Houston's chemical pollution and Trump's firing half the EPA will revive that debate after Harvey.

0.5% of the science community supports your claim. 99.5% supports mine.

I believe that you are just stupid enough to believe that....seems that you will believe anything so long as it reinforces your political beliefs.

So you are saying hurricanes have nothing to do with the climate?

I am saying that climate science has said that there is no correlation between the changing climate and hurricanes.

BTW, we got two more coming in. That's 4 in 3 weeks.

So what...you act as if it hasn't happened before back when CO2 was at supposedly safe levels.
BTW, we got two more coming in. That's 4 in 3 weeks.

Not that I think it will even start to cut through your politically biased belief, but here are some hurricane stats for you.

Seasons with the most named storms, 1851 - Present
Rank Year Number of Storms
1. 2005 28
2. 1933 20
3. 2012 19
3. 2011 19
3. 2010 19
3. 1995 19
3. 1887 19
8. 1969 18
9. 2008 16
9. 2003 16
9. 1936 16
12. 2007 15
13 2004 15
14 . 2001 15
15. 2000 15

Seasons with the most hurricanes, 1851 - Present
Rank Year Number of Hurricanes
1. 2005 15
2. 2010 12
2. 1969 12
4. 1887 11
4. 1950 11
4. 1998 11
4. 1995 11
8. 2012 10
8. 1933 10
8. 1916 10

Seasons with the most major hurricanes, 1851 - Present
Rank Year Number of Major Hurricanes
1. 1950 8
2. 2005 7
3. 1999 6
3. 1996 6
3. 1964 6
3. 1961 6
3. 1955 6
3. 1926 6

Seasons with the highest Accumulated Cyclone Energy (ACE), 1851 - Present
Rank Year ACE Index
1. 2005 250
2. 1950 243
3. 1893 231
4. 1995 228
5. 2004 227
6. 1926 222
7. 1933 213
8. 1961 205
9. 1955 199
10. 1998 182
0.5% of the science community supports your claim. 99.5% supports mine.
Only if you throw away a majority of the scinece


Cherry picking the data that supports your position is not science,its POLITICS..
Probably should note that in the list of hurricanes per year and such that I listed above...that the practice of naming every damned spring time breeze is a relatively new thing in climate...had they named all the breezes way back when, the old years would have taken up most, if not all of the space at the top of the lists.
0.5% of the science community supports your claim. 99.5% supports mine.
Only if you throw away a majority of the scinece

View attachment 150081

Cherry picking the data that supports your position is not science,its POLITICS..
Riiiiight.... the global scientific community is all dishonest, and you, a blog-educated person who appears to know less than nothing about any of this, has outsmarted them all. Ooooookay!
Only if you throw away a majority of the scinece

View attachment 150081

Cherry picking the data that supports your position is not science,its POLITICS..
Wrong! You don't have any scientists or science on your side. That's why you're getting rid of all of them at the EPA. If you were right, you wouldn't be trying to silence opposing views.
Riiiiight.... the global scientific community is all dishonest, and you, a blog-educated person who appears to know less than nothing about any of this, has outsmarted them all. Ooooookay!
He doesn't really set the bar all that high. I'm embarrassed he's one of my countrymen.
Hundreds of billions of dollars have already been flushed down the man made climate change toilet without the first shred of observed, measured, quantified evidence in support of the hypothesis.
So you're saying over 200 scientific organizations around the world, haven't observed, measured or quantified anything these past 50 years? Are you calling the data (on sea levels and temperatures) NOAA receives from their buoy's, doesn't constitute a shred of evidence?

Boy I feel so embarrassed for you the first science organization in your link

  1. Academy of Athens
  2. Academy of Science of Mozambique

I clicked said file not found...

Some fucking idiot just putting names together in a link doesn't mean a damn thing.btw who do you think these organizations get their info from? ...the IPCC, NOAA , NASA..

2. So you think 13 years of ocean temperature records are significant?

Ocean temperture records
0.5% of the science community supports your claim. 99.5% supports mine.
Only if you throw away a majority of the scinece

View attachment 150081

Cherry picking the data that supports your position is not science,its POLITICS..
Riiiiight.... the global scientific community is all dishonest, and you, a blog-educated person who appears to know less than nothing about any of this, has outsmarted them all. Ooooookay!

Only if you throw away a majority of the scinece

View attachment 150081

Cherry picking the data that supports your position is not science,its POLITICS..
Wrong! You don't have any scientists or science on your side. That's why you're getting rid of all of them at the EPA. If you were right, you wouldn't be trying to silence opposing views.

Riiiiight.... the global scientific community is all dishonest, and you, a blog-educated person who appears to know less than nothing about any of this, has outsmarted them all. Ooooookay!
He doesn't really set the bar all that high. I'm embarrassed he's one of my countrymen.

Looks like the Idiot bar is set pretty low...

So you believe the 77 papers that Cook kept and ignore the other 16,944 papers that say you all are full of shit...

I am embarrassed that you call your self a scientist when it is glaringly obvious that you are not, and both of you spout left wing talking points even when those lies have been shown fraud over and over again..

Pathetic ignoramus is what I would label you ... That bar is pretty much ground level..
Hundreds of billions of dollars have already been flushed down the man made climate change toilet without the first shred of observed, measured, quantified evidence in support of the hypothesis.
So you're saying over 200 scientific organizations around the world, haven't observed, measured or quantified anything these past 50 years? Are you calling the data (on sea levels and temperatures) NOAA receives from their buoy's, doesn't constitute a shred of evidence?

Boy I feel so embarrassed for you the first science organization in your link

  1. Academy of Athens
  2. Academy of Science of Mozambique

I clicked said file not found...

Some fucking idiot just putting names together in a link doesn't mean a damn thing.btw who do you think these organizations get their info from? ...the IPCC, NOAA , NASA..

2. So you think 13 years of ocean temperature records are significant?

Ocean temperture records
Here you go: Academy of Athens

Sorry, buddy, it's all the scientific organizations in the world. A know-nothing person with zero education or experience in any of these fields is not presenting a challenge to accepted theories, supported by mountains of mutually supportive evidence, by naysaying and parroting blogs he doesn't even understandf. You are delusional to think that you are, and it is embarrassing, bizarre behavior.
0.5% of the science community supports your claim. 99.5% supports mine.
Only if you throw away a majority of the scinece

View attachment 150081

Cherry picking the data that supports your position is not science,its POLITICS..
Riiiiight.... the global scientific community is all dishonest, and you, a blog-educated person who appears to know less than nothing about any of this, has outsmarted them all. Ooooookay!

Only if you throw away a majority of the scinece

View attachment 150081

Cherry picking the data that supports your position is not science,its POLITICS..
Wrong! You don't have any scientists or science on your side. That's why you're getting rid of all of them at the EPA. If you were right, you wouldn't be trying to silence opposing views.

Riiiiight.... the global scientific community is all dishonest, and you, a blog-educated person who appears to know less than nothing about any of this, has outsmarted them all. Ooooookay!
He doesn't really set the bar all that high. I'm embarrassed he's one of my countrymen.

Looks like the Idiot bar is set pretty low...

So you believe the 77 papers that Cook kept and ignore the other 16,944 papers that say you all are full of shit...

I am embarrassed that you call your self a scientist when it is glaringly obvious that you are not, and both of you spout left wing talking points even when those lies have been shown fraud over and over again..

Pathetic ignoramus is what I would label you ... That bar is pretty much ground level..
"Pathetic ignoramus is what I would label you ."

who cares what you label anyone? You are on the wrong side of science and history. You are not producing and will not ever produce any scientific research. You know less than nothing about this topic, yet think you have outsmarted people who have dedicated their lives to it by Googling for agreeable blogs and regurgitating them. it's embarrassing to watch.
Hundreds of billions of dollars have already been flushed down the man made climate change toilet without the first shred of observed, measured, quantified evidence in support of the hypothesis.
So you're saying over 200 scientific organizations around the world, haven't observed, measured or quantified anything these past 50 years? Are you calling the data (on sea levels and temperatures) NOAA receives from their buoy's, doesn't constitute a shred of evidence?

Boy I feel so embarrassed for you the first science organization in your link

  1. Academy of Athens
  2. Academy of Science of Mozambique

I clicked said file not found...

Some fucking idiot just putting names together in a link doesn't mean a damn thing.btw who do you think these organizations get their info from? ...the IPCC, NOAA , NASA..

2. So you think 13 years of ocean temperature records are significant?

Ocean temperture records
Here you go: Academy of Athens

Sorry, buddy, it's all the scientific organizations in the world. A know-nothing person with zero education or experience in any of these fields is not presenting a challenge to accepted theories, supported by mountains of mutually supportive evidence, by naysaying and parroting blogs he doesn't even understandf. You are delusional to think that you are, and it is embarrassing, bizarre behavior.

Dude I have 34 years of temperature reading equipment knowledge, I am a fucking expert...

2. And now your totally embarrassing yourself, like numb nuts did, where in your link does they say man is causing climate change?
0.5% of the science community supports your claim. 99.5% supports mine.
Only if you throw away a majority of the scinece

View attachment 150081

Cherry picking the data that supports your position is not science,its POLITICS..
Riiiiight.... the global scientific community is all dishonest, and you, a blog-educated person who appears to know less than nothing about any of this, has outsmarted them all. Ooooookay!

Only if you throw away a majority of the scinece

View attachment 150081

Cherry picking the data that supports your position is not science,its POLITICS..
Wrong! You don't have any scientists or science on your side. That's why you're getting rid of all of them at the EPA. If you were right, you wouldn't be trying to silence opposing views.

Riiiiight.... the global scientific community is all dishonest, and you, a blog-educated person who appears to know less than nothing about any of this, has outsmarted them all. Ooooookay!
He doesn't really set the bar all that high. I'm embarrassed he's one of my countrymen.

Looks like the Idiot bar is set pretty low...

So you believe the 77 papers that Cook kept and ignore the other 16,944 papers that say you all are full of shit...

I am embarrassed that you call your self a scientist when it is glaringly obvious that you are not, and both of you spout left wing talking points even when those lies have been shown fraud over and over again..

Pathetic ignoramus is what I would label you ... That bar is pretty much ground level..
"Pathetic ignoramus is what I would label you ."

who cares what you label anyone? You are on the wrong side of science and history. You are not producing and will not ever produce any scientific research. You know less than nothing about this topic, yet think you have outsmarted people who have dedicated their lives to it by Googling for agreeable blogs and regurgitating them. it's embarrassing to watch.

Yes you are a child, people like me have been arguing this waaayyyy before the internet.

Hundreds of billions of dollars have already been flushed down the man made climate change toilet without the first shred of observed, measured, quantified evidence in support of the hypothesis.
So you're saying over 200 scientific organizations around the world, haven't observed, measured or quantified anything these past 50 years? Are you calling the data (on sea levels and temperatures) NOAA receives from their buoy's, doesn't constitute a shred of evidence?

Boy I feel so embarrassed for you the first science organization in your link

  1. Academy of Athens
  2. Academy of Science of Mozambique

I clicked said file not found...

Some fucking idiot just putting names together in a link doesn't mean a damn thing.btw who do you think these organizations get their info from? ...the IPCC, NOAA , NASA..

2. So you think 13 years of ocean temperature records are significant?

Ocean temperture records
Here you go: Academy of Athens

Sorry, buddy, it's all the scientific organizations in the world. A know-nothing person with zero education or experience in any of these fields is not presenting a challenge to accepted theories, supported by mountains of mutually supportive evidence, by naysaying and parroting blogs he doesn't even understandf. You are delusional to think that you are, and it is embarrassing, bizarre behavior.

Dude I have 34 years of temperature reading equipment knowledge, I am a fucking expert...

2. And now your totally embarrassing yourself, like numb nuts did, where in your link does they say man is causing climate change?
"Dude I have 34 years of temperature reading equipment knowledge, I am a fucking expert..."

....at reading fucking temperature equipment.. In fact, you sound even more absurd now. "Since I read temperature equipment for 34 years, I have outsmarted all the oceanographers, geologists, climatologists, biologists, physicists.... welp, pretty much everyone! Except those smart, fossil-fuel industry-funded lying bloggers. I learn something new from them every day!"


and it was not claimed that the link said anything about climate change. It is just a link to their website. Are you suggesting they did not endorse the scientific consensus? No? then shaddup.
0.5% of the science community supports your claim. 99.5% supports mine.
Only if you throw away a majority of the scinece

View attachment 150081

Cherry picking the data that supports your position is not science,its POLITICS..
Riiiiight.... the global scientific community is all dishonest, and you, a blog-educated person who appears to know less than nothing about any of this, has outsmarted them all. Ooooookay!

Only if you throw away a majority of the scinece

View attachment 150081

Cherry picking the data that supports your position is not science,its POLITICS..
Wrong! You don't have any scientists or science on your side. That's why you're getting rid of all of them at the EPA. If you were right, you wouldn't be trying to silence opposing views.

Riiiiight.... the global scientific community is all dishonest, and you, a blog-educated person who appears to know less than nothing about any of this, has outsmarted them all. Ooooookay!
He doesn't really set the bar all that high. I'm embarrassed he's one of my countrymen.

Looks like the Idiot bar is set pretty low...

So you believe the 77 papers that Cook kept and ignore the other 16,944 papers that say you all are full of shit...

I am embarrassed that you call your self a scientist when it is glaringly obvious that you are not, and both of you spout left wing talking points even when those lies have been shown fraud over and over again..

Pathetic ignoramus is what I would label you ... That bar is pretty much ground level..
"Pathetic ignoramus is what I would label you ."

who cares what you label anyone? You are on the wrong side of science and history. You are not producing and will not ever produce any scientific research. You know less than nothing about this topic, yet think you have outsmarted people who have dedicated their lives to it by Googling for agreeable blogs and regurgitating them. it's embarrassing to watch.

There it is.. the Appeal to authority even when your authorities are being shown frauds and liars..

Please provide the empirically observed evidence to prove that man is solely responsible for all warming post 1900.. I'll wait..
Hundreds of billions of dollars have already been flushed down the man made climate change toilet without the first shred of observed, measured, quantified evidence in support of the hypothesis.
So you're saying over 200 scientific organizations around the world, haven't observed, measured or quantified anything these past 50 years? Are you calling the data (on sea levels and temperatures) NOAA receives from their buoy's, doesn't constitute a shred of evidence?

Boy I feel so embarrassed for you the first science organization in your link

  1. Academy of Athens
  2. Academy of Science of Mozambique

I clicked said file not found...

Some fucking idiot just putting names together in a link doesn't mean a damn thing.btw who do you think these organizations get their info from? ...the IPCC, NOAA , NASA..

2. So you think 13 years of ocean temperature records are significant?

Ocean temperture records
Here you go: Academy of Athens

Sorry, buddy, it's all the scientific organizations in the world. A know-nothing person with zero education or experience in any of these fields is not presenting a challenge to accepted theories, supported by mountains of mutually supportive evidence, by naysaying and parroting blogs he doesn't even understandf. You are delusional to think that you are, and it is embarrassing, bizarre behavior.

Dude I have 34 years of temperature reading equipment knowledge, I am a fucking expert...

2. And now your totally embarrassing yourself, like numb nuts did, where in your link does they say man is causing climate change?
"Dude I have 34 years of temperature reading equipment knowledge, I am a fucking expert..."

....at reading fucking temperature equipment.. In fact, you sound even more absurd now. "Since I read temperature equipment for 34 years, I have outsmarted all the oceanographists, geologists, climatologists, biologists.... welp, pretty much everyone! Except those smart, fossil-fuel industry-funded lying bloggers. I learn something new from them every day!"

And not one shred of empirical evidence to support your name calling... No quantifiable observed evidence or repeatable science...
0.5% of the science community supports your claim. 99.5% supports mine.
Only if you throw away a majority of the scinece

View attachment 150081

Cherry picking the data that supports your position is not science,its POLITICS..
Riiiiight.... the global scientific community is all dishonest, and you, a blog-educated person who appears to know less than nothing about any of this, has outsmarted them all. Ooooookay!

Only if you throw away a majority of the scinece

View attachment 150081

Cherry picking the data that supports your position is not science,its POLITICS..
Wrong! You don't have any scientists or science on your side. That's why you're getting rid of all of them at the EPA. If you were right, you wouldn't be trying to silence opposing views.

Riiiiight.... the global scientific community is all dishonest, and you, a blog-educated person who appears to know less than nothing about any of this, has outsmarted them all. Ooooookay!
He doesn't really set the bar all that high. I'm embarrassed he's one of my countrymen.

Looks like the Idiot bar is set pretty low...

So you believe the 77 papers that Cook kept and ignore the other 16,944 papers that say you all are full of shit...

I am embarrassed that you call your self a scientist when it is glaringly obvious that you are not, and both of you spout left wing talking points even when those lies have been shown fraud over and over again..

Pathetic ignoramus is what I would label you ... That bar is pretty much ground level..
"Pathetic ignoramus is what I would label you ."

who cares what you label anyone? You are on the wrong side of science and history. You are not producing and will not ever produce any scientific research. You know less than nothing about this topic, yet think you have outsmarted people who have dedicated their lives to it by Googling for agreeable blogs and regurgitating them. it's embarrassing to watch.

There it is.. the Appeal to authority even when your authorities are being shown frauds and liars..

Please provide the empirically observed evidence to prove that man is solely responsible for all warming post 1900.. I'll wait..
"There it is.. the Appeal to authority even when your authorities are being shown frauds and liars.."

Neither you nor anyone else has shown any significant amount fraud or lies that affect the theories. None. That's because there isn't any, because it is an absurd idea to claim this vast conspiracy. You suffer from delusions of grandeur, and clearly cannot even see how embarrassingly bizarre your own behavior is.
Last edited:
So you're saying over 200 scientific organizations around the world, haven't observed, measured or quantified anything these past 50 years? Are you calling the data (on sea levels and temperatures) NOAA receives from their buoy's, doesn't constitute a shred of evidence?

Boy I feel so embarrassed for you the first science organization in your link

  1. Academy of Athens
  2. Academy of Science of Mozambique

I clicked said file not found...

Some fucking idiot just putting names together in a link doesn't mean a damn thing.btw who do you think these organizations get their info from? ...the IPCC, NOAA , NASA..

2. So you think 13 years of ocean temperature records are significant?

Ocean temperture records
Here you go: Academy of Athens

Sorry, buddy, it's all the scientific organizations in the world. A know-nothing person with zero education or experience in any of these fields is not presenting a challenge to accepted theories, supported by mountains of mutually supportive evidence, by naysaying and parroting blogs he doesn't even understandf. You are delusional to think that you are, and it is embarrassing, bizarre behavior.

Dude I have 34 years of temperature reading equipment knowledge, I am a fucking expert...

2. And now your totally embarrassing yourself, like numb nuts did, where in your link does they say man is causing climate change?
"Dude I have 34 years of temperature reading equipment knowledge, I am a fucking expert..."

....at reading fucking temperature equipment.. In fact, you sound even more absurd now. "Since I read temperature equipment for 34 years, I have outsmarted all the oceanographists, geologists, climatologists, biologists.... welp, pretty much everyone! Except those smart, fossil-fuel industry-funded lying bloggers. I learn something new from them every day!"

And not one shred of empirical evidence to support your name calling... No quantifiable observed evidence or repeatable science...
""Since I read temperature equipment for 34 years, I have outsmarted all the oceanographists, geologists, climatologists, biologists.... welp, pretty much everyone! "

That's not name-calling, that is me mocking you google-educated deniers. Like this: "But I know so much about this topic ... now let me proceed to vomit the same, tired denier talking points as any GED trucker with free WiFi at the overnight truck stop."

I have more, wanna hear 'em?
Hundreds of billions of dollars have already been flushed down the man made climate change toilet without the first shred of observed, measured, quantified evidence in support of the hypothesis.
So you're saying over 200 scientific organizations around the world, haven't observed, measured or quantified anything these past 50 years? Are you calling the data (on sea levels and temperatures) NOAA receives from their buoy's, doesn't constitute a shred of evidence?

Boy I feel so embarrassed for you the first science organization in your link

  1. Academy of Athens
  2. Academy of Science of Mozambique

I clicked said file not found...

Some fucking idiot just putting names together in a link doesn't mean a damn thing.btw who do you think these organizations get their info from? ...the IPCC, NOAA , NASA..

2. So you think 13 years of ocean temperature records are significant?

Ocean temperture records
Here you go: Academy of Athens

Sorry, buddy, it's all the scientific organizations in the world. A know-nothing person with zero education or experience in any of these fields is not presenting a challenge to accepted theories, supported by mountains of mutually supportive evidence, by naysaying and parroting blogs he doesn't even understandf. You are delusional to think that you are, and it is embarrassing, bizarre behavior.

Dude I have 34 years of temperature reading equipment knowledge, I am a fucking expert...

2. And now your totally embarrassing yourself, like numb nuts did, where in your link does they say man is causing climate change?
"Dude I have 34 years of temperature reading equipment knowledge, I am a fucking expert..."

....at reading fucking temperature equipment.. In fact, you sound even more absurd now. "Since I read temperature equipment for 34 years, I have outsmarted all the oceanographers, geologists, climatologists, biologists, physicists.... welp, pretty much everyone! Except those smart, fossil-fuel industry-funded lying bloggers. I learn something new from them every day!"


and it was not claimed that the link said anything about climate change. It is just a link to their website. Are you suggesting they did not endorse the scientific consensus? No? then shaddup.

Get the fuck over yourself who said anything I was smarter , just saying I know the history and a expert at the technology and human nature..

2..why would I bother to click the link, I already knew they existed you needle dick moron...

I wanted to know what they really said, research on climate change .

A typical sheep you are, someone says 200 scientific organizations say climate change is man made and you are to fucking stupid to research the organization"s

download (11).jpg

Only if you throw away a majority of the scinece

View attachment 150081

Cherry picking the data that supports your position is not science,its POLITICS..
Riiiiight.... the global scientific community is all dishonest, and you, a blog-educated person who appears to know less than nothing about any of this, has outsmarted them all. Ooooookay!

Only if you throw away a majority of the scinece

View attachment 150081

Cherry picking the data that supports your position is not science,its POLITICS..
Wrong! You don't have any scientists or science on your side. That's why you're getting rid of all of them at the EPA. If you were right, you wouldn't be trying to silence opposing views.

Riiiiight.... the global scientific community is all dishonest, and you, a blog-educated person who appears to know less than nothing about any of this, has outsmarted them all. Ooooookay!
He doesn't really set the bar all that high. I'm embarrassed he's one of my countrymen.

Looks like the Idiot bar is set pretty low...

So you believe the 77 papers that Cook kept and ignore the other 16,944 papers that say you all are full of shit...

I am embarrassed that you call your self a scientist when it is glaringly obvious that you are not, and both of you spout left wing talking points even when those lies have been shown fraud over and over again..

Pathetic ignoramus is what I would label you ... That bar is pretty much ground level..
"Pathetic ignoramus is what I would label you ."

who cares what you label anyone? You are on the wrong side of science and history. You are not producing and will not ever produce any scientific research. You know less than nothing about this topic, yet think you have outsmarted people who have dedicated their lives to it by Googling for agreeable blogs and regurgitating them. it's embarrassing to watch.

There it is.. the Appeal to authority even when your authorities are being shown frauds and liars..

Please provide the empirically observed evidence to prove that man is solely responsible for all warming post 1900.. I'll wait..
"There it is.. the Appeal to authority even when your authorities are being shown frauds and liars.."

Neither you nor anyone else has shown any significant amount fraud or lies that affect the theories. None. That's because there isn't any because it is an absurd idea to claim this vast conspiracy You suffer from delusions of grandeur, and clearly cannot even see how embarrassingly bizarre your own behavior is.

Boy I feel so embarrassed for you the first science organization in your link

  1. Academy of Athens
  2. Academy of Science of Mozambique

I clicked said file not found...

Some fucking idiot just putting names together in a link doesn't mean a damn thing.btw who do you think these organizations get their info from? ...the IPCC, NOAA , NASA..

2. So you think 13 years of ocean temperature records are significant?

Ocean temperture records
Here you go: Academy of Athens

Sorry, buddy, it's all the scientific organizations in the world. A know-nothing person with zero education or experience in any of these fields is not presenting a challenge to accepted theories, supported by mountains of mutually supportive evidence, by naysaying and parroting blogs he doesn't even understandf. You are delusional to think that you are, and it is embarrassing, bizarre behavior.

Dude I have 34 years of temperature reading equipment knowledge, I am a fucking expert...

2. And now your totally embarrassing yourself, like numb nuts did, where in your link does they say man is causing climate change?
"Dude I have 34 years of temperature reading equipment knowledge, I am a fucking expert..."

....at reading fucking temperature equipment.. In fact, you sound even more absurd now. "Since I read temperature equipment for 34 years, I have outsmarted all the oceanographists, geologists, climatologists, biologists.... welp, pretty much everyone! Except those smart, fossil-fuel industry-funded lying bloggers. I learn something new from them every day!"

And not one shred of empirical evidence to support your name calling... No quantifiable observed evidence or repeatable science...
""Since I read temperature equipment for 34 years, I have outsmarted all the oceanographists, geologists, climatologists, biologists.... welp, pretty much everyone! "

That's not name-calling, that is me mocking you google-educated deniers. Like this: "But I know so much about this topic ... now let me proceed to vomit the same, tired denier talking points as any GED trucker with free WiFi at the overnight truck stop."

I have more, wanna hear 'em?

Well, well.. We have ourselves a google scholar and left wing talking points idiot who is devoid of facts and science.. I hope your being paid well for posting BS..

Now tell me Einstein, why has the IPCC reduced the climate sensitivity of CO2 from 6.0 deg C Per doubling to just 0.5 deg C per doubling? And while your at it, tell me why the LOG of CO2 tells us that trace gas is supposed to be capable of 1.8 deg C per doubling and yet we have yet to see 0.6 deg C rise?

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