How about Trump/Greene in 2024? (Marjorie Taylor Greene)

Trump got 10 million more votes in 2020 than in 2016. Every other incumbent President who was not reelected got fewer votes the second time around.

So how did Biden get 20 million more votes than Hillary? This is statistically impossible without fraudulent ballots, and you know it.
A very simple explanation.

2016 voter participation rate was 61.4%, in 2020 it was 66.7%.

Clinton got 65.8 million votes, Trump got right at 63 million. That was out of 136.7 million votes

Biden got 81.3 million votes, Trump got 74.2 million. That was out of 158.4 million votes.

Now here is how you are getting played, and it is shameful that these conspiracy theorist nuts perpetuate this nonsense to take money from poor, simple minded suckers, like you. I mean on the surface, holy shit, 15 million extra for Biden, 11 million extra for Trump--and note, you inflated the numbers for Biden, probably because your source did. But hell, there were less than 22 million extra votes cast. 26 million is more than 22 million, "Fraud" you scream, numbers don't lie. It is four million short.

in 2016 Gary Johnson got 4.5 million votes. Jill Stein got almost 1.5 million votes. McMullin, Castle, La Riva, and yes, Bernie Sanders tack on another million. Hell, Colin Powel got 25 votes, and "other" racked up 750,000 votes. That is almost eight million votes cast for third party candidates or write ins. Clinton and Trump got 94% of the vote combined.

In 2020, the entire total for third party candidates and write in was less than three million, Biden and Trump took in 98% of the vote. And boom, drops mic, 5 million extra votes for the two party candidates. Suddenly, the 22 becomes 27, and damn, 27 is more than 26. That took all of ten minutes on Wiki.
Most of America does also

Are you going to help the dimrats steal it? Are you volunteering to stuff fake ballots into the hooked-up-to-a-computer vote machine?

You'll have to answer for that on Judgment Day, ya know

Lil lady, I voted 11 times in PA. 8 times in Michigan, 7 times in Wisconsin. 12 times in Georgia and 5 times in Arizona. Oh and I am from Ohio, do your best to stop me!!!!
The elites have divided us like nothing in history. We are now in two camps. One that believes in a free and sovereign United States and the other who is beholden to globalist lending into a world government confederation. And the world government side is winning has much of our wealth and abilities has gone overseas already and a lower IQ population percentage wise.

Yes, MTG and tRump are proof of lower IQ.
Boebert would be a better choice than MTG. Boebert is better looking plus she would get votes from western states.
Trump got 10 million more votes in 2020 than in 2016. Every other incumbent President who was not reelected got fewer votes the second time around.

So how did Biden get 20 million more votes than Hillary? This is statistically impossible without fraudulent ballots, and you know it.
Cleveland was the only other incumbent to increase his vote total and lose but he was the democrat who got the urban vote and also won the popular vote. His increase was considerably less than trump’s so that means 2020 was unprecedented. More elephant-in-the-room conspicuousness.
Trump got 10 million more votes in 2020 than in 2016. Every other incumbent President who was not reelected got fewer votes the second time around.

So how did Biden get 20 million more votes than Hillary? This is statistically impossible without fraudulent ballots, and you know it.
What we know is that this is a lie.

She is one of the only Republicans I trust these days

I don't see her being a traitor to Trump like Pants appears to have been.
I'm on the right but, I have to admit, I would seriously think about voting for the other side if it was Trump/Greene.

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