be taught a gun is not a toy and not to be played with if they want to shoot a gun take them to a gun range where they can get the proper instructions on how to handle a firearm and there is adult supervision.
The kid was a well regulated militia, exercising his constitutional rights.....

The second amendment is too important to mess with

We need to start them young so that shooting people becomes second nature. An occasional accident is a small price to pay
you like to use gross over-analogies that make this seem like an hourly occurrence everyone is ignoring. you show zero signs of wanting honest discussion, just snark-off and go.

troll baby troll.
If you have a gun in the house and kids the gun should always be locked up so a kid can not get to it. Kids should be taught a gun is not a toy and not to be played with if they want to shoot a gun take them to a gun range where they can get the proper instructions on how to handle a firearm and there is adult supervision.
I think his point is that blaming the parents is a pointless reactive solution. The kid is dead and there will be another one next week. Blaming the parents of the thousands of dead kids hasnt made an ounce of difference.

And the gun lobby will go no further than that in case it interferes with their " god given right" to play with guns.

America does nothing to protect infants in the school or the home because their needs are subserviant to the needs of the gun nuts.
The kid was a well regulated militia, exercising his constitutional rights.....

The second amendment is too important to mess with

We need to start them young so that shooting people becomes second nature. An occasional accident is a small price to pay

No one here is saying that. Stop with your idiotic exaggerations, unless you’re not interested in a serious conversation.

Americans need open dialogue about guns void of judgment and condescension. Most people are rationally-mind and decent and DON’T believe any child’s life is expendable.

Again, do you not blame the parents in situations like this?
Over 300 million guns in private hands
These things are just collateral damage

A small price to pay for our second amendment rights
Police: Houston toddler dead after self-inflicted gunshot — ABC News

Boy do I get sick of hearing these stories, which seem to happen at least every week in America. In my opinion the parents of these children should be held legally accountable for the untimely death of their child. Our household doesn’t own a firearm but if we did it’d be in a place my kids would never be able to find and I’d probably lie to them and tell them we don’t have one just so when they’re old enough they don’t go looking for it.

The family is changed forever….
My thoughts and prayers are with that toddler

Now, what’s for supper?
If you have a gun in the house and kids the gun should always be locked up so a kid can not get to it. Kids should be taught a gun is not a toy and not to be played with if they want to shoot a gun take them to a gun range where they can get the proper instructions on how to handle a firearm and there is adult supervision.
I think his point is that blaming the parents is a pointless reactive solution. The kid is dead and there will be another one next week. Blaming the parents of the thousands of dead kids hasnt made an ounce of difference.

And the gun lobby will go no further than that in case it interferes with their " god given right" to play with guns.

America does nothing to protect infants in the school or the home because their needs are subserviant to the needs of the gun nuts.
Impressive display of bullshit.
If you have a gun in the house and kids the gun should always be locked up so a kid can not get to it. Kids should be taught a gun is not a toy and not to be played with if they want to shoot a gun take them to a gun range where they can get the proper instructions on how to handle a firearm and there is adult supervision.
I think his point is that blaming the parents is a pointless reactive solution. The kid is dead and there will be another one next week. Blaming the parents of the thousands of dead kids hasnt made an ounce of difference.

And the gun lobby will go no further than that in case it interferes with their " god given right" to play with guns.

America does nothing to protect infants in the school or the home because their needs are subserviant to the needs of the gun nuts.
Impressive display of bullshit.
Its true. Blame the parents is as powerful as Ts and Ps.
If you have a gun in the house and kids the gun should always be locked up so a kid can not get to it. Kids should be taught a gun is not a toy and not to be played with if they want to shoot a gun take them to a gun range where they can get the proper instructions on how to handle a firearm and there is adult supervision.
I think his point is that blaming the parents is a pointless reactive solution. The kid is dead and there will be another one next week. Blaming the parents of the thousands of dead kids hasnt made an ounce of difference.

And the gun lobby will go no further than that in case it interferes with their " god given right" to play with guns.

America does nothing to protect infants in the school or the home because their needs are subserviant to the needs of the gun nuts.
Impressive display of bullshit.
Its true. Blame the parents is as powerful as Ts and Ps.
Whatever gets you through the day.
Police: Houston toddler dead after self-inflicted gunshot — ABC News

Boy do I get sick of hearing these stories, which seem to happen at least every week in America. In my opinion the parents of these children should be held legally accountable for the untimely death of their child. Our household doesn’t own a firearm but if we did it’d be in a place my kids would never be able to find and I’d probably lie to them and tell them we don’t have one just so when they’re old enough they don’t go looking for it.

Do you put rocks in your rooms to throw at intruders if they come in?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Police: Houston toddler dead after self-inflicted gunshot — ABC News

Boy do I get sick of hearing these stories, which seem to happen at least every week in America. In my opinion the parents of these children should be held legally accountable for the untimely death of their child. Our household doesn’t own a firearm but if we did it’d be in a place my kids would never be able to find and I’d probably lie to them and tell them we don’t have one just so when they’re old enough they don’t go looking for it.

Do you put rocks in your rooms to throw at intruders if they come in?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Just as likely to be used
I’d probably lie to them and tell them we don’t have one just so when they’re old enough they don’t go looking for it.

That's the exact opposite of what you should do. The key to safety is education, not ignorance. Kids aren't retarded. They can be taught to respect the power of firearms. It's when you keep them ignorant that their curiosity gets the better of them and people end up dead. Would you really gamble on the kid never finding out about it at any point during their childhood? I wouldn't. I'd rather educate my child thoroughly and make sure they understand all of the dangers involved.

It’s possible to educate without telling them there’s a firearm within their reach. We were all kids once and we know how they think—that they’re smarter than us. If they don’t think there’s a gun to be found they won’t go searching for it. I respect your opinion and maybe when my kids are older I’ll agree with you. That said, they will be going over to other people’s houses eventually and I can’t trust others to keep their guns locked up so I will definitely be letting my kids know what I expect of them. I can control where I put my gun but I can’t control where others put theirs, nor can I rely on others to do what I think is necessary to keep children safe... these toddler gun incidents are evidence enough of that.

When I raised my child I always asked parents of her friends if they had a gun in their house.

Thank goodness none of my child's friends had parents had guns but if any of them had answered yes to that question, my child would never have been able to go to that house.

My personal choice is to never own a gun. Never allow anyone in my home who has a gun with the exception of the police.

That takes care of anyone being hurt by a gun in my home.

Yes I've asked friends of mine if they have guns in their homes. One said yes. I told that person I won't go to his house as long as that gun is there. He got rid of the gun. I told him that he didn't have to do that. He has a right to have a gun. He said that he never uses it and didn't want it anymore.

Everyone has a right to own a gun. Everyone also has the right to not own one and not be around one.

People can go blast away at whatever they want legally. I could care less. Just keep it away from me. The problem is that people who shouldn't have a gun or people who are irresponsible with their gun do have guns and innocent people get hurt or killed.

Those parents are going to have to live with this for the rest of their lives and no amount of prison time is going to stop that. Just imagine having to go through life knowing that your gun killed your baby. I know I wouldn't want to have that with me for the rest of my life.
It's probably easy to be cavalier when not having kids. However, the whole point of having a gun in the home or on one's person is to use it in an unexpected circumstance at an unexpected time. I don't see much use for a firearm sitting in a safe unless leaving firearms at home while out. Perhaps were I in the situation where kids were running around in my home, I'd invest in print recognition technology.
I’d probably lie to them and tell them we don’t have one just so when they’re old enough they don’t go looking for it.

That's the exact opposite of what you should do. The key to safety is education, not ignorance. Kids aren't retarded. They can be taught to respect the power of firearms. It's when you keep them ignorant that their curiosity gets the better of them and people end up dead. Would you really gamble on the kid never finding out about it at any point during their childhood? I wouldn't. I'd rather educate my child thoroughly and make sure they understand all of the dangers involved.
Most three year olds have no problem comprehending the features of a firearm and handling it safely...Derp

How many three year-olds can manage the hand strength required to cock a handgun and then pull the trigger?

If you don't know a damn thing about guns why don't you just shut up so no one can tell how truly large of a dumbass you are?
I’d probably lie to them and tell them we don’t have one just so when they’re old enough they don’t go looking for it.

That's the exact opposite of what you should do. The key to safety is education, not ignorance. Kids aren't retarded. They can be taught to respect the power of firearms. It's when you keep them ignorant that their curiosity gets the better of them and people end up dead. Would you really gamble on the kid never finding out about it at any point during their childhood? I wouldn't. I'd rather educate my child thoroughly and make sure they understand all of the dangers involved.

It’s possible to educate without telling them there’s a firearm within their reach. We were all kids once and we know how they think—that they’re smarter than us. If they don’t think there’s a gun to be found they won’t go searching for it. I respect your opinion and maybe when my kids are older I’ll agree with you. That said, they will be going over to other people’s houses eventually and I can’t trust others to keep their guns locked up so I will definitely be letting my kids know what I expect of them. I can control where I put my gun but I can’t control where others put theirs, nor can I rely on others to do what I think is necessary to keep children safe... these toddler gun incidents are evidence enough of that.

When I raised my child I always asked parents of her friends if they had a gun in their house.

Thank goodness none of my child's friends had parents had guns but if any of them had answered yes to that question, my child would never have been able to go to that house.

My personal choice is to never own a gun. Never allow anyone in my home who has a gun with the exception of the police.

That takes care of anyone being hurt by a gun in my home.

Yes I've asked friends of mine if they have guns in their homes. One said yes. I told that person I won't go to his house as long as that gun is there. He got rid of the gun. I told him that he didn't have to do that. He has a right to have a gun. He said that he never uses it and didn't want it anymore.

Everyone has a right to own a gun. Everyone also has the right to not own one and not be around one.

People can go blast away at whatever they want legally. I could care less. Just keep it away from me. The problem is that people who shouldn't have a gun or people who are irresponsible with their gun do have guns and innocent people get hurt or killed.

Those parents are going to have to live with this for the rest of their lives and no amount of prison time is going to stop that. Just imagine having to go through life knowing that your gun killed your baby. I know I wouldn't want to have that with me for the rest of my life.

Were you afraid that gun in your friend's home was going to leap from it's hiding place and start shooting people at random?

Madame, you are an idiot of the highest caliber!

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