How can an atheist have morals?

Sorry, I missed that day in physics when they taught chaos of nothingness naturally evolves into order of something.

I missed the day when they discussed a magical fairy creating the world out of dust
Your constant hate is understandable. Believing your life is meaningless and a tiny blip in time would drag down anyone. Probably why mass muderers are atheists.
Fact is, atheists often say humans are no different than apes, and that "survival" is the only purpose in life if any, so atheists still can explain why homicide and rape are "wrong" if they aid evolution, if other apes like chimps do it then why shouldn't a human if they want to?

This is so . . . stupid. Lol. I can't even believe what I'm reading.
So did you ever think of something that would change your mind about God?
You got proof god exists? That would change my mind. i need to talk to him.
Sorry, I missed that day in physics when they taught chaos of nothingness naturally evolves into order of something.

I missed the day when they discussed a magical fairy creating the world out of dust
Your constant hate is understandable. Believing your life is meaningless and a tiny blip in time would drag down anyone. Probably why mass muderers are atheists.
Fact is, atheists often say humans are no different than apes, and that "survival" is the only purpose in life if any, so atheists still can explain why homicide and rape are "wrong" if they aid evolution, if other apes like chimps do it then why shouldn't a human if they want to?

This is so . . . stupid. Lol. I can't even believe what I'm reading.
So did you ever think of something that would change your mind about God?

I missed the day when they discussed a magical fairy creating the world out of dust
Your constant hate is understandable. Believing your life is meaningless and a tiny blip in time would drag down anyone. Probably why mass muderers are atheists.
Fact is, atheists often say humans are no different than apes, and that "survival" is the only purpose in life if any, so atheists still can explain why homicide and rape are "wrong" if they aid evolution, if other apes like chimps do it then why shouldn't a human if they want to?

This is so . . . stupid. Lol. I can't even believe what I'm reading.
So did you ever think of something that would change your mind about God?

So there is nothing that could change your mind about the existence of God. So I was right, you're an unscientific closed minded cultist who refuses to look at evidence.
Your constant hate is understandable. Believing your life is meaningless and a tiny blip in time would drag down anyone. Probably why mass muderers are atheists.
Fact is, atheists often say humans are no different than apes, and that "survival" is the only purpose in life if any, so atheists still can explain why homicide and rape are "wrong" if they aid evolution, if other apes like chimps do it then why shouldn't a human if they want to?

This is so . . . stupid. Lol. I can't even believe what I'm reading.
So did you ever think of something that would change your mind about God?

So there is nothing that could change your mind about the existence of God. So I was right, you're an unscientific closed minded cultist who refuses to look at evidence.
What evidence?
Fact is, atheists often say humans are no different than apes, and that "survival" is the only purpose in life if any, so atheists still can explain why homicide and rape are "wrong" if they aid evolution, if other apes like chimps do it then why shouldn't a human if they want to?

This is so . . . stupid. Lol. I can't even believe what I'm reading.
So did you ever think of something that would change your mind about God?

So there is nothing that could change your mind about the existence of God. So I was right, you're an unscientific closed minded cultist who refuses to look at evidence.
What evidence?
It's irrelevant as to what evidence. When someone states there is no evidence that could ever change their mind about any belief, that person is closed minded and unscientific.
This is so . . . stupid. Lol. I can't even believe what I'm reading.
So did you ever think of something that would change your mind about God?

So there is nothing that could change your mind about the existence of God. So I was right, you're an unscientific closed minded cultist who refuses to look at evidence.
What evidence?
It's irrelevant as to what evidence. When someone states there is no evidence that could ever change their mind about any belief, that person is closed minded and unscientific.
translation....I dont have a stitch of evidence but I thought i would bluff. :laugh:
So did you ever think of something that would change your mind about God?

So there is nothing that could change your mind about the existence of God. So I was right, you're an unscientific closed minded cultist who refuses to look at evidence.
What evidence?
It's irrelevant as to what evidence. When someone states there is no evidence that could ever change their mind about any belief, that person is closed minded and unscientific.
translation....I dont have a stitch of evidence but I thought i would bluff. :laugh:
I have all the evidence. But when someone states they refuse to see it there is no point.
Athiesm requires ignorance.
So there is nothing that could change your mind about the existence of God. So I was right, you're an unscientific closed minded cultist who refuses to look at evidence.
What evidence?
It's irrelevant as to what evidence. When someone states there is no evidence that could ever change their mind about any belief, that person is closed minded and unscientific.
translation....I dont have a stitch of evidence but I thought i would bluff. :laugh:
I have all the evidence. But when someone states they refuse to see it there is no point.
Athiesm requires ignorance.
I never said i refuse to see it. in fact i asked if you could hook me up so i could talk to god.
So there is nothing that could change your mind about the existence of God. So I was right, you're an unscientific closed minded cultist who refuses to look at evidence.
What evidence?
It's irrelevant as to what evidence. When someone states there is no evidence that could ever change their mind about any belief, that person is closed minded and unscientific.
translation....I dont have a stitch of evidence but I thought i would bluff. :laugh:
I have all the evidence. But when someone states they refuse to see it there is no point.
Athiesm requires ignorance.
I never said i refuse to see it. in fact i asked if you could hook me up so i could talk to god.
If you're ever serious, ask God. But you're just a troll.
What evidence?
It's irrelevant as to what evidence. When someone states there is no evidence that could ever change their mind about any belief, that person is closed minded and unscientific.
translation....I dont have a stitch of evidence but I thought i would bluff. :laugh:
I have all the evidence. But when someone states they refuse to see it there is no point.
Athiesm requires ignorance.
I never said i refuse to see it. in fact i asked if you could hook me up so i could talk to god.
If you're ever serious, ask God. But you're just a troll.
Youre not making sense. How can I ask god if he doesnt exist? You said you had some evidence and i am asking to see it.
Most atheists I have talked to in this day and age more or less have a strictly materialist view of the world, and typically say that man is no different than an animal.

This makes me wonder how atheists can logically justify having morals; for example if rape, torture, or murder aided one's own survival or the survival of one's group why should they be off the table?
All atheists have morals. But they are based upon their feeling at the moment and easy to justify hurting others when it's you and only you making the guidelines.
This fails as a straw man fallacy, a ridiculous lie devoid of facts or merit; this is personal, subjective, ignorant, ridiculous, and wrong.
Most atheists I have talked to in this day and age more or less have a strictly materialist view of the world, and typically say that man is no different than an animal.

This makes me wonder how atheists can logically justify having morals; for example if rape, torture, or murder aided one's own survival or the survival of one's group why should they be off the table?
All atheists have morals. But they are based upon their feeling at the moment and easy to justify hurting others when it's you and only you making the guidelines.

Another post that needs a "ridiculous" rating. Lol. This sounds more like the "code" of religious people, honestly. :D
Is it just a coincidence that every modern day mass murderer is either an athiest or Muslim?

No, it’s an ignorant, ridiculous lie.

Repeating the same fallacies and lies over again don’t make them ‘true.’
I can come up with more than a few examples of Christian women murdering their children, so . . . say again?

Besides that, Muslims ARE religious people. Lol.
OK, you name the Christian women who have murdered and I'll cap it off with the 145 million murdered by their own athiest Commy leadership in the past century.

And yes, Satanism, Islam and Athiesm are all religions.

Atheism is lack of religion. Lol. We don't believe in superstitious nonsense or books that were written centuries ago by ignorant people. :D
Your holy trinity is me, myself and I.
You believe nothing suddenly exploded because of nothing and chaos evolved into order.
I envy your faith.

Sorry but that makes a heck of a lot more sense than a magic man in the sky for which there is absolutely no evidence except for a book that was written by . . . . MEN! :D Lol.
Sorry, I missed that day in physics when they taught chaos of nothingness naturally evolves into order of something.
Yes - your ignorance and vast and comprehensive.
Derrr. Oh sure, that must be what it is. :lol: Please, you are just another crazy here in crazy land. Lol.
Didn't you know criticizing religion on a message board is proof of the existence of deities? Get with the program already!:confused:

Some of these people are totally and completely brainwashed or just plain nuts. There is no other rational explanation, IMO. :uhoh3:

Who? You? Agree. :lol:
Yes, I agree atheists have a closed mind and are terrified of the truth.
This is truly amusing coming from a closed-minded, ignorant, hateful rightwing bigot.
Stop whining. Christianity ranks up there with the worst if not thee worst of religions.
Thanks for validating my point.
Now go move to Tehran and post from there.
You dont have a point and lets see you make me move to Tehran.
Hilarious watching the haters of Christianity hide under our system of governing and refuse to leave.
More hilarious watching you make demands you are powerless to enforce. :laugh:
Obviously you prefer living within a Christian society.
Some Christians are OK
Others are a bunch of sanctimonious assholes
I missed the day when they discussed a magical fairy creating the world out of dust
Your constant hate is understandable. Believing your life is meaningless and a tiny blip in time would drag down anyone. Probably why mass muderers are atheists.
Fact is, atheists often say humans are no different than apes, and that "survival" is the only purpose in life if any, so atheists still can explain why homicide and rape are "wrong" if they aid evolution, if other apes like chimps do it then why shouldn't a human if they want to?

This is so . . . stupid. Lol. I can't even believe what I'm reading.
So did you ever think of something that would change your mind about God?
You got proof god exists? That would change my mind. i need to talk to him.

You just need to use your

Even if most atheists aren't completely evil, I think most if not all evil people are atheists. If humans believe there is no higher authority than the self (like Satan did) then logically anything, even the most heinous crimes can be rationalized. I believe serial killers are atheism taken to it's most logical extreme, living as nothing more than animals.

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