How a US prison camp helped create ISIS


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013
“You never see hatred on the faces of Americans like you saw on the faces of these detainees,” Gray remembers of his 2008 tour. “When I say they hated us, I mean they looked like they would have killed us in a heartbeat if given the chance. I turned to the warrant officer I was with and I said, ‘If they could, they would rip our heads off and drink our blood.’ ”

Mitchell Gray former guard at Camp Bucca in Iraq.

In early 2008, he arrived at Bucca and was briefed about behavior toward inmates at what the Army called the TIF, the Theater Internment Facility. “They told us, ‘We’ve got to treat all of these guys with respect. Nelson Mandela spent time in prison. The next Nelson Mandela could be in this TIF,’ ” Gray said. “While they were looking for the next Nelson Mandela, they missed the next Osama bin Laden.”

Gray, who did some intelligence work while at Bucca, remembered zeroing in on a contractor who came into the camp to sell DVDs to the troops.

“We knew pretty early on the guy was no good,” Gray said. “He never seemed to be there when the mortars came in, if you know what I mean.” We put together a packet that proved beyond a reasonable doubt — and I use that term as an attorney — that he was associated with some of these radical militias.”

As the battle-weary US began scrambling for the exit in 2009, many former-and-future jihadists held at Bucca were simply let go. Others were released into the hands of Iraqi authorities, who proved inept at keeping them locked up.

One of the first priorities of the Islamic State when it began organizing and gaining strength in 2010 and 2011 was to spring its would-be compatriots, which it did through a combination of bribing corrupt Iraqi officials and staging coordinated attacks on the prisons.

“There were a number of detainees that when we left, we said, ‘Whatever you do, don’t let these guys out,’ ” Stone said. “But of course they all got free. There was a lot of talent and expertise there. They really broke out the Who’s Who in the Zoo.”

How a US prison camp helped create ISIS New York Post

Do not worry though folks, obama is on top of it.


He may be busy still trying to find those that he promised he would bring to justice to the families of the murdered victims that liberals could not possibly care less about in Benghazi, since they were all white Americans.

Who was president in 2008?

How long had the detainees at Camp Bucca been in captivity?

These questions need to be answered before going on with the OP.
I'm more interested in what Obama is doing to stop them. How's that coming along ?
Let me be clear? That day will never come from a confused mind.

I do not think he is confused. He hates America. He hates Christians (true Christians that is). He hates Israel. He is a socialist scumbag who is an affirmative action president who had not done ONE THING that is worthy of holding the highest office in the land. We still know more about John Quincy Adams school history than the American hating fraud in the white house.

Oh, he is not confused. He hates the country. He is a petulant Saul Alinsky disciple. He is a scumbag.
Who was president in 2008?

How long had the detainees at Camp Bucca been in captivity?

These questions need to be answered before going on with the OP.
And what was their attitude vis a vis the Crusades....very important to pinpoint that, yo.
The US created ISIS by pitting one sect against the other in Iraq and generally being shitty to everyone there.
The US created ISIS by pitting one sect against the other in Iraq and generally being shitty to everyone there.
The War Crimes of Iraq s Saddam Hussein

Political Oppression:

Hussein openly idolized the former Soviet premier Joseph Stalin, a man notable as much for his paranoia-induced execution sprees as anything else. In July 1978, Hussein had his government issue a memorandum decreeing that anyone whose ideas came into conflict with those of the Baath Party leadership would be subject to summary execution. Most, but certainly not all, of Hussein's targets were ethnic Kurds and Shiite Muslims.

The Dujail Massacre of 1982:

In July of 1982, several Shiite militants attempted to assassinate Saddam Hussein while he was riding through the city. Hussein responded by ordering the slaughter of some 148 residents, including dozens of children. This is the war crime with which Saddam Hussein was formally charged, and for which he was executed.

The Barzani Clan Abductions of 1983:

Masoud Barzani led the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP), an ethnic Kurdish revolutionary group fighting Baathist oppression. After Barzani cast his lot with the Iranians in the Iran-Iraq War, Hussein had some 8,000 members of Barzani's clan, including hundreds of women and children, abducted. It is assumed that most were slaughtered; thousands have been discovered in mass graves in southern Iraq.

The al-Anfal Campaign:

The worst human rights abuses of Hussein's tenure took place during the genocidal al-Anfal Campaign (1986-1989), in which Hussein's administration called for the extermination of every living thing--human or animal--in certain regions of the Kurdish north. All told, some 182,000 people--men, women, and children--were slaughtered, many through use of chemical weapons. The Halabja poison gas massacre of 1988 alone killed over 5,000 people. Hussein later blamed the attacks on the Iranians, and the Reagan administration, which supported Iraq in the Iran-Iraq War, helped promote this cover story.

The Campaign Against the Marsh Arabs:

Hussein did not limit his genocide to identifiably Kurdish groups; he also targeted the predominantly Shiite Marsh Arabs of southeastern Iraq, the direct descendants of the ancient Mesopotamians. By destroying more than 95% of the region's marshes, he effectively depleted its food supply and destroyed the entire millennia-old culture, reducing the number of Marsh Arabs from 250,000 to approximately 30,000. It is unknown how much of this population drop can be attributed to direct starvation and how much to migration, but the human cost was unquestionably high.

The Post-Uprising Massacres of 1991:

In the aftermath of Operation Desert Storm, the United States encouraged Kurds and Shiites to rebel against Hussein's regime--then withdrew and refused to support them, leaving an unknown number to be slaughtered. At one point, Hussein's regime killed as many as 2,000 suspected Kurdish rebels every day. Some two million Kurds hazarded the dangerous trek through the mountains to Iran and Turkey, hundreds of thousands dying in the process.
The far right haters who mismanaged everything in Afghanistan and Iraq now want to place all the blame on Obama, who is a centrist, capitalist, Christian, Hawaii-born, faithful husband and good father.

You far right so con Christians and neo-cons: understand this ~ your days in power are over. Rage into the dying light.
Project CLEAN BREAK was a plan given to Netanyahu at one time and later presented to Bush. Plan was to throw the whole Arab world into chaos. It's working perfectly
The US created ISIS by pitting one sect against the other in Iraq and generally being shitty to everyone there.
The War Crimes of Iraq s Saddam Hussein

Political Oppression:

Hussein openly idolized the former Soviet premier Joseph Stalin, a man notable as much for his paranoia-induced execution sprees as anything else. In July 1978, Hussein had his government issue a memorandum decreeing that anyone whose ideas came into conflict with those of the Baath Party leadership would be subject to summary execution. Most, but certainly not all, of Hussein's targets were ethnic Kurds and Shiite Muslims.

The Dujail Massacre of 1982:

In July of 1982, several Shiite militants attempted to assassinate Saddam Hussein while he was riding through the city. Hussein responded by ordering the slaughter of some 148 residents, including dozens of children. This is the war crime with which Saddam Hussein was formally charged, and for which he was executed.

The Barzani Clan Abductions of 1983:

Masoud Barzani led the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP), an ethnic Kurdish revolutionary group fighting Baathist oppression. After Barzani cast his lot with the Iranians in the Iran-Iraq War, Hussein had some 8,000 members of Barzani's clan, including hundreds of women and children, abducted. It is assumed that most were slaughtered; thousands have been discovered in mass graves in southern Iraq.

The al-Anfal Campaign:

The worst human rights abuses of Hussein's tenure took place during the genocidal al-Anfal Campaign (1986-1989), in which Hussein's administration called for the extermination of every living thing--human or animal--in certain regions of the Kurdish north. All told, some 182,000 people--men, women, and children--were slaughtered, many through use of chemical weapons. The Halabja poison gas massacre of 1988 alone killed over 5,000 people. Hussein later blamed the attacks on the Iranians, and the Reagan administration, which supported Iraq in the Iran-Iraq War, helped promote this cover story.

The Campaign Against the Marsh Arabs:

Hussein did not limit his genocide to identifiably Kurdish groups; he also targeted the predominantly Shiite Marsh Arabs of southeastern Iraq, the direct descendants of the ancient Mesopotamians. By destroying more than 95% of the region's marshes, he effectively depleted its food supply and destroyed the entire millennia-old culture, reducing the number of Marsh Arabs from 250,000 to approximately 30,000. It is unknown how much of this population drop can be attributed to direct starvation and how much to migration, but the human cost was unquestionably high.

The Post-Uprising Massacres of 1991:

In the aftermath of Operation Desert Storm, the United States encouraged Kurds and Shiites to rebel against Hussein's regime--then withdrew and refused to support them, leaving an unknown number to be slaughtered. At one point, Hussein's regime killed as many as 2,000 suspected Kurdish rebels every day. Some two million Kurds hazarded the dangerous trek through the mountains to Iran and Turkey, hundreds of thousands dying in the process.
Saddam was a bastard, we all know that but he never killed his people on the scale we did or are dying in the sectarian war. We could have done much better by them but we tried to own the place by totally destroying it's civil structure and replacing it with something we thought would be friendly to our interests.
The US created ISIS by pitting one sect against the other in Iraq and generally being shitty to everyone there.
The War Crimes of Iraq s Saddam Hussein

Political Oppression:

Hussein openly idolized the former Soviet premier Joseph Stalin, a man notable as much for his paranoia-induced execution sprees as anything else. In July 1978, Hussein had his government issue a memorandum decreeing that anyone whose ideas came into conflict with those of the Baath Party leadership would be subject to summary execution. Most, but certainly not all, of Hussein's targets were ethnic Kurds and Shiite Muslims.

The Dujail Massacre of 1982:

In July of 1982, several Shiite militants attempted to assassinate Saddam Hussein while he was riding through the city. Hussein responded by ordering the slaughter of some 148 residents, including dozens of children. This is the war crime with which Saddam Hussein was formally charged, and for which he was executed.

The Barzani Clan Abductions of 1983:

Masoud Barzani led the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP), an ethnic Kurdish revolutionary group fighting Baathist oppression. After Barzani cast his lot with the Iranians in the Iran-Iraq War, Hussein had some 8,000 members of Barzani's clan, including hundreds of women and children, abducted. It is assumed that most were slaughtered; thousands have been discovered in mass graves in southern Iraq.

The al-Anfal Campaign:

The worst human rights abuses of Hussein's tenure took place during the genocidal al-Anfal Campaign (1986-1989), in which Hussein's administration called for the extermination of every living thing--human or animal--in certain regions of the Kurdish north. All told, some 182,000 people--men, women, and children--were slaughtered, many through use of chemical weapons. The Halabja poison gas massacre of 1988 alone killed over 5,000 people. Hussein later blamed the attacks on the Iranians, and the Reagan administration, which supported Iraq in the Iran-Iraq War, helped promote this cover story.

The Campaign Against the Marsh Arabs:

Hussein did not limit his genocide to identifiably Kurdish groups; he also targeted the predominantly Shiite Marsh Arabs of southeastern Iraq, the direct descendants of the ancient Mesopotamians. By destroying more than 95% of the region's marshes, he effectively depleted its food supply and destroyed the entire millennia-old culture, reducing the number of Marsh Arabs from 250,000 to approximately 30,000. It is unknown how much of this population drop can be attributed to direct starvation and how much to migration, but the human cost was unquestionably high.

The Post-Uprising Massacres of 1991:

In the aftermath of Operation Desert Storm, the United States encouraged Kurds and Shiites to rebel against Hussein's regime--then withdrew and refused to support them, leaving an unknown number to be slaughtered. At one point, Hussein's regime killed as many as 2,000 suspected Kurdish rebels every day. Some two million Kurds hazarded the dangerous trek through the mountains to Iran and Turkey, hundreds of thousands dying in the process.
Saddam was a bastard, we all know that but he never killed his people on the scale we did or are dying in the sectarian war. We could have done much better by them but we tried to own the place by totally destroying it's civil structure and replacing it with something we thought would be friendly to our interests.
That is not what brought this response and you know it......................You said we created ISIS by pitting sects against each other...........

Ummmm they were already against each other........and were being killed on massive scales..................

The Shia and Sunni have been at long before we ever showed up.
The US created ISIS by pitting one sect against the other in Iraq and generally being shitty to everyone there.

yeah, so shitty to them. Oh fuck you, you American hating hypocritical scumbag hack.
Perhaps you are unfamiliar with the trap of indefinite military occupation, look at Iraq, that's what you try to own another country.
Thus is why a Scorched Earth/Take No Prisoners policy is the o lyrics proper way to carry out a WAR.
The US created ISIS by pitting one sect against the other in Iraq and generally being shitty to everyone there.
The War Crimes of Iraq s Saddam Hussein

Political Oppression:

Hussein openly idolized the former Soviet premier Joseph Stalin, a man notable as much for his paranoia-induced execution sprees as anything else. In July 1978, Hussein had his government issue a memorandum decreeing that anyone whose ideas came into conflict with those of the Baath Party leadership would be subject to summary execution. Most, but certainly not all, of Hussein's targets were ethnic Kurds and Shiite Muslims.

The Dujail Massacre of 1982:

In July of 1982, several Shiite militants attempted to assassinate Saddam Hussein while he was riding through the city. Hussein responded by ordering the slaughter of some 148 residents, including dozens of children. This is the war crime with which Saddam Hussein was formally charged, and for which he was executed.

The Barzani Clan Abductions of 1983:

Masoud Barzani led the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP), an ethnic Kurdish revolutionary group fighting Baathist oppression. After Barzani cast his lot with the Iranians in the Iran-Iraq War, Hussein had some 8,000 members of Barzani's clan, including hundreds of women and children, abducted. It is assumed that most were slaughtered; thousands have been discovered in mass graves in southern Iraq.

The al-Anfal Campaign:

The worst human rights abuses of Hussein's tenure took place during the genocidal al-Anfal Campaign (1986-1989), in which Hussein's administration called for the extermination of every living thing--human or animal--in certain regions of the Kurdish north. All told, some 182,000 people--men, women, and children--were slaughtered, many through use of chemical weapons. The Halabja poison gas massacre of 1988 alone killed over 5,000 people. Hussein later blamed the attacks on the Iranians, and the Reagan administration, which supported Iraq in the Iran-Iraq War, helped promote this cover story.

The Campaign Against the Marsh Arabs:

Hussein did not limit his genocide to identifiably Kurdish groups; he also targeted the predominantly Shiite Marsh Arabs of southeastern Iraq, the direct descendants of the ancient Mesopotamians. By destroying more than 95% of the region's marshes, he effectively depleted its food supply and destroyed the entire millennia-old culture, reducing the number of Marsh Arabs from 250,000 to approximately 30,000. It is unknown how much of this population drop can be attributed to direct starvation and how much to migration, but the human cost was unquestionably high.

The Post-Uprising Massacres of 1991:

In the aftermath of Operation Desert Storm, the United States encouraged Kurds and Shiites to rebel against Hussein's regime--then withdrew and refused to support them, leaving an unknown number to be slaughtered. At one point, Hussein's regime killed as many as 2,000 suspected Kurdish rebels every day. Some two million Kurds hazarded the dangerous trek through the mountains to Iran and Turkey, hundreds of thousands dying in the process.
Saddam was a bastard, we all know that but he never killed his people on the scale we did or are dying in the sectarian war. We could have done much better by them but we tried to own the place by totally destroying it's civil structure and replacing it with something we thought would be friendly to our interests.
That is not what brought this response and you know it......................You said we created ISIS by pitting sects against each other...........

Ummmm they were already against each other........and were being killed on massive scales..................

The Shia and Sunni have been at long before we ever showed up.
Never this bad, We destabilized the whole region by creating a place where they can come fight each other. We made Iraq into a permanent war zone, there is not going to be peace there until they get tired of killing, republicans were such fools to think we could pacify that much simmering animosity. Never should have went.

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