How can a conservative possibly support Newt? I don't get it


Diamond Member
May 19, 2007
Here is a sample of a list of his biggest negatives...this guy is fucking WHACKED:

- Voted for NAFTA, which handed a portion of our commercial sovereignty over to non-US interests.

- Supported GATT
- Supported WTO
- Continually supported increasing federal spending
- Voted for the creation of the Dept. of Education
- from 1994-95 he voted for &45 billion in foreign aid
- voted to raise the debt ceiling 4 times
- Pushed Clinton to expand military presence in Bosnia
- Supported spending $30B for the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994 that shackled gun owners with new restrictions, federalized a number of crimes, and handed the feds police powers that the Constitution reserves to the states.
- Voted to give billions of dollars to the UN for various missions
- $40 billion in S&L bailouts
- Cheated on his ex wife while she was sick and served her divorce papers while she was in the hospital. This has little to do with anything other than the guy's character, which ought to make any conservative "family first" advocate SICK.
- Co-sponsored the 1987 Fairness Doctrine
- Voted for an amendment to create a national police corps.
- Helped Clinton give Mexico $52 billion in a bailout to save the Peso.
- Supported federal tax dollars being spent on abortions
- Helped a Clinton style democrat switch parties just to run against a republican congressman he didn't like
- Introduced a House Resolution that would impose a life sentence or execution for a mere 2 ounces of marijuana being brought across the border.
- Not a friend to gun rights at all - He supported a federal biometrics database that would require thumb printing to purchase guns.
- Said he would have voted for TARP because "something needed to be done".

And last but not least, and maybe the scariest thing about this guy, is his friendship with Alvin and Heidi Toffler, Marxists who wrote a book titled "Creating a New Civilization: The Politics of the Third Wave", a book detailing how the Constitution should be "reconsidered and altered" and that the current system of government should "die and be replaced".

Here's a few pieces from that book:

The time has come for the next great step forward in American politics. It is not a matter of Democrats versus Republicans, or of left and right...but something more significant...a clear distinction between rear-guard politicians who wish to preserve or restore an unworkable past and those who are ready to transition to what we call a “Third Wave” information-age society…

A new civilization is emerging in our lives, and blind men everywhere are trying to suppress it. This new civilization brings with it new family styles, changed ways...a new economy, new political conflicts, and...altered consciousness... Humanity faces a quantum leap forward. This is the meaning of the Third Wave…

Our argument is based on what we call the “revolutionary premise”... The revolutionary premise liberates our intellect and will.

Nationalism is...First Wave. The globalization of business and finance required by advancing Third Wave economies routinely punctures the national “sovereignty” the nationalists hold so dear...

As economies are transformed by the Third Wave, they are compelled to surrender part of their sovereignty... Poets and intellectuals of Third Wave states sing the virtues of a “borderless” world and “planetary consciousness.”

The Third Wave...demassifies culture, values, and morality... There are more diverse religious belief systems.

The Constitution of the United States needs to be reconsidered and create a whole new structure of government... Building a Third Wave civilization on the wreckage of Second Wave institutions involves the design of new, more appropriate political structures... The system that served us so well must, in its turn, die and be replaced.

Newt endorsed and wrote the forward for this book, and calls these 2 people friends.

How does this guy not scare the living fucking shit out of you???
Here is a sample of a list of his biggest negatives...this guy is fucking WHACKED:

- Voted for NAFTA, which handed a portion of our commercial sovereignty over to non-US interests.

- Supported GATT
- Supported WTO
- Continually supported increasing federal spending
- Voted for the creation of the Dept. of Education
- from 1994-95 he voted for &45 billion in foreign aid
- voted to raise the debt ceiling 4 times
- Pushed Clinton to expand military presence in Bosnia
- Supported spending $30B for the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994 that shackled gun owners with new restrictions, federalized a number of crimes, and handed the feds police powers that the Constitution reserves to the states.
- Voted to give billions of dollars to the UN for various missions
- $40 billion in S&L bailouts
- Cheated on his ex wife while she was sick and served her divorce papers while she was in the hospital. This has little to do with anything other than the guy's character, which ought to make any conservative "family first" advocate SICK.
- Co-sponsored the 1987 Fairness Doctrine
- Voted for an amendment to create a national police corps.
- Helped Clinton give Mexico $52 billion in a bailout to save the Peso.
- Supported federal tax dollars being spent on abortions
- Helped a Clinton style democrat switch parties just to run against a republican congressman he didn't like
- Introduced a House Resolution that would impose a life sentence or execution for a mere 2 ounces of marijuana being brought across the border.
- Not a friend to gun rights at all - He supported a federal biometrics database that would require thumb printing to purchase guns.
- Said he would have voted for TARP because "something needed to be done".

And last but not least, and maybe the scariest thing about this guy, is his friendship with Alvin and Heidi Toffler, Marxists who wrote a book titled "Creating a New Civilization: The Politics of the Third Wave", a book detailing how the Constitution should be "reconsidered and altered" and that the current system of government should "die and be replaced".

Here's a few pieces from that book:

The time has come for the next great step forward in American politics. It is not a matter of Democrats versus Republicans, or of left and right...but something more significant...a clear distinction between rear-guard politicians who wish to preserve or restore an unworkable past and those who are ready to transition to what we call a “Third Wave” information-age society…

A new civilization is emerging in our lives, and blind men everywhere are trying to suppress it. This new civilization brings with it new family styles, changed ways...a new economy, new political conflicts, and...altered consciousness... Humanity faces a quantum leap forward. This is the meaning of the Third Wave…

Our argument is based on what we call the “revolutionary premise”... The revolutionary premise liberates our intellect and will.

Nationalism is...First Wave. The globalization of business and finance required by advancing Third Wave economies routinely punctures the national “sovereignty” the nationalists hold so dear...

As economies are transformed by the Third Wave, they are compelled to surrender part of their sovereignty... Poets and intellectuals of Third Wave states sing the virtues of a “borderless” world and “planetary consciousness.”

The Third Wave...demassifies culture, values, and morality... There are more diverse religious belief systems.

The Constitution of the United States needs to be reconsidered and create a whole new structure of government... Building a Third Wave civilization on the wreckage of Second Wave institutions involves the design of new, more appropriate political structures... The system that served us so well must, in its turn, die and be replaced.

Newt endorsed and wrote the forward for this book, and calls these 2 people friends.

How does this guy not scare the living fucking shit out of you???
Newt will not be the nominee. Once the masses are aware of the things you posted. It will be over for him. It's just a matter of time.
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How can a conservative possibly support Newt? I don't get it

Or Romney, for that matter.

Of course that's the conservative lament for decades - they haven't had a candidate since Goldwater.
If we're holding Obama accountable for his affiliations with questionable people, we're going to do it with everyone else too.

Newt's "friends" are people who'd like to see borders erased around the world and the constitution replaced.

No real conservative who was loyal to the United States would endorse this kind of shit, let alone write a forward for it.
Newt endorsed and wrote the forward for this book, and calls these 2 people friends.

How does this guy not scare the living fucking shit out of you???
Newt will not be the nominee. Once the masses are aware of the things you posted. It will be over for him. It's just a matter of time.[/QUOTE]


The same sort of shit circulated around Obama-Alinsky-Ayers

The same sort of shit circulated around Obama-Alinsky-Ayers

Yeah and Obama's affiliations scared the shit out of the right. So why don't Newt's?

Not saying it doesn't.
Just that to think it would stop a candidate from being elected is naive.

Sadly, our elections have always came down to "the worse of two evils"
The same sort of shit circulated around Obama-Alinsky-Ayers

Yeah and Obama's affiliations scared the shit out of the right. So why don't Newt's?

Not saying it doesn't.
Just that to think it would stop a candidate from being elected is naive.

Sadly, our elections have always came down to "the worse of two evils"

I don't expect a lot of liberals to understand why Obama's past affiliations were detrimental, but I do expect a little better than that from conservatives, which is why I would certainly expect something like this to kill Newt's chances of getting the nomination.

I mean, besides having a voting record that looks like today's Democrat, he's got some really questionable supporting views that transcend US loyalty.
Don't worry, he's got private sector experience.

Newt Gingrich may not have meant it as a laugh line when he declared he was simply in "the private sector," but the audience did. Why? Maybe because so much of his private sector work involved indirectly pocketing taxpayer dollars.

Gingrich was paid to help drug companies win new subsidies through Medicare. Gingrich was paid to protect and expand ethanol subsidies. Gingrich was paid to help protect Freddie Mac, which, thanks in part to that protection, blew up and pocketed millions in taxpayer bailouts.

In all of these cases, Gingrich was profiting, at taxpayer expense, by increasing the size of government. You could call that the "private sector," or "free enterprise," as Gingrich does. Or you could use those phrases more precisely.
[ame=]Newt Gingrich's Half-Sister Candace Gingrich Refuses To Support Him, Will Support Obama in '12 - YouTube[/ame]
Here is a sample of a list of his biggest negatives...this guy is fucking WHACKED:

- Voted for NAFTA, which handed a portion of our commercial sovereignty over to non-US interests.

- Supported GATT
- Supported WTO
- Continually supported increasing federal spending
- Voted for the creation of the Dept. of Education
- from 1994-95 he voted for &45 billion in foreign aid
- voted to raise the debt ceiling 4 times
- Pushed Clinton to expand military presence in Bosnia
- Supported spending $30B for the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994 that shackled gun owners with new restrictions, federalized a number of crimes, and handed the feds police powers that the Constitution reserves to the states.
- Voted to give billions of dollars to the UN for various missions
- $40 billion in S&L bailouts
- Cheated on his ex wife while she was sick and served her divorce papers while she was in the hospital. This has little to do with anything other than the guy's character, which ought to make any conservative "family first" advocate SICK.
- Co-sponsored the 1987 Fairness Doctrine
- Voted for an amendment to create a national police corps.
- Helped Clinton give Mexico $52 billion in a bailout to save the Peso.
- Supported federal tax dollars being spent on abortions
- Helped a Clinton style democrat switch parties just to run against a republican congressman he didn't like
- Introduced a House Resolution that would impose a life sentence or execution for a mere 2 ounces of marijuana being brought across the border.
- Not a friend to gun rights at all - He supported a federal biometrics database that would require thumb printing to purchase guns.
- Said he would have voted for TARP because "something needed to be done".

And last but not least, and maybe the scariest thing about this guy, is his friendship with Alvin and Heidi Toffler, Marxists who wrote a book titled "Creating a New Civilization: The Politics of the Third Wave", a book detailing how the Constitution should be "reconsidered and altered" and that the current system of government should "die and be replaced".

Here's a few pieces from that book:

The time has come for the next great step forward in American politics. It is not a matter of Democrats versus Republicans, or of left and right...but something more significant...a clear distinction between rear-guard politicians who wish to preserve or restore an unworkable past and those who are ready to transition to what we call a “Third Wave” information-age society…

A new civilization is emerging in our lives, and blind men everywhere are trying to suppress it. This new civilization brings with it new family styles, changed ways...a new economy, new political conflicts, and...altered consciousness... Humanity faces a quantum leap forward. This is the meaning of the Third Wave…

Our argument is based on what we call the “revolutionary premise”... The revolutionary premise liberates our intellect and will.

Nationalism is...First Wave. The globalization of business and finance required by advancing Third Wave economies routinely punctures the national “sovereignty” the nationalists hold so dear...

As economies are transformed by the Third Wave, they are compelled to surrender part of their sovereignty... Poets and intellectuals of Third Wave states sing the virtues of a “borderless” world and “planetary consciousness.”

The Third Wave...demassifies culture, values, and morality... There are more diverse religious belief systems.

The Constitution of the United States needs to be reconsidered and create a whole new structure of government... Building a Third Wave civilization on the wreckage of Second Wave institutions involves the design of new, more appropriate political structures... The system that served us so well must, in its turn, die and be replaced.

Newt endorsed and wrote the forward for this book, and calls these 2 people friends.

How does this guy not scare the living fucking shit out of you???

He also balanced the Federal Budget.
Responding to the OP on the Written forward. It certainly is possible to recommend a book for intellectual reasons, while not agreeing with all laid out in the book. I'd have to actually read both to be certain of what is up here. I asked on the other thread to post the forward, assuming that your outrage means you could scan and post.
Not to mention Newt supported putting mirrors in space to get this, make it 3x as bright at nighttime...
Tea partiers should remember that Newt supported so-called liberal Republican Dede Scozzafava over tea party candidate Doug Hoffmann in that 2009 NY23 race.
He also balanced the Federal Budget.

The DotCom bubble was more responsible for that than anyone in washington. Newt just happened to be around when it happened. What you're suggesting is the same as suggesting that Bush was solely responsible for the recession, when in fact it was a host of problems from all across the board that happened while Bush happened to be in office.
Here is a sample of a list of his biggest negatives...this guy is fucking WHACKED:

- Voted for NAFTA, which handed a portion of our commercial sovereignty over to non-US interests.

- Supported GATT
- Supported WTO
- Continually supported increasing federal spending
- Voted for the creation of the Dept. of Education
- from 1994-95 he voted for &45 billion in foreign aid
- voted to raise the debt ceiling 4 times
- Pushed Clinton to expand military presence in Bosnia
- Supported spending $30B for the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994 that shackled gun owners with new restrictions, federalized a number of crimes, and handed the feds police powers that the Constitution reserves to the states.
- Voted to give billions of dollars to the UN for various missions
- $40 billion in S&L bailouts
- Cheated on his ex wife while she was sick and served her divorce papers while she was in the hospital. This has little to do with anything other than the guy's character, which ought to make any conservative "family first" advocate SICK.
- Co-sponsored the 1987 Fairness Doctrine
- Voted for an amendment to create a national police corps.
- Helped Clinton give Mexico $52 billion in a bailout to save the Peso.
- Supported federal tax dollars being spent on abortions
- Helped a Clinton style democrat switch parties just to run against a republican congressman he didn't like
- Introduced a House Resolution that would impose a life sentence or execution for a mere 2 ounces of marijuana being brought across the border.
- Not a friend to gun rights at all - He supported a federal biometrics database that would require thumb printing to purchase guns.
- Said he would have voted for TARP because "something needed to be done".

And last but not least, and maybe the scariest thing about this guy, is his friendship with Alvin and Heidi Toffler, Marxists who wrote a book titled "Creating a New Civilization: The Politics of the Third Wave", a book detailing how the Constitution should be "reconsidered and altered" and that the current system of government should "die and be replaced".

Here's a few pieces from that book:

The time has come for the next great step forward in American politics. It is not a matter of Democrats versus Republicans, or of left and right...but something more significant...a clear distinction between rear-guard politicians who wish to preserve or restore an unworkable past and those who are ready to transition to what we call a “Third Wave” information-age society…

A new civilization is emerging in our lives, and blind men everywhere are trying to suppress it. This new civilization brings with it new family styles, changed ways...a new economy, new political conflicts, and...altered consciousness... Humanity faces a quantum leap forward. This is the meaning of the Third Wave…

Our argument is based on what we call the “revolutionary premise”... The revolutionary premise liberates our intellect and will.

Nationalism is...First Wave. The globalization of business and finance required by advancing Third Wave economies routinely punctures the national “sovereignty” the nationalists hold so dear...

As economies are transformed by the Third Wave, they are compelled to surrender part of their sovereignty... Poets and intellectuals of Third Wave states sing the virtues of a “borderless” world and “planetary consciousness.”

The Third Wave...demassifies culture, values, and morality... There are more diverse religious belief systems.

The Constitution of the United States needs to be reconsidered and create a whole new structure of government... Building a Third Wave civilization on the wreckage of Second Wave institutions involves the design of new, more appropriate political structures... The system that served us so well must, in its turn, die and be replaced.

Newt endorsed and wrote the forward for this book, and calls these 2 people friends.

How does this guy not scare the living fucking shit out of you???

we got months and months of libtards going apeshit over newt,, second verse same as the first.. newt newt newt..

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