How are we going to pay for our increased funds for infrastructure?

Just taking a look at our payments to foreign countries for US aid.

We give $443.10B to foreign countries annually. What do we get in return? Make your best guess.

If we cut the costs just 30%, we would have almost $30 billion to spend on our infrastructure. Isn't there a saying that charity begins at home? Urging welfare recipients to acquire a skill or get their high school degree within 2 years of being cut off from dependency of the government would give the poverty stricken jobs and skills for a future career. This could be the transformation we need. Changing the lowest educated from welfare recipients to tax paying individuals that would help so many people in this country.

What do you think?
I think your figure is WAY OFF BASE....

We spend $35 Billion a year on foreign aid.

The US spends $35 billion on foreign aid . . . but where does the money really go?

Where did you get that figure of $443 Billion a year Jackson vs the $35 billion we actually spend on foreign aid a year?

Does it include something else other than foreign aid?
Goodness! That was an error...It was $43.10B and 30% would be $12.9B. Thank you for correcting me!

In fiscal year 2014, the U.S. government allocated the following amounts for aid:

Total economic and military assistance: $43.10 billion

Total military assistance: $10.57 billion

Total economic assistance: $32.53 billion

of which USAID Implemented: $17.82 billion[4]

Top 25 Recipient Countries of U.S. Foreign Aid FY 2013 Reported in $US millions, Obligations [9]CountryEconomic and Military Assistance FY 2013, $US millionsAid received per person recipient FY2013, $USEconomic Assistance FY 2013, $US millionsMilitary Assistance FY2013, $US millions





West Bank/Gaza1007.73370


South Sudan618.7455598.7919.96



South Africa526.1910523.862.32










Sudan (former)*290.058290.05

United States foreign aid - Wikipedia

Thank you, Care. Next time, I'll put on my glasses!
Did Obama ever propose using funds that were already being spent, just reallocating 30% from foreign aid to AID to America?

Where would you pull aid from?
Everywhere. Eliminate all of it, every penny. are you going to gain strategic cooperation from some of those countries? Particularly those teetering on failed state status that then become breeding grounds for more extremists like the ones behind 9/11? Oh, ok, so you're just going to go in and bomb them...but to do that maybe you need resupply depots and airstrips in other countries that are near enough but might not otherwise like you much.

People think this is so simple, on paper, but it isn't.
Did Obama ever propose using funds that were already being spent, just reallocating 30% from foreign aid to AID to America?

Where would you pull aid from?

Israel would be a start.
A Handout Is a Handcuff

I'm 100% pro Israel, but it's hard to argue against cutting its foreign aid. In fact, they'd be better off, not having to please our Muzziphile appeasers, who make so many dangerous demands for Israel to play nice or get cut off.

But here again...Israel does a lot for us in that region that we can't directly do - that foreign aid has a lot of quid pro quo. A lot of foreign aid does.
Did Obama ever propose using funds that were already being spent, just reallocating 30% from foreign aid to AID to America?

Where would you pull aid from?
Everywhere. Eliminate all of it, every penny. are you going to gain strategic cooperation from some of those countries? Particularly those teetering on failed state status that then become breeding grounds for more extremists like the ones behind 9/11? Oh, ok, so you're just going to go in and bomb them...but to do that maybe you need resupply depots and airstrips in other countries that are near enough but might not otherwise like you much.

People think this is so simple, on paper, but it isn't.
That's why I feel a portion should be reallocated to the US. No remove it altogether. We have a debt that is unsustainable.
Did Obama ever propose using funds that were already being spent, just reallocating 30% from foreign aid to AID to America?

Where would you pull aid from?
Everywhere. Eliminate all of it, every penny. are you going to gain strategic cooperation from some of those countries? Particularly those teetering on failed state status that then become breeding grounds for more extremists like the ones behind 9/11? Oh, ok, so you're just going to go in and bomb them...but to do that maybe you need resupply depots and airstrips in other countries that are near enough but might not otherwise like you much.

People think this is so simple, on paper, but it isn't.
Don't. Bring our troops home and let them kill each other.
Did Obama ever propose using funds that were already being spent, just reallocating 30% from foreign aid to AID to America?

Where would you pull aid from?
Everywhere. Eliminate all of it, every penny. are you going to gain strategic cooperation from some of those countries? Particularly those teetering on failed state status that then become breeding grounds for more extremists like the ones behind 9/11? Oh, ok, so you're just going to go in and bomb them...but to do that maybe you need resupply depots and airstrips in other countries that are near enough but might not otherwise like you much.

People think this is so simple, on paper, but it isn't.
The question is, do we get strategic cooperation now? Sometimes, sometimes not. We wouldn't be removing it permanently for most of them, just allowing the US getting in a comfortable position again and lowering our debt. No bombings.
Did Obama ever propose using funds that were already being spent, just reallocating 30% from foreign aid to AID to America?

Where would you pull aid from?
Everywhere. Eliminate all of it, every penny. are you going to gain strategic cooperation from some of those countries? Particularly those teetering on failed state status that then become breeding grounds for more extremists like the ones behind 9/11? Oh, ok, so you're just going to go in and bomb them...but to do that maybe you need resupply depots and airstrips in other countries that are near enough but might not otherwise like you much.

People think this is so simple, on paper, but it isn't.
The question is, do we get strategic cooperation now? Sometimes, sometimes not. We wouldn't be removing it permanently for most of them, just allowing the US getting in a comfortable position again and lowering our debt. No bombings.

There is a whole lot of information we're not privy too. But yes, I think in many cases we do - particularly in regard to intelligence and strategic help in the conflicts in ME and N. Africa. And I think that intelligence is part of what helps us fight terrorism.
Did Obama ever propose using funds that were already being spent, just reallocating 30% from foreign aid to AID to America?

Where would you pull aid from?
Everywhere. Eliminate all of it, every penny. are you going to gain strategic cooperation from some of those countries? Particularly those teetering on failed state status that then become breeding grounds for more extremists like the ones behind 9/11? Oh, ok, so you're just going to go in and bomb them...but to do that maybe you need resupply depots and airstrips in other countries that are near enough but might not otherwise like you much.

People think this is so simple, on paper, but it isn't.
Don't. Bring our troops home and let them kill each other.

Well, except for their pesky habits of bringing their wars into our country. I'd much rather deal with it over there than over here (though without our boots on the ground).
Did Obama ever propose using funds that were already being spent, just reallocating 30% from foreign aid to AID to America?

Where would you pull aid from?
Everywhere. Eliminate all of it, every penny. are you going to gain strategic cooperation from some of those countries? Particularly those teetering on failed state status that then become breeding grounds for more extremists like the ones behind 9/11? Oh, ok, so you're just going to go in and bomb them...but to do that maybe you need resupply depots and airstrips in other countries that are near enough but might not otherwise like you much.

People think this is so simple, on paper, but it isn't.
The question is, do we get strategic cooperation now? Sometimes, sometimes not. We wouldn't be removing it permanently for most of them, just allowing the US getting in a comfortable position again and lowering our debt. No bombings.

There is a whole lot of information we're not privy too. But yes, I think in many cases we do - particularly in regard to intelligence and strategic help in the conflicts in ME and N. Africa. And I think that intelligence is part of what helps us fight terrorism.

Could we still accomplish that with a 3 year deduction of 20-30% in aid? I'm not saying eliminate it altogether. Thank you for your comment.
Where would you pull aid from?
Everywhere. Eliminate all of it, every penny. are you going to gain strategic cooperation from some of those countries? Particularly those teetering on failed state status that then become breeding grounds for more extremists like the ones behind 9/11? Oh, ok, so you're just going to go in and bomb them...but to do that maybe you need resupply depots and airstrips in other countries that are near enough but might not otherwise like you much.

People think this is so simple, on paper, but it isn't.
The question is, do we get strategic cooperation now? Sometimes, sometimes not. We wouldn't be removing it permanently for most of them, just allowing the US getting in a comfortable position again and lowering our debt. No bombings.

There is a whole lot of information we're not privy too. But yes, I think in many cases we do - particularly in regard to intelligence and strategic help in the conflicts in ME and N. Africa. And I think that intelligence is part of what helps us fight terrorism.

Could we still accomplish that with a 3 year deduction of 20-30% in aid? I'm not saying eliminate it altogether. Thank you for your comment.

I honestly don't know...I don't have enough knowledge on it....

It would be interesting to know if an analysis has ever been done on what aid goes where for what reasons and how much and what we get in return (though I suspect what we get in return is not as easily defined).
Well, once you risk millions of dollars on speculative but mostly successful endeavors, you too, can pay nothing in taxes if some deals do not come to fruition. Just use the standing tax laws. But that is not what this thread is about, now, is it?

This is something you should of asked about before the vote, since you voted for Trump and I did not, I want to be like him and not pay taxes, I want to know the feeling of screwing everyone.

You pay extra.

I want to be like him and not pay taxes,

Great. First, make a large investment and write it off.

Then get back to me, I'll help you file.

I don't want to file bankruptcy. And H. Clinton closed that tax break he used when she was in the NY Senate.
I can figure it out, I don't need an tax attorney. Thank you though.

I don't want to file bankruptcy.

You don't have to file bankruptcy to take an investment loss.

And H. Clinton closed that tax break he used when she was in the NY Senate.

Which tax break? Can you be specific?
FYI, Hillary was never in the NY Senate.

When she was a Senator from NY. She mentioned it in a debate and also I read about it. It has something to do with being able to write off an investment property even if the loan was still owed and not paid off. You might know about it.

H.R.3090 - 107th Congress (2001-2002): Job Creation and Worker Assistance Act of 2002
I am quite sure this Is the bill she signed.

When she was a Senator from NY.

Right, she was in the US Senate, not the NY Senate. Glad to help you.

She mentioned it in a debate

She mentioned that she eliminated Net Operating Loss from the tax code?
That's funny, because it's still there.

I am quite sure this Is the bill she signed.

Thanks. It doesn't mention removing NOL. Try again?
Keep in mind, politically, this is 2001 all over again. The Budget WAS balanced. The country WAS prosperous and peaceful.

Then GW Bush got in with a GOP Congress.

Remember what happened?

Keep in mind, politically, this is 2001 all over again. The Budget WAS balanced. The country WAS prosperous and peaceful.

If only the internet bubble had lasted another 15 years, eh?
Did Obama ever propose using funds that were already being spent, just reallocating 30% from foreign aid to AID to America?

Where would you pull aid from?
Everywhere. Eliminate all of it, every penny. are you going to gain strategic cooperation from some of those countries? Particularly those teetering on failed state status that then become breeding grounds for more extremists like the ones behind 9/11? Oh, ok, so you're just going to go in and bomb them...but to do that maybe you need resupply depots and airstrips in other countries that are near enough but might not otherwise like you much.

People think this is so simple, on paper, but it isn't.
Don't. Bring our troops home and let them kill each other.

Well, except for their pesky habits of bringing their wars into our country. I'd much rather deal with it over there than over here (though without our boots on the ground).
Hae we no nukes?
Just taking a look at our payments to foreign countries for US aid.

We give $443.10B to foreign countries annually. What do we get in return? Make your best guess.

If we cut the costs just 30%, we would have almost $30 billion to spend on our infrastructure. Isn't there a saying that charity begins at home? Urging welfare recipients to acquire a skill or get their high school degree within 2 years of being cut off from dependency of the government would give the poverty stricken jobs and skills for a future career. This could be the transformation we need. Changing the lowest educated from welfare recipients to tax paying individuals that would help so many people in this country.

What do you think?

Most of the money goes to American or now multinational corporations. The US never ever provides aid to any country there is no benefit. Neoliberal policies are implemented in these countries for those corporations and regime change if not allowed. We the people do not benefit. So, yeah.

There are already limitations on welfare recipients. One of the issues I have run into for over a decade are what constitutes "skill training". So, you have these people in deep poverty that cannot navigate what qualifies as education. They firmly believe they are going to be financially better off after acquiring whatever certificate they are seeking to obtain such as working in a day care or to become a line cook. My favorite is a certificate in Microsoft. Also, the alleged "nursing crisis" is not a crisis it's an excuse to lower wages. Could we like cut that crap out?
Did Obama ever propose using funds that were already being spent, just reallocating 30% from foreign aid to AID to America?

Where would you pull aid from?

Israel would be a start.
A Handout Is a Handcuff

I'm 100% pro Israel, but it's hard to argue against cutting its foreign aid. In fact, they'd be better off, not having to please our Muzziphile appeasers, who make so many dangerous demands for Israel to play nice or get cut off.

But here again...Israel does a lot for us in that region that we can't directly do - that foreign aid has a lot of quid pro quo. A lot of foreign aid does.
Money Talks, and That's All We Hear

That propaganda is bought by the corporations the foreign-aid money goes back to.
Did Obama ever propose using funds that were already being spent, just reallocating 30% from foreign aid to AID to America?

Where would you pull aid from?
Everywhere. Eliminate all of it, every penny. are you going to gain strategic cooperation from some of those countries? Particularly those teetering on failed state status that then become breeding grounds for more extremists like the ones behind 9/11? Oh, ok, so you're just going to go in and bomb them...but to do that maybe you need resupply depots and airstrips in other countries that are near enough but might not otherwise like you much.

People think this is so simple, on paper, but it isn't.
Don't. Bring our troops home and let them kill each other.
I Could CAIR Less

Why kill the Nazislamis over there when we have plenty here and in Europe to kill off, starting with all the clerics?
Keep in mind, politically, this is 2001 all over again. The Budget WAS balanced. The country WAS prosperous and peaceful.

Then GW Bush got in with a GOP Congress.

Remember what happened?

Keep in mind, politically, this is 2001 all over again. The Budget WAS balanced. The country WAS prosperous and peaceful.

If only the internet bubble had lasted another 15 years, eh?

If only we had not done a needless war in Iraq and have bankers have free range on sub prime and ARM mortgages. I guess the Pres. was asleep.
Keep in mind, politically, this is 2001 all over again. The Budget WAS balanced. The country WAS prosperous and peaceful.

Then GW Bush got in with a GOP Congress.

Remember what happened?

Keep in mind, politically, this is 2001 all over again. The Budget WAS balanced. The country WAS prosperous and peaceful.

If only the internet bubble had lasted another 15 years, eh?

If only we had not done a needless war in Iraq and have bankers have free range on sub prime and ARM mortgages. I guess the Pres. was asleep.

If only we had not done a needless war in Iraq

I agree, the world would be a better place if Clinton had captured or killed Osama in the late 90s.

and have bankers have free range on sub prime and ARM mortgages.

I agree, it was a mistake for Clinton to expand the CRA.

I guess the Pres. was asleep.

He was gettin' a hummer.

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