How about Trump/Greene in 2024? (Marjorie Taylor Greene)

She is one of the only Republicans I trust these days

I don't see her being a traitor to Trump like Pants appears to have been.

OMFG, yes please, please, please run these 2 nitwits together. It will/would be the epic fail of all time!
you mean like 2016?

ha ha.. :rolleyes:

Then there was 2020 when Trump won by an even bigger margin but the crybaby sore loser dimrats couldn't stand to lose so they rigged it

Ya, go with that!

By the way you need to get this irrefutable evidence to Rudy, the Kraken Lady, Mike Pillow and the rightwing nutters nuz pronto. They are in immediate need of it. And since you haven't as of yet you do realize that you can be prosecuted for withholding said evidence!
Trump and Kari are the perfect ticket, but it's going to depend on Trump being able to take it that far.

There is easily as much doubt on Trump now as there is support.

It's almost as iif it will take Kari to lead the charge?

MTG being considered is nothing but trolling spam.
yeh, you dimrats would love for Trump to pick someone who "lost" (ha ha .. roll eyes) rather than an actual sitting Congressperson like Greene

Even though Lake didn't REALLY lose, a lot of uneducated voters will think she did
Ya, go with that!

By the way you need to get this irrefutable evidence to Rudy, the Kraken Lady, Mike Pillow and the rightwing nutters nuz pronto. They are in immediate need of it. And since you haven't as of yet you do realize that you can be prosecuted for withholding said evidence!
Trump got 10 million more votes in 2020 than in 2016. Every other incumbent President who was not reelected got fewer votes the second time around.

So how did Biden get 20 million more votes than Hillary? This is statistically impossible without fraudulent ballots, and you know it.

She is one of the only Republicans I trust these days

I don't see her being a traitor to Trump like Pants appears to have been.
Yeah, go for it. Send them to Iowa together. The two of them would starve to death trying to get out of a corn maze.
Trump got 10 million more votes in 2020 than in 2016. Every other incumbent President who was not reelected got fewer votes the second time around.

So how did Biden get 20 million more votes than Hillary? This is statistically impossible without fraudulent ballots, and you know it.

Once again you had better get this irrefutable evidence to Rudy, the Kraken Lady ,Mike Pillow and the rightwing nutters nuz pronto. They are in immediate need of it.

Why are you withholding this precious evidence? Why are you breaking the law? Why are you purposely fucking over The Fat Orange Shit Giblet?
Trump got 10 million more votes in 2020 than in 2016. Every other incumbent President who was not reelected got fewer votes the second time around.

So how did Biden get 20 million more votes than Hillary? This is statistically impossible without fraudulent ballots, and you know it.
This ^^^^ has been explained MANY times.
Why are you so DIM?
I would usually say here "never go full MAGATARD" but in this case I insist!
Most of America does also

Are you going to help the dimrats steal it? Are you volunteering to stuff fake ballots into the hooked-up-to-a-computer vote machine?

You'll have to answer for that on Judgment Day, ya know
Ya, go with that!

By the way you need to get this irrefutable evidence to Rudy, the Kraken Lady, Mike Pillow and the rightwing nutters nuz pronto. They are in immediate need of it. And since you haven't as of yet you do realize that you can be prosecuted for withholding said evidence!
The elites have divided us like nothing in history. We are now in two camps. One that believes in a free and sovereign United States and the other who is beholden to globalist lending into a world government confederation. And the world government side is winning has much of our wealth and abilities has gone overseas already and a lower IQ population percentage wise.
Trump and Kari are the perfect ticket

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