how bout that rush!

Nobody can describe what feminism actually is and they surely have no evidence on how it has so called had a negative effect on this once great country.
Lefties MUST silence anyone who disagrees. They have been failing to silence Rush for 27 years. I wish I had a dollar for every time a left wing nutter tell us here that Rush is done, over, kaput. He keeps right on going.


While I do not listen Rush, it seems that the far left pays more attention to him than anyone else..
Of course. They are still scratching their heads trying to figure a way to limit conservative speech.
The latest idea is a government take over of the internet.

If you don't like Rush stop listening to him. Libtards hate anyone that makes sense.
And they hate anyone who will not kowtow to the lib agenda even more.

Ha ha....Lame?
More like inconvenient fact.....Your side tried that stupid fairness doctrine. FAIL.....

Are you trying to say "failure"? That's so cute.
The Fairness Doctrine was abolished a quarter-century ago. When it was there it was championed by Republicans, and never stifled anybody from saying anything. FACT.

The last two democrat presidents have railed against conservative talk radio and Fox News.

-- and?
Want some Richard Nixon quotes?

Obama has even stated "don't listen to Fox news"....


Obama is too much of an ego maniac control freak to realize that he is the top dog in the league office instead of a player.
He's not supposed to care who wins or loses.

Don't play stupid just to increase your number of posts
but what do we got , 59 messages on how terrible Rush is , pretty good , thank you Daws !!

Actually most of what I've seen is a lot of dittoheads whining "waaah! They wanna shut Rush down!" -- without a shred of evidence. That and the name-calling diaper rashes. So it's pretty clear who's got the emotional investment with their radio.

You're approaching Pogo level fucktardation.

Seriously, inhalants are bad news dude....

Nobody can describe what feminism actually is and they surely have no evidence on how it has so called had a negative effect on this once great country.

Perhaps not but we can easily define what misogyny is, and it's had a negative effect on this country for as long as it's existed. Enter a fat guy drooling on a proxy dick cigar who looks like a porn store clerk, who takes trips to the DR to get laid, who mines the emasculated misogynists for his own personal gain.

My, what a success story that is.

But there's "no war on women"... "no war on women"... "no war on women"... "no war on women"...
hey , op was by a lib prog that thought he'd make some points pogo !!
poor conservative suckers the guy takes a shit on half the worlds population and you asshats eat it up ...
the farm report is nationwide too, so what's your point.?
So the hell what, NWO? I take a shit on half the worlds' population, myself. Rush is my kind of guy. In fact I taught Rush everything he knows about politics and the other half of the worlds' shitty population.
oh no not the think fro themselves ploy!
why is it the only people who spew that silly phrase never do?

Says the far left drone rush listener.

See how irony impaired these far left drones truly are!

Just out to push their far left religion..

Have you ever made a post that didn't include the phrase "far left drone"? Calling everyone a far left drone as your only response to anything posted, aside from being a total waste of bandwidth, makes you look as mentally challenged as Special Ed.

Given that drones are creatures who do the same things over and over again, with no conscious thought of what they are doing and why, it's not unreasonable for us to think that the only drone posting here is you.
just keep doing what you do El Rushbo , 27 years on the air making HUGE money and dispensing wisdom and these lefties still hate you as they crank up the numbers of listeners of your show !! :)

It's really just simple demographics.

Conservatives have jobs, thus don't have time to listen to Rush so that leaves those loser lefties who suck off the gov't tit while sitting fat dumb and happy in their lounge chairs at home bitching about Rush. Thus, there is his audience.

I know far more lefties who listen to rush than conservatives.

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