How can Democrat naysayers just ignore this and write it off as a "cult"?

You only perceive the Trump movement as a "cult" because you're afraid and you don't understand.

What's hard to understand about making America great again? Why would any American have a problem with that?

No one has a problem with America being great. It is, and has been great for a long time. However, the phrase "make America great again" is the motto of a loser cult, and is now used more to identify cult members than to express anything about America's greatness. The phrase has been bastardized to change it's meaning the same way the KKK bastardized "America first" as a motto to represent decidedly unAmerican ideals. The same way that the moral majority no longer indicates morality or a majority. Right wingers have a long history of hijacking benign sounding phrases to represent their radical, extreme, hateful goals.
You know damned well that the majority of Democrats were opposed to the Civil Rights Act. Don't try to play coy with me.
The majority of Democrats? :heehee:

By party[edit]​

The original House version:[1]

  • Democratic Party: 152–96 (61–39%)
  • Republican Party: 138–34 (80–20%)
Cloture in the Senate:[35]

  • Democratic Party: 44–23 (66–34%)
  • Republican Party: 27–6 (82–18%)
The Senate version:[2]

  • Democratic Party: 46–21 (69–31%)
  • Republican Party: 27–6 (82–18%)
The Senate version, voted on by the House:[3]

  • Democratic Party: 153–91 (63–37%)
  • Republican Party: 136–35 (80–20%)
152 > 138
44 > 27
46 > 27
153 > 136

Either you lied or you've been lied to....and swallowed it.
Nothing wrong with MAGA. It is good for the planet.

what is wrong: $6gas, 8million un-vetted visitors, special laws forced on us for 0.001% of population who decide they want to cut off body parts or hack up 12 yr olds, criminals out on no-bail killing citizens while dissidents do 5 yrs. Being forced to contribute to BS Climate Malarkey in India or big 3 EV push. Want more? There is a lot more.
You know damned well that the majority of Democrats were opposed to the Civil Rights Act. Don't try to play coy with me.

all southern democrats (which in 1964 meant "all white southerners" ) opposed the civil rights act. most of them who are still alive are self identified republicans BECAUSE of the civil rights act

this is ancient history, unlike the insurrection which you guys want us to forget because it is too long ago.
all southern democrats (which in 1964 meant "all white southerners" ) opposed the civil rights act. most of them who are still alive are self identified republicans BECAUSE of the civil rights act

this is ancient history, unlike the insurrection which you guys want us to forget because it is too long ago.
All Southern Republicans voted no.
All Southern Republicans voted no.
i was 11 years old. in my state only whites could vote and all were democrats. or at least it seemed that way *(my grandmother worked the polls, a family tradition that i will continue as long as i am able.)
i was 11 years old. in my state only whites could vote and all were democrats. or at least it seemed that way *(my grandmother worked the polls, a family tradition that i will continue as long as i am able.)
North Carolina had two Republican house members, both voted no. There was only one Republican senator in the South, Texas, John Tower, voted no.
all southern democrats (which in 1964 meant "all white southerners" ) opposed the civil rights act. most of them who are still alive are self identified republicans BECAUSE of the civil rights act

this is ancient history, unlike the insurrection which you guys want us to forget because it is too long ago.

Untrue, those southern Democrats did not magically change parties and become Republicans. Just three weeks ago I talked on the phone with my 91 year old uncle who lives in Arkansas. He has always been a one of those Southern Democrats and still is to this day. He actually served in the Arkansas National Guard and was called up to protect those black students at that school in Little Rock. He still refers to black people as "niggras", I shit you not.

My entire family came from the South and every one of them were Southern Democrats" My mother, father, grandmothers and grandfathers, uncles, aunts, and cousins...all Democrats. Myself and one of my brothers were the first ones in the entire family to become Republicans.

The more you know...
Untrue, those southern Democrats did not magically change parties and become Republicans. Just three weeks ago I talked on the phone with my 91 year old uncle who lives in Arkansas. He has always been a one of those Southern Democrats and still is to this day. He actually served in the Arkansas National Guard and was called up to protect those black students at that school in Little Rock. He still refers to black people as "niggras", I shit you not.

My entire family came from the South and every one of them were Southern Democrats" My mother, father, grandmothers and grandfathers, uncles, aunts, and cousins...all Democrats. Myself and one of my brothers were the first ones in the entire family to become Republicans.

The more you know...
try this, galt, before civil rights only one senator from the old confederacy was a repub (tower of tx. voted nay on civil rights. that makes 100% southern repubs against.)

today, are there any democratic senators on the old confederacy? the 2 that trump gave us in georgia and i think kane in va. what changed?

i di have a democratic governor, but only because vitter is as personally repulsive as trump himself.
Donald Trump and MAGA are the most influential and most popular political movement and counter-culture of the 21st century.

Anyone who can't see this is blind as a Wuhan bat.

Trump Mobbed by Supporters Chanting 'USA!' After Arriving at Iowa State Football Game​

"Former President Donald Trump brought the house down Saturday when he appeared in Ames, Iowa, for a football game between the University of Iowa and Iowa State University.

Before the game, Trump appeared at Iowa State’s Alpha Gamma Rho fraternity house, where students chanted, “Trump! Trump! Trump!”

The former president joined in flipping hamburgers and threw signed footballs to the crowd, according to the Des Moines Register."

Video: Trump Mobbed by Supporters Chanting 'USA!' After Arriving at Iowa State Football Game

Cool. He is still a one term loser reduced to selling T shirts on the internet. Send him your money!!!
Untrue, those southern Democrats did not magically change parties and become Republicans. Just three weeks ago I talked on the phone with my 91 year old uncle who lives in Arkansas. He has always been a one of those Southern Democrats and still is to this day. He actually served in the Arkansas National Guard and was called up to protect those black students at that school in Little Rock. He still refers to black people as "niggras", I shit you not.

My entire family came from the South and every one of them were Southern Democrats" My mother, father, grandmothers and grandfathers, uncles, aunts, and cousins...all Democrats. Myself and one of my brothers were the first ones in the entire family to become Republicans.

The more you know...
The fact that the South turned solidly red shortly after the civil rights movement is undeniable proof positive that most of them DID turn republican, even if your particular family didn’t.

Did I say that it did?

But the OP said Trump was the most popular political movement of the 21st century.

Yet he lost the popular vote. Twice.

Not so popular.

As-if rigged Voting is a meaningful measure? you ignorant sack of human waste.
No one across the political spectrum is ignoring it.

And people across the political spectrum call it a cult.

We're simply observing its associated behaviors and seeing their similarities with cults throughout history.
Interesting how you call 80 million who would vote for Biden voters while you call 80 million who would vote for Trump, cultists. Give it some thought.
The fact that the South turned solidly red shortly after the civil rights movement is undeniable proof positive that most of them DID turn republican, even if your particular family didn’t.
Whats funny is that the Republican Party could easily become the be the new workers party, but it would have to kick its funders and racists to the curb.

same for Democrats. Neither us a workers party. It would have to get rid of support for unfettered immigration, the PC causes, and support actual workers rights.

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